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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2016-08-30 in all areas

  1. Dug this one out of the seleucid structures thread and polished it up
    6 points
  2. The decision for secondary attacks will be another gameplay changer. But if the patch gets through, I would reminisce the days watching those archers shoot their enemies at point-blank range. Speaking of development, I know that the next Alpha is planned to be released within these days. But I prefer that you just delay it as needed. I prefer delays over a half-baked alpha (if that term actually makes sense). Those Release Blockers are quite nasty. Still hoping that you make it, though.
    3 points
  3. Today I've compiled a comparison table to be able to compare all units of all factions in one glance (except for the heroes). Please don't hesitate to contact me if I've overlooked something. Just in case anybody else is interested, the newest version (the table itself is on page 2/2) can be downloaded from: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/54160351/0AD/0ADunitcomparison.pdf
    2 points
  4. I created a ticket for this suggestion, you can track updates there: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/4177
    2 points
  5. If you want, there are some python scripts doing that in the 0ad folder.
    2 points
  6. Hey there! As I'm doing sound design for the game I open this topic to have everything organized and updated in one place. It would be nice if you can post your requests (with examples, if possible) so I can have a "to do" list to work on. Cheers! //////// Requests so far : attack sound by Gaia.( wild animals) heroe under attack in regicide. ✓ units sound after trained. before music play after win or lose, example AOE (I) This previous to music theme. each factions needs a sound after new phase reach.( the hardest - even our last sound lead can't/don't finish this) can be nice some to start each game previously to loading screen each faction( like AOE II) reasearch sound after a technology complete. Other wonder starting Wonder finished Wonder under attack ( wonder victory) //////// Currently working on: units sound after trained. reasearch sound after a technology complete. attack sound by Gaia.( wild animals) //////// Awaiting for feedback: Start Battle UI sound (UI_Start_Battle). It could work like so: Game launches > Main theme > Start game: SFX UI_Start_Battle.ogg //////// Ready for implementation: heroe under attack in regicide. Regicide_alert.ogg
    1 point
  7. Perhaps we could replace this site with a red warning sign that 0ad will crash with the provided 32bit pyrogenesis.exe file after some time
    1 point
  8. Neat. What would the forground layers be?
    1 point
  9. Using the arrow keys ?
    1 point
  10. What do you mean ? You can't move the camera ? You can't zoom in or out ? You can't use hotkeys ?
    1 point
  11. The topmost I can see are: New Models for Seleucid structures New Game Modes But for the sake of suggesting, Ulva - an island in the Inner Hebrides of Scotland, off the west coast of Mull. It is separated from Mull by a narrow strait, and connected to the neighbouring island of Gometraby a bridge. Much of the island is formed from Cenozoic basalt rocks, which is formed into columns in places.
    1 point
  12. You're talking about two completely different departments that operate nearly independently of each other. Attention towards art will not affect attention elsewhere, since artists generally don't work in balancing or programming. Don't feel the need to put down conversations you don't find particularly useful to those you prefer.
    1 point
  13. I can't split the background into layers, the second and third scrolling layers don't tile, so any over layer will have to be characters and draft animals so they don't touch the edges.
    1 point
  14. wooee, one of my professors actually let me do this one for a grade.
    1 point
  15. Awesome work LordGood. Composition and colors are very appealing. I wonder if they can be separated in two or three layers to make them scroll like the main menu now to give some 3D-depth impression.
    1 point
  16. the main menu of Prince of persia the two thrones was awesome, it was a pan around babylon under siege, buildings on fire and projectiles flying overhead that's an idea too
    1 point
  17. Having a modeled city with animated people would be way too much work for just a menu, I think... :\ It'll probably just have to be nice render maybe with some people painted in (or in-game models rendered in it). To make use of the parallax, we could put some clouds on it, too.
    1 point
  18. I sound great and would awesome with a good animation(walking in the streets, going to see the temple, ... and of course a full wiew), i could be charging with the selected menu(like in aoeIII) : you launch the game, the city is displayed on full wiew, you click to the "learn to play" icon, the camera goes to the gate, you click on the "singe player" icon, it goes to the temple etc... (sad for the drawing i liked the idea of a carthaginian bacground ^^)
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. WOW, awesome! upload to Cloud dropbox, Gdrive, Skydrive etc.
    1 point
  21. That looks very nice! A shame that you lost your work, I guess that's a reason to make frequent backups from now on
    1 point
  22. ah well I just quit, walked in a circle, sat back down and started painting again xP Pedro pitched a 3D menu screen idea at me and it sounds like fun I remember modelling this town a while back, perhaps it could be put to use once I finish it? It's getting pretty weighty, kerkythea is already struggling to process it. ehehe, it actually has 65032 untriangulated faces at the moment, so you could probably double that to get a low estimate poly count
    1 point
  23. Well shucks, I made a background but I ruined it program automatically saved over my file and everything... It's supposed to look like the export, but I accidentally hit the grayscale mode and it broke everything this is the worst possible thing
    1 point
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