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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2015-12-20 in all areas

  1. Thank you very much for what you have done, and we are grateful for all the help we can get, so don't feel as if you have to do everything. Do what you can, when you can, and others will do what they can when they can, and together we will make a great game (And thank you very much for replying to PMs and not just disappear when you got busy, that's worth a lot on its own. There have been far too many who just left and couldn't be contacted, even just to determine that they were busy.)
    4 points
  2. I'll continue this work whenever i cant. Sadly i cant put all my time on it now, but i'll try to make some progress. I'm very sorry for the later update, soon i'll elabore why
    3 points
  3. I attached all the source files provided by Jos3BV, Here are also exported DAEs ready to be used. Thanks for the files ! 0AD_Animations-2015-12-20.zip
    3 points
  4. Well, i'm starting to make new animations for every type of unit in the game. It's a slow work so i'll be uploading every progress on the animation proposal. if something doesn't look good or can be improved please tell me, that's why i made this topic. FEMALE CITIZEN
    2 points
  5. Hello! I'm back with a quick tutorial on how to make lowpoly trees taking advantage of Blender's 3D add-on "sapling tree generator" in less than 10 minutes! Here's a video tutorial from BlenderGuru with more in-depth information about how sapling add-on works: http://www.blenderguru.com/tutorials/how-to-make-a-christmas-tree/#
    1 point
  6. gracias josé, tu trabajo es muy admirable. Gracias por ser parte de esto.
    1 point
  7. Nice article wacky a bit snarky in tone but well organized. Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  8. Yeah, maybe some of these powers should suit better as unit abilities. Perhaps some archer units could be able to cast a rain of arrows after researching a certain technology? I don't know. And regarding the "anywhere on the map" part, yes it would be very annoying. I suggest a moderate range for these abilities, so you can't leave your archers on your base and command them to shoot the enemy base at the other side of the map. Regarding the name, I think "Ability" or "Commandment" would probably suffice. I think the best options are either the AoM way (choose powers when aging up) or researching a technology in order to unlock the ability. IMO choosing 5 abilities/commandments for each phase (AOE3 style) would make the game really crowded with them. It would be necessary to make abilities really weak or else this game would become very chaotic with tons of abilites being used all the time by multiple players. That's kinda what I'm talking about. Really powerful ones like your AoM Ragnarok example should only be able to be used once per match, due to being really powerful. Weaker ones like calling resources (like AoE3) could be used multiple times per match, but with a cooldown of course.
    1 point
  9. French is available in the default installation. The game is also fully translated in Japanese, though because of the font system we use, using Japanese fonts is still experimental so the translation is included in a separate mod: http://releases.wildfiregames.com/locales/ You should know that the extra fonts needed for Japanese require extra memory, and the app may crash if that memory isn't found.
    1 point
  10. Some time ago I'm thinking to considerate this, like call to reinforcement and mix god's power with deck card from AOE 3. Work like god's power, with limit, 4 slots each for one per phase, but the power are political decisions or help from homeland.
    1 point
  11. Flora - Trees · European White Birch · Carob · Generic fir · Baobab · Austrian Black Pine · Nordmann Fir W.I.P. Enrique + Stan · Acacia W.I.P. Enrique · Holly Oak/Oaks W.I.P. Enrique · Aleppo Pine W.I.P. Enrique · Dead Conifer · Maple · Mountain Ash · Pear · Dead Deciduous · Dead Palm · Dead Date Palm · Queen Sago Palm · Pistachio · Pomegranate · Atlantic Cedar · Cedar of Lebanon · Italian Cypress · Maritime Pine · Oleander · Olive · Citron · Fig · Lombardy Poplar · European Larch · White Poplar · Tamarind · Curry (Punjab) · Coral
    1 point
  12. @Wraitii -The dead branches is the one I made, the leaves texture was already ingame. They're at the bottom of this post. New aleppo pines and new oaks! tree_dead_branches.png.e08a0b1435b1db6f.dds tree_euro_beech_a.dds.8180d2db7078b70b.dds
    1 point
