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Ditto, in favor of A. Some leaders are so above-and-beyond than there is really no replacement in subsequent generations (or ever :D)2 points
Hi @Servo ! @Map sizes: The biggest maps in 0 A.D. (original content only) are 512x512 terrain tiles ("Giant" for random maps). There are several maps available of that size (Likely not a complete list!): - Scenarios: Necropolis, Peleponnesian War - Skirmishes: Two Seas - Random maps: All (change the map size option on the bottom right to "Giant") Bigger maps are possible (2084x2048 tile maps has been reported to be played on) but I wouldn't recommend it. I also like regenerating resources/living maps Have a pleasent stay2 points
0 A.D. is using its own engine (called Pyrogenesis), so I doubt you could do anything relevant with any other engine. You shouldn't have to though, just download the release version and use that. I don't think there has been any sound-related changes for a while, so it doesn't affect things in that way. It can be a tiny bit harder (or at least take one more step) to get the release version useful for adding new things, but that's not something which will have any effect long-term. For the release version files are stored in a zip file, and while you could add sounds to it I think it's a lot easier if you extract that first. I don't know exactly where the installation is to be found on a Mac, but http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths should help you if you don't either. The zip file is in binaries\data\mods\public (though paths use forward slashes on a Mac I think?), just extract it in the same place. Sound files are then found in the audio folder, an .ogg file for the sound itself, and an XML file which tells the game where to find it and some parameters related to it. (In the release version there are also .xmb files, but they are just cached versions that the game creates automatically, so you can ignore those.) To add a new sound it's probably easiest to take a look at one of the existing files and base it on that. Depending on what kind of sound it is other files might have to be created/edited as well, but that's beyond the scope of my knowledge. For just simply testing them in the engine, or replacing an existing sound you're fine just editing an existing file though, so that should be a start. Someone else should hopefully be able to help you more.2 points
There are many forms to do this, one single decision a single Heroe for all match. 1-can work like AoE 3 / AoM character, not dead only injured. let a lot of time to training button get ready again. 100 years of gameplay. This way you get a new Alexander every 100 years or more.2 points
The player will only train hero with global aura, then hide them in the base the whole match. One way around this is through actual game design work --gasp-- and design new range-base auras for global heroes.2 points
2 points
The concept was mentioned before. A Neutral building is non-buildable structure and don't the architecture influence by any faction, isn't relative to any, is only a usable building if is captured by a player. in this new building you can train eyecandy units. slaves from all cultures. Men and women. This will be cheap than current villager. wild animal (tamed) to use as pet or to fight, like tigers, lions, elephant workers, war dogs. Examples1 point
Personally, Civic Centres seem to make the barracks a bit redundant. Granted, CC's cost a lot more, are highly defensible, exert significant territorial control, and so forth, but should they actually train military units? Frankly, the idea seems a strange (should a citizen be equipped with weapons at what could be considered an administrative building?). What are your thoughts?1 point
A hero is a unique unit, but the game doesn't reflect that. If it dies, it can be trained again and again without any repercussions. Since the hero is the most tanky unit, it is the first one to be trained when having built a fortress and usually just sent behind the enemy line. Instead, it should have a significant impact if the hero vanishes. It could either A ) be trained only once (i.e. if the first trained hero dies, only the other two hero choices can be trained) or B ) the cost and train time should increase with every death (for example double) This change has been widely discussed a lot in the lobby (ping @Grugnas, @Hannibal_Barca, @Vercingetorix_, @borg- , @fatherbushido, siole) and is with some exceptions agreed upon. @scythetwirler do you agree with the idea? How the change is implemented code-wise is another story (but in both cases, the Player component should keep track of the trained heroes). ("we all got sick of the 10th boudicca dying to mace champs. you kill her and 2 mins later she is there again")1 point
Hi, i just wanted to let you know that i really love the graphics and the artwork of the buildings. Please don't change it. But it could definitely be more detailed. Overall i am really amazed by this game. Please don't destroy it by upcoming updates like other games do Also the fact that you can capture enemy buildings and that only artillery (if i am not wrong) can destroy them is great.1 point
. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. I would also be in favor of A for realism, and because it could make things interesting.1 point
@Grugnas: that kind of balance stuff has high sensitivity to little changes (as in road to chaos). Also, you need to think also that catapult has a splash damage.1 point
