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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2014-12-30 in all areas

  1. They get used to trash talking in first person shooters on there x-box's and just maintain the bad habits till some more mature person slaps them down for being children and good on you for reporting Peregriino. Enjoy the Choice
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. I think that a Mute function would be better than a block function (since blocking other people is a right that is often misused by people)
    2 points
  4. There has been some influx of mostly young users recently...
    2 points
  5. This should be interesting. Keep the source material in mind when voting, also keep in mind that there isn't a lot of source material.
    1 point
  6. I guess that actually adding the Latin voices (coupled with an announcement) might actually raise interest in this field and help us find more voice actors/translators for other languages.
    1 point
  7. It may not be our function to change social skills but civilized behaviour should be rewarded and it's opposite discouraged in all social occasions and venues. It's the small things that grate on the nerves and increase social tensions verbal/text snipping is one of those thing sand in the gears. Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  8. > the hurdles... And there are more to manage after start Currently I think the most time consuming thing is late game debugging. A remote debugger to inspect and change variables would speed up development by magnitudes. Actually writing code, wrapping variables with print(), starting the game and starring at the console feels like web development 15 years ago. I think developers are attracted by IDE's, too.
    1 point
  9. Carthaginians should speak more of an archaic Hebrew, more... Phoenician biased. Kabilye can be also considered as an option, but better Punic(Phoe). such as in Civ 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uunBJbVfRVo (General) Shalam - Hello Pkuda? - Order?(I'm pretty sure that this is how they said it, because in Hebrew and Phoenician the root is P.K.D) Kh'en? - yes?(like "ken(with kaf)" in Hebrew, but sounds more like the 'ch' in German as "Umglaublich") Anuk Halak - I'm going Anuk E'Paal Zan - I'll do it Tam - done Tov - good, alright Binne - builder Grar - sawyer, woodworker Zoreaa - farmer(because Farm is Mizraa)[aa stands for the letter ayin] Kore - miner(burrowed from Hebrew) Ish Noon - Lit.:"Man of fish"(I dont know... in Hebrew its dayag and in Arabic is sayyadu samak(fish hunter)) Osef Akal - Food gatherer (Military) Liqtol! - (to) Kill! Litqof! - (to) Attack! Beshem Tunit! - In the name of Tanit! Puq Zmankem! - You're time is out! (Ranged special) Esh! - Fire! Rafe Hotsim! - Release the arrows!
    1 point
  10. Hehe, I was working on the same civ too!
    1 point
  11. I would again encourage everyone to vote and voice their opinion. The more feedback, and the sooner we get this out of the way, the better.
    1 point
  12. I have added the Thebans to my mod for those with the link and who wish to try them out. They are about 98% done. All I need to do is change the hero actors to be more unique, make a rally flag texture, edit some of the unit actors (change helmets, shields, etcc) and hmm, maybe a few more unique technologies (I am taking suggestions here). They have a siege workshop like the Macedonians, but unlike the Macks they have the fire raiser siege weapon I found in the game. I changed it a bit to work better too, kind of like a iberians fireship. Thebans get the Sacred band hoplite and Thespian black cloaks already in the game. The one unique tech I have for them so far is "Boeotarch" which greatly improves hero health. After I complete the Thebans I will try to add prop placements for the rest of the Fortresses. I may call for help in scripting to make only range infantry show up when garrisoned.
    1 point
  13. I'm not sure if I have understood correctly: The AI I want to write, should be for single player games only. (I'm afraid hive mind, multi player sync and thinks like that, are a way over my head.) Just Player VS. "Learning_AI". No multi player, just local skirmish. (later maybe one player and many AI's) The data/file where the bot should write his experience is local. With "The feature to remember past skirmish statistics" I mean the experience of the local bot. (no hive mind) That also means if you use the "Learning_AI" the first time, they will not have any experiences. Do you think there is still a problem with synchronization? @ stanislas69: > Do you plan to do such a thing ? *.* My idea is to write an AI, which has the ability to learn and acts more dynamic. But my programmer skill's (C, C++ and Java) are basic and in JS I'm just at the beginning. The goal is a prototype of the AI. (Not finished and far away from "ready to releasing".)