  13. Praetorians -Ambush system -Divide/form battalion (Not likely to happen, IIRC) Stronghold Series -Regicide (Planned feature) -Stockpile system (You can't just hoard resources, you need a place to keep them, and you need to guard them. The enemy might try destroy it, or steal it and make use of it. This will make the storehouse a strategic structure and not just a dropsite.) -Terrain fertility -Unique given names for each unit (Like, Naughtius Maximus, Sillius Soddus or Biggus..) Another Monthy Python ref. Haha The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth II -Custom hero creation -Walls attached/part of some strategic buildings (CC, Fortress, ?Barracks?) -Gaia structures and treasure guardians (Ex. Mordor can capture and use troll/goblin caves while Free peoples cannot and their only option is to destroy it and collect the loot, in 0AD, certain barbarian settlements (Gaia structure) will only provide certain things to factions on the map that are not part of their culture, like trade and some basic units, while a faction with a similar culture could get better trade plus access to special units.) Total War Series -Stamina and Morale (Reduced fighting capabilities, Inability to control broken units, etc.) I liked wraitii's suggested system in trac. Wacraft III -Similar ability system (Planned feature, IIRC?) -Skirmish/Campaign hero system (Skirmish and Campaign heroes are seperated, 3 default and randomly named/non-canon hero types are provided for Skirmish, and named/canon heroes are only reserved for Campaign) -Diverse game customization resources available and easy to mod, plus awesome scripts (I think this one is already achieved, Thumbs up to the team!) To summarize some of the suggestions above, most of the popular RTS out there and some the games that we have all commonly played, have a common ground in terms of neutral capture points (Gaia structures) Games like Red Alert, Warcraft, BFME2, Rising Kingdoms, Company of Heroes, C&C Generals and many more have implemented them. In my opinion this simulates the urge to declare or use conflict due to the presence of strategic resources which one can use to elevate his standing in a certain situation, just like in real life, Two big countries fighting for a specific region with a resource that they both need or is strategic for them, which likely ends in a major conflict/confrontation. And just like in a game/match, if you know that a capture point/Gaia structure will help you win the game, you will do anything to successfully defend it, and you also know that failing to do so will put you to a major disadvantage. (You can also try to Raze and burn it to the ground and practice scorched earth policy.)
    1 point
  14. Thanks everyone, i'll keep searching for good poses and reading everything you're saying here, opinions are very important for the animation's development. and please be patience, this is not a hard work but it's a little bit slow. In the mean time, where i can upload one .Dae file to test it? i need to know if there's an issue with the c4d's exporter before i continue making more animations. http://www.mediafire.com/view/12ioop2vl1086qa/FemaleCitizen_Dress_Seeding.dae
    1 point
  15. sounds interesting. i'll have to look at yours and compare with mine Godstorm is supposed to be a spirtual successor to AOM, hence the good-neutral-evil setup even though almost all of the gods presented are most certainly not like that. i mean, all of the Greek gods--and i mean almost literally ALL OF THEM--are pricks anyway. the designation of good-neutral-evil is partly for campaigns and scenarios, giving a designated stereotypical good, neutral, and evil subfaction within each civilization. when you get right down to it, though, those definitions are left up to one's own opinion and someone who consistently plays as Hades, for instance, will definitely see him as the good guy in-context with Zeus, Poseidon, and whoever else being the bad guys (and as a note, in the original AOM campaign, the major god of the bad guy was "neutral" Poseidon, not "evil" Hades) one thing i plan to do is pretty much completely revise the Aztec pantheon when it gets to that (i just felt like posting about the Hindu revisions because we've started covering them in my World Religions class and it gave me some ideas). for instance, Quetzalcoatl will get his legitimate treatment as a culture hero rather than as a monster; if he's still a major god, he may have a special thing where he doesn't require sacrifices to get favor for the player (rather than having a bonus that makes sacrificing easier) as well as being the designated "good" major god (iirc, i had him as "evil" before)
    1 point
  16. I've wanted to make wallpapers from the 2 box-arts I've design recently (to see in this topic) Both are 1600x1200. Made on Gimp + Inkscape. I think wallpapers are one of the many fun ways we can spread the spirit of the game. Fans like to have stuffs to download ! And the Wallpapers section of the upcoming site needs some recent stuffs, indeed! ASAP, I will work on some other visuals for the box-art, trying to cover the whole span of the game's civilizations. By the way, don't hesitate to suggest me good photo material from ancient art that represents battles! I believe it's going to be hard for the Celts, who don't seem to have much pictured themself fighting. I'd love to give a try on a Mauryan box-art.
    1 point
  17. And another one ! (edit : picture version updated) I will very soon make one with horizontal stripes.
    1 point
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