A - I particularly like this option, I think it's more realistic, and it will make the player make better decisions. B - Maybe instead of increasing the time, why not make them all more expensive? This would limit the player to raise them all the time.1 point
A) I disagree on this. d Don't think it could be fair due heroes aura are too different for training them only oncr, for example elephant heroes are the most risky to attack with, however it could be a fun alternative to regicide B ) I agree on the cooldown increase because some heroes have powerful aura in battlefield (all 20% attack damage increase, persia and maurya "train-o-matic" heroes) and the fact that cavalry heroes have the advantage to poke and ruin expecially food eco while your army is elsewhere and, since towers can't really kill a hero and walls are not so popular, a longer cooldown can come in handy to prevent this kind of use. Heroes on elephant are used as sieges and they are the most like to die and an increase of resources would influence them too much since they expensive already.1 point
I get this bunch of bugs is kind of curious I only have a one siege machine but the ballista was able to clone its self upgrading towers the centry model still over the defensive tower, was most bug match I ever seen before.1 point
1 point
I like #1 if and only if all heroes receive a thorough overview and balance. #2 is more feasible and I've thought of it too. A timer would be nice, something like 2 minutes before you can begin to train the same hero. Maybe even increase the cost per death and/or increase the length of a timer too.1 point
Great function. I want to know: This is a very good function when we will experience it?1 point
@fatherbushido I'm not sure since I play only against the AI. I'm fine with the decision of slowing down the champion production speed. But I'm sensing that the stronger MP players have side-comments against Boudicca. I have leanings towards option #2 simply because I'm a former Dota (Warcraft III) player. BUT along with the nuances of a Warcraft hero.... which is not recommended for an Alpha-stage game.1 point
Thanks for the screenshoooots! Those incentivize players much more to download your content. Some quick remarks: No matter what's the deal with the map, there should be 20-40 initial trees and 1 stone + metal mine There are whales / sharks and fish? Giant maps are just too big Terrain shapes look interesting Avoid repetition and empty areas. The eye should always have something to look at, independent of the viewed area. The forests on Acadia are too dense, give the players some space to build a city. Perhaps some gaia settlements could fill the void and provide strategic incentives And yes, 0 A.D. lacks an online map repository! It is too hard to get custom maps played in the lobby.1 point
1 point
1 point
Map: Canyon (2nd try mountain climb) Players: (wang_wei, Hannibal Barca, siole, elexis) vs (fpre, Vercingetorix, Grugnas, FeldFeld (later bb)) Summary: 100 minutes gametime (actual game much less). This time it was a game with only two teams, so walling and trade was way more effective. Unfortunately one team took out the middle of another team, so it was gg at that point. That however didn't bother me as my mission was to build a nice base on that mountain. Enemies delivered messages in wall codes or mostly left the game due to boredom. While there were some tries to reach our city, only bb who rejoined as FeldFeld was succesful at defeating us. From what I recall, he didn't use buildings but a ram to enter the mountain with some champions, captured a house, built a barracks and eaisly took our civic center. So people on the mountain are not untouchable, nor hard to defeat at all if you know what you have to do. Also I repeated a mistake here, which is not garrisoning the towers after losing the civic center at the bottom. Hence my own towers on the mountain attacked my trade carts! The toughest challenge is to use the few space available on the mountain wisely. One corral was used with batches of 15 sheep or more, the rest went into houses. I should have really built a temple though to train champions. In particular I lacked the health regain upgrade. At the right side is siole again. Notice it is possible to get down from the mountain the same way you get up there. Just that there are less viable places. 2017-01-23-canyon_4v4_loza.zip1 point
1 point
First revamping the champions, and now this. Seems to me that Boudicca is the monkey wrench of the game mechanics.1 point
I agree that they are too hard to use outside of the range of ones own fortress to increase catapult and bolt shooter health from 100 to 200 or 250 (since rams have 400 and still vanish quickly) to reduce catapult cost from 350 wood 350 stone to 350 wood 200 stone (as rams cost 350 wood 200 metal) to give bolt shooters 75 pierce + 5 crush linear splash damage, as planned in #4328 but disagree with making them outrange towers making them so tanky that they are not easily destroyed by sword units anymore increasing their accuracy in particular, since all units should receive a higher accuracy Would need an ACK by @scythetwirler or @fatherbushido before changes can take effect.1 point
@Enrique Here is the second version of the Wildfire Games logo. Once we have this completed and you are happy with it, I will continue to write notes about the sound for the game. Wildfire Games Logo Version 2:1 point
I guess it's mainly (at least for starting units) related to multiplayer balance purpose. You solved that in DE (it's done like that in the @Prodigal Son mod too) by only training one kind of units (spearman) in the cc.1 point
1 point