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  1. Staging screenshots is way too fun its on uneven ground
    3 points
  2. The problemen with garrisoning in A15 is the loading range. Elephants are bigger than units, so need a bigger loading range. This should be fixed in SVN though.
    2 points
  3. Hi all, Its probably too late into the development now for it to be of any use, but I thought to just post some concept sketches I've done/doing. Starting with the Civ Center, because I remembered saying somewhere that the current design don't feel "Han Dynasty" enough. (Sorry to be so blunt) Its just for fun mainly but it would be sick if they can help with future development in any way at all! Sorry if it look a bit crappy, I'm no good! I'm working on the rest of the buildings and there will probably be units as well when I have time. EDIT: Noticed that I've written the plaque text the wrong way round, so I moved them.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. This is indeed a new bug (at least the part about the planes), I can see what caused it. I'll fix it tomorrow when I'm on my computer.
    1 point
  6. Ok, ya te contestaron 3 veces esto. el problemo es esas opciones exageradas que le pones. no recuerdo quien te contesto pero dijo que es normal que poner Unlimited pop te de un error de esa magnitud. ::::::: I was say in Spanish all answer that you guys say to him. but is the third time he ask this.
    1 point
  7. There is no Iberian wonder in the game yet, and actually that's true for a few more civilizations: those which doesn't have a wonder of their own modeled yet use a placeholder (they need to have something as we have the wonder victory condition in SVN now). So not a bug, but just a missing model/texture
    1 point
  8. I'd prefer a new whole texture, not just desaturating existing ones. We want the civs to feel unique. Desaturating and minimal editing would work for the three greek factions to diferentiate them even more, and it might be done in the future. Designing the main colors and look of a new civ is not an easy task and it envolves a lot of tries and iterations on the texture, and it's preferible not having a lot of finished structures due to the changing nature of the texture which would surely lead to UV remapping all the structures for that civ until the texture design is mature.
    1 point
  9. I fond this nice pic about Mausoleum at Halircanassus.
    1 point
  10. Good news! I contacted the author, explained the problem to him and he gave permission to use the music! Now we can select the tracks we like and fit them in appropriate places. I know, but mods are there to change and it would be nice to feature whole new soundtracks. (I'm certainly not saying that your songs are ugly. On the contrary!)
    1 point
  11. Some editing, if those red columns are what's putting you off, I can desaturate the textures. like dis
    1 point
  12. I think the structures look great! I get really tired of looking at the same Roman/Carthaginian/Greek textures.
    1 point
  13. Short answer: No. cc-by-sa only requires you to tell who did it, and let others use the content you have created with it, while by-nc-sa disallows commercial use as well. The more complicated answer is what Sander posted above, it's possible to do it (perhaps allow people to download the music separately or something), but it's more difficult than using content which is available under the same license.
    1 point
  14. As far as I'm concerned you're welcome to use the existing soundtrack if you like.
    1 point
  15. You do have to watch out a bit with the licenses. We use http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ , that explicitly allows commercial usage, but also requires re-distribution under the same license. So you can use the music from that composer you found. But you'll need to distribute is a bit separated, or at least with decent license explanation. It also means that people making game videos for Youtube add revenue are in a bit of trouble. As they could do it with the CC-BY-SA licensed music, but the music from the composer you found can't be included. So it is possible to stay legal with both licenses, but it will be hard to do it right.
    1 point
  16. I haven't recorded since the fundraiser, I find that it slows me down a bit, but I'll start back up again, if anyone's interested I'd like to keep the stone local, it may look weird because I havent had much practice with the persian texture pack, and its a bit overwhelming, with all of the decal textures but I hope I'll get the hang of it
    1 point
  17. We don't need to focus on presentation for WIP models, so much as what it will look like in game.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Wow! 10/10 would die in an ambush from this men in the woods
    1 point
  20. Yeah, that is quite unsatisfying given all the work and thorough analysis put into it... It's certainly an interesting finding for JS engine devs which goes against most expectations. I don't know if there is a venue to share some of the insights as a way of sharing the fruits of your labour? Hopefully the work makes it somewhat easier to transition to newer SpiderMonkey versions in the future which may deliver some marginal gains.
    1 point
  21. Good work Tomas ! I like it, especially the mood of this wood with the hill in the background!
    1 point
  22. I hope this isn't too basic. If you select 'random maps' you are able to change the difficulty of the computer player and the number of players. I suggest changing it to easiest with one player and focus first on your economy first if you have not had experience playing a game like this before. Having a strong economy makes it easier to build a large army. As you become better you can add more players and raise the difficulty. One other thing that might help. Women have bonus gathering for berries and farms. Civilian soldiers have bonus gather rates for hunting, wood, stone and metal.
    1 point
  23. There is a lot of time and change recorded between 700 AD to 1500 AD that I think it would be too difficult to generalize like 0 A.D. I would rather propose a project centered around one century of events such as the 11th century.
