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  1. Not just when "idle". I think they should be task to the temple, like in Age of Mythologies. It would be more active and less passive. No more passive healing "aura" (for the Temple). Task the wounded units to the temple (right-click) and they go to it and pray. They heal whule they pray.
    3 points
  2. I've committed the icon for the Temple of Vesta
    2 points
  3. SVN is the (potentially unstable) developer version. If you want to, you can find instructions here: http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions
    2 points
  4. @Lion.Kanzen, thanks for tagging him. Apparently tagging doesn't work from the phone website. But yes, I meant @fcxSanya. @Prince-Moth, as he's tagged now, he will get a notification and likely take a look here.
    2 points
  5. A new texture I made today, I really like it so I wanted to share will commit it soon.
    2 points
  6. How did you come across 0 A.D.? Googling the web for free R.T.S. At that time it wouldn't even open on my computer. Also I wanted to contribute 3D art to the game. What motivates you to play 0 A.D. ? My motivation is to contribute to the game to offer as much fun to people who will play with my assets as I did making them and playing RTS games Is there anything you want from any part of the 0 A.D. community and feel you're not getting? If so, why? Maybe more vision, I mean there are some tickets on trac that have been waiting for design decisions for Years. Maybe a little bit more activity on the art side though I know most artists are busy. Is there any more information you'd like to add? Not really. What is your age, gender, and location? 22, male, France.
    2 points
  7. I initially translated it as "Гея", but later @vladislavbelov changed these strings to "Гайя" by some reason, and Woratiklis (not sure whether they have an account here) translated one more occurrence as "Гайя" too. I changed the translation back, but I will try to reach Vlad and Woratiklis on Transifex to find out why they decided to change a seemingly proper translation to what appears to be a transliteration. That's most likely because these strings are marked as 'reviewed' so they can't be changed by users without the corresponding permission. For now please notify me, Vlad and/or one of reviewers (see Russian Translation Team) if you find issues with reviewed strings. @sanderd17, @Lion.Kanzen thanks for notifying me
    1 point
  8. stanislas69, I hope in future versions this will not happen. At least so.
    1 point
  9. Some "Add ons" are already available to download on those forums see the modding subsection.
    1 point
  10. Yeah it's inspired from this But as always texture in atlas can be used in different ways. Could totally be an underwater texture.
    1 point
  11. How did you come across 0 A.D. I was building a listing of free/libre games and was lacking some good R.T.S. I don't remember well, even if I have heard about it long ago but couldn't remember the name. I think I've found it again from an article on the web (an no, not even as being the first package in the package manager) What motivates you to play 0 A.D.? Actually I don't really play it by now. I played it while I was discovering the game (alpha 15 or 16) then spend most time studying the mechanics. I sticked on it for multiple reasons. The game was very promising and pleasant to play, had a great atmosphere with graphics, sounds and musics (probably the best free 3D game I know in term of quality and the world best water rendering). I loved Age of Empires 2 and the fact it is historically correct, this game makes you learn things. And most of all, it's a free/libre game, you can share it, dig into it, play it on most systems, enhance it, well, be free and you know in three years the game will still run natively on next generations of OSes without DRMs. Is there anything you want from any part of the 0 A.D. community and feel you're not getting? If so, why? Like for every free/libre game I play, I haven't found a local community to play/discuss it (even for Wesnoth which is far more popular). But as far as I have seen this community is rather large and well structured, with a lot of diversity in all domains (free games often lack an art department). There is still something that have shocked me the first time but finally is maybe what have given the game it's durability is the strength of the official team (legacy of the original non-free game?). On other free projects there are contributions here and there and it can go anywhere. Here there is a team that says "No" in term of quality or general direction. It's disturbing at first, but there's still plenty of room for creativity and it probably have saved the game from a pile of crap state of TODO: enhance it (and it's motivating to do better things). Is there any more information you'd like to add? This is the only R.T.S I know in which you can breed an army of sheeps. What is your age, gender, and location? 3 decades, fluctuating, France
    1 point
  12. Bismillah. I will share about 0 A.D. In my fb page. I hope many people in Indonesia will like this great rts games ever will be
    1 point
  13. Buildings and Wagons (and building props)
    1 point
  14. Even if you are unsure of your English, you could help with playtesting and improving the already translated strings, and flag up any inconsistencies you find
    1 point
  15. You are welcome to sign up on Transifex and help. I am sure that the other translators will welcome you
    1 point
  16. Make the bridge, yes, allow units to cross it, no. Though I have plans for a draw bridge for boats.
    1 point
  17. I think what he meant was he wanted to see a "praying" animation to indicate them being healed while being idle.
    1 point
  18. 1. I was a general nerd surfing the net for articles on random ancient history and came across a website that had some articles. I read more and learned that it was not so much as history article website as a game in development. This was around the Pre-Alpha stage, and I did not see playability in the near future; not long later playability happened with Alpha 1 Argonaut. I started following development not long afterwards. 2. I like history and I like RTS games. 0 A.D. in my opinion does a fantastic job of making an engaging game without overly romanticising the past or botching up on facts. I also love being able to be in a community in which I have seen my opinions take an active role in shaping the game. 3. It's really great to me, and I don't have many complaints except that I would like more updates. They don't have to be that official, but just casual explanations of recent developments would be brilliant. 4. A witty and funny aphorism? Nah. 5. 21 year old fellow from the States.
    1 point
  19. I was just looking for FOSS games. As everybody else mentioned, it's FOSS. But in addition to that, the Wildfire Games team does not give up keeping this game relevant and updated despite the sluggish development speed. Slow and steady wins the race! I'd rather have something like this than what happened to Feudal Wars. Also (although it's natural with history-based games), this game made studying history very enjoyable. Finally, 0 A.D. is the only, and I mean ONLY, RTS game that keeps my hopes up about AAA-quality FOSS RTS, so I really hope that the team keeps it alive. Not even the Spring Games can have this kind of effect on me. Video Tutorials. There are video tutorials on how to playthe game, but they're now outdated even if they are still relevant. There are WRITTEN tutorials on how to make and install mods, contribute to the development, etc., but I'm one of those who learn better on video (stanlista's video tutorial on how to import meshes and their textures to Blender for example). I'm going to bring this up. I consider Empires Apart as your direct competitor. I appreciate both games bring an AoE-style game to the modern era, but I will only accept one as the true successor. Besides that, this is a contest on FOSS vs. Proprietary development models, and I want to say that Open-Sourcing 0 A.D. was the best decision ever made. 27 - Male - Philippines Edit: There was Lion's comment concerning OpenAge. It's also Open Source and that it's more of an attempt of remastering AoE than being a successor, so that's more of an in-house debate. I want to see this Proprietary vs. Open Source competition slugging it out.
    1 point
  20. Looks cool =D Indeed there is something wrong with the horns, and I think there is a seam in the rear leg, are you planning to have alpha transparency ? Btw since you are pretty good at it, can you consider recording your process / making a tutorial ?
    1 point
  21. Thanks stanislas69, here's the zip: gorilla_diffuse.zip Now I move to the musk ox texture rework (if nobod catch me before! ) => https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/20583-musk-ox-model-texture-enhancement/
    1 point
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