    1 point
  14. One point I would make is that the Ptolemaic architecture is currently inaccurate and should have far more Greek influence to it. Alexandria for instance, the pinnacle of the Hellenistic world, had practically no ethnic Egyptians and would have been very Greek in the style. As it looks now, the Ptolemaic buildings seem from the New Kingdom. Regardless of what can be said for architectural diversity, inaccuracy on that scale seems quite unacceptable I fear.
    1 point
  15. The voting systems never work out fairly, it's much like the systems they have on facebook where they'll ban someone if they get enough reports, malcontents spam the report button and poof there goes decent dude. Bullies rule those types of systems.
    1 point
  16. With blocking I actually meant a sort of voting system that kicks/does something with a player that affects the whole server. But muting is done by one player (say Itms annoys (rare case) me so I silent him. Other people still see his text messages but I don't since I muted him)
    1 point
  17. What's the difference? Well, if someone does things often enough to warrant being on a default block list, I'd say they should be banned rather than blocked.
    1 point
  18. Good call. I'd say the best long term solution would be to include some kind of Report function in the lobby itself. (Say, you right-click on a username and click Report and get a dialog where you can optionally enter a few words of explanation. Then the information is sent to the moderators who can deal with it.) Maybe also a "Block" function that allows a player to block seeing another player entirely (whether in chat or see their games in the list), just to avoid people having to see this kind of abuse if no moderator has time to deal with it right away. That's probably something that needs to be properly considered though as I guess it can be misused. For now maybe encourage people to report any offences either in #0ad-dev, or here in the forums. Mentioning the offending player's username (and possibly the time in UTC? Though I guess that's not as necessary, just would make searching through the logs a bit easier I would assume.), but we should also be clear that there is no need for people to copy what they said as there are logs (maybe just mentioning logs will make some people calm down a bit, one can always hope at least).
    1 point
  19. I'm not sure it's ok to display these discussions publicly on our forums. I'm even reluctant to use the terms "strong language" when I read this. Moderators need to be notified for sure, but we should think of a system that could directly point them to the logs instead of having to take a screen and associate what was said with 0 A.D.... EDIT: On second thought, I actually removed the image from the post
    1 point
  20. I would default to windows default dialog
    1 point
  21. Dude, Thanks. First for the info, wich was great. I must congrat for your work modding at Aristeia. Thanks also for the rank up explication for all the cheering stuff. I didn't now, as you have may noticed because it doesn't seem as obvious as one would want. About the biblical references, I found a couple in Salms and specially one in Lamentations. It was from this one where my interest started, because of the hypothesis in my head that maybe and only maybe there did actually exist a widespread use of the costume in the Levantjudging by the verse in Lamentations that brought up to my attention. Remember we are talking about people writing from Mesopotamia under the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II. Also, Wikipedia says: (They cite somebody else) Well, it makes it pretty near to 500BC. The before mentioned article in fact just highlighted that even if the uses of the clapping hands remained changing in the ancient Levant as are today, the manner was registered many times in Levant' s history. SO, my question is, why it is not in 0 ad; more generally, why there aren't another many tipes of interactional of conductual stuff institutionalized by time or by the state in cult, medicine or battle. I hope this didn't sound as an angry question, cause everything requires time and I myself don't know how much time does it take to make awersome animations for ancient peoples. There are a lot of references more (biblical and extrabiblical) in the above first link (the article). The Mesopotamian sources... yeah, those are pretty far for 0 ad, but if what you say is right about Selleucids (and I'm not doubting at all it is), so what about adding not just this thing but also many other strange but interesting manners to animations in some decently far future? It could help, apart from the language difference, to stand out what's specific about every culture or even cultural setting. Edit: I was researching a while. The bible version I used was KJV and for that version there is also a complement in e-Sword for old hebrew traduction I also used. The verb "to clap" in old hebrew is said to had been pronounced "saw-fak" or "sahfak"... the definition says as follows (Strong Dict.): I hope this to be of interest.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Updated Sorry Enrique, completely new UV-map now. Good news is that I managed to get rid of a few more triangles and made better use of the texture space. oryx.zip
    1 point
  24. I think we already model-swap airplanes between air and ground mode. I would suggest adding an "multiterrain" component of some sort that would specify how to handle air-land, land-water or air-water transitions (same model? What template animated transition?)
    1 point
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