    1 point
  24. Its common sense, friend. Oh, here's an article: http://www.academia.edu/3816102/Race_and_Political_Resistance_in_Ptolemaic_Egypt_A_New_Perspective_on_the_Thebaid_Revolt Its about Egyptian Rebellion against the Ptolemaic Regime.
    1 point
  25. Time to get formation fighting working I do agree with you, I prefer unit sounds being played a lot to create a battle sound, rather than playing battle loops. The battle loops must always depend on some software detection system, which will be slow. But with unit sounds, the moment the last arrow is fired is the moment you'll hear the last arrow. One thing I'd like as a start is a frequency system in the sound selection, like in the actor variations.
    1 point
  26. Hello All, Sorry for my prolonged absence. I'l be getting back into the programming thing in the new year. Its good to hear all of this oniterest in the sound stuff. I'll try and explain some thing as easily as I can. I'll also be writing up a short description of how the sound stuff works. Some of it is counterintuitive but it explains a lot of why we do things the way we do. Currently the sound system will locate a sound source so when listening in stereo sounds from the righ of the screen come out of tthe right speaker. My issue with the battle intensity sounds is that this would largely eliminate that. and I think it would be bad. I believe if we had formations, and could easily locate a group of fighters to one area, it would then make sense to have one sound for 10 archers firing instead of playing 10 singe arrow shots at one time. But otherwise we lose a lot unless we introduce some complicated method of grouping and locating similar fighters. Of course we need to be very careful not to do anything that takes too long. This code would need to be executed every frame. I have always worked to keep the computation time to a minimum there. Also note that the current code does alter the pitch, volume and frequency for most sounds randomly. This is in addition to the 10 or sos sounds there are for a sword clank. These also get used in a random order and have their volumes and pitches altered randomly. I think it is important to remember this is a game. The sounds should first serve the game, making sure to alert the player of important events, and not serve to confuse them with too many sounds. It would be nice if in addition to that everything sounded like a hollywood movie battle scene, but playability should come first. Please feel free to ask any questions. I'll try to be in IRC more too. Let me know if there is a good time and I can try to be online.
    1 point
  27. GIMP will work fine for textures as long as you understand what is happening. The issue is that the game does the player colour in an unusual way. What I think you are expecting to happen is to have a background of the player colour with the texture over the top so the player colour shows through in the alpha sections. It works slightly differently though. First with images you need to understand that each pixel in the image has 4 channels. 3 colours (red, green, blue) and the alpha or transparency channel. When you make part of the image transparent you only change the alpha channel, the colour components stay exactly the same. To see this in gimp you can use the layer mask as Enrique mentioned to show the alpha channel as a black and white image. You can disable the layer mask (from the right click menu of the layer) to see what the image looks like without the alpha channel. Now what 0 A.D. does with the player colour to create the final texture: 1. Multiply the texture by the player colour and discard the alpha channel. So if the player colour is white then the image will be left as it was (multiplying by 1 leaves things unchanged). If the player colour is black the whole image will become black, if it is blue then the image will become blueish. You can test the multiply in gimp using layer modes, just create a layer with the player colour and set the mode to multiply. 2. Take the original texture with the alpha channel and place it on top of the new multiplied image. Then the multiplied image will show through in the transparent regions giving the final texture. You can replicate this in gimp to preview what your texture will look like. 1. Open the texture, there should be a single layer. 2. Duplicate the layer. 3. Remove the alpha channel from the bottom layer. (Now you can see the colours "underneath" the transparent sections). 4. Create a new layer and put it in between the two existing layers. 5. Fill the new layer with the player colour (e.g. #0000FF for blue players). 6. Set the mode of the new layer to multiply. Now you should see an image which will look like the final texture in game. So it is important that you are aware of what the image is like "underneath" the transparent areas because it will affect what the texture looks like. This is why layer masks are useful so you can easily disable the transparency and see the colours in the transparent areas. (create the layer mask using the "Transfer layers alpha channel" option).
    1 point
  28. Which gimp version are you using? Are you exporting correctly? What format are you using?
    1 point
  29. I'm talking about the hardness 100 brush hardness 50 will give you variable opacity on your edges, which could be causing problems
    1 point
  30. Some pen dynamics work with opacity too. Pressure opacity with a hard edge brush is pretty reliable
    1 point
  31. I see you're using GIMP. I had also a lot of trouble with alphas before in GIMP. It's kind of weird how GIMP handles transparencies. The correct way to show the playercolor without the weird borderline is using masks layers. Just rightclick your texture layer, add mask (white, full opacity) and paint there in black where you want the playercolor to show. Try exporting that as .png and see if is fixed. Your other problem about erasing and the texture still partially showing is weird. I have no Idea why is doing that. Are you sure your eraser opacity was at 100%?
    1 point
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