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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2016-11-15 in all areas

  1. I prefer the second layout - will be easier to see on a small scale.
    3 points
  2. The "test" curson was renamed in r18933 and this included *.cpp (engine) file changes, so you indeed need a new build / autobuild.
    3 points
  3. Ok... hehehe. seleu_thureos_04 copy.psd selel_thureos_04 copy 2.psd
    2 points
  4. Shouldn't be this message on main page and social media?
    2 points
  5. Nothing special to mention but Rise of the East has been updated to Alpha 21 (along with some fixes thanks to our great testers! ) http://www.moddb.com/mods/rote/downloads/rise-of-the-east-21 How to install: 1. Unzip the download but leave the inner archive intact. 2. Place the unzipped folder into /binaries/data/mods. You'll see another folder there called 'public'. 3. Launch the game and enable the mod in Options>Mod Selection. Press 'Start Mods'. 4. Enjoy the mod
    1 point
  6. I would like to discuss the possibility of adding the Royal Agema Pikes as a second champ for the Ptolemies. It would do three things: 1, It would be historically accurate, as the Ptolemies did have an elite Greek citizen only phalanx (it was just small-ish) 2, It would balance the Ptolemaic roster, as right now with only one champ, they are severely under powered. 3, It would make the Seleucids not the best pike faction in the game, which is realistic, because while the Seleucid cav massively outperformed the Ptolemaics at Raphia (hence Seleucids being a good cav faction) the Seleucid phalanx was annihilated by the Ptolemaic phalanx. It would balance both factions (right now, the Ptolemaics are a crappier version of the Seleucids) by making one, cavalry stronger, and the other pike stronger, creating a nice balance, and offering players a real reason to choose Ptolemaics over Seleucids depending on favourite playstyle, cav or pikes.
    1 point
  7. The elephant was a big Seleucid symbol, there's one carved over a doorway on mt karasis
    1 point
  8. @LordGood The Seleucid walls leave gaps between walls and towers.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. An archive forum makes sense once we have older posts to archive There is a suggestions post: I don't think guides belong in this forum, they are useful for everyone not just testers, but perhaps there can be a link to them in the intro topic.
    1 point
  11. If I can, I would suggest some things. -An archive forum for older post of past alphas. -A general post like Suggestions for 0 A.D. for random suggestions with the aim to keep clean the forum -A economical guide for players. Balance should be designed by maxed economy efficiency (don't mean taking a boom perspective)
    1 point
  12. the actual icon dont fit very well with the rest. and look like a place holder.
    1 point
  13. I have same issue. May Be we need wait for the autobuild. I hate the Ipad Corrector
    1 point
  14. Here's a glimpse of the next concepts I'll be including in the second version of the mod.
    1 point
  15. Thanks for notifying! I've committed it right away! (though in case of RotE this commit won't appear in this release but in version 22)
    1 point
  16. BOOM Mayorcete here. I told him about this days ago and he says he was part of the 0 A.D. team when it was still a mod for AoE2. Maybe he is talking about that mod about romans? Perhaps somth after that? Anyway. Look at this Rise of History. His team really ended up creating a really nice game with a really nice AI. Also. He showed some egyptian units and stuff. Material I haven't seen anywhere else. I do believe he is very capable of doing all this stuff himself, so I see no need for him to "steal". I do of course see that some of the 2D art comes from 0 A.D. and stuff like that but... meh. I don't really care. Even tho... He said that a lot of things the community complained about where just placeholders. So it is suposed that he took those things at the beginning, yes, but he was going to replace them (and as far as I saw he replaced a bunch lot of material). Anyway, as I stated before I don't really care about who made this or who made that. What I really care about is enjoying and promoting these 2 projects and anything similar I can find. I can tell you I love 0 A.D. and I love Rise of History because I love Age of Empires and your fine work. All I can say is that I wish you could get along and even share the community " I " am building from making video content out of your games. Here is my advice, 0 A.D. team. Talk to each other and try to find out what he did and what he did not do in 0 A.D. or anything related to Wildfire Games. In case he is really taking somth from you to use it on his mod (and in case he is not using it as placeholder for now) just go and ask him for credits. That's it. As simple as that. Now with that said I'm off to record some nice stuff for YT. This very day I'll be streaming 0 A.D. testing that Pompey map.
    1 point
  17. Stan, can I ask for a variant of the middle one? Can you add an aventail to it? like the one on the right. Excellent work, by the way.
    1 point
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