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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2014-01-05 in all areas

  1. Hi all, Its probably too late into the development now for it to be of any use, but I thought to just post some concept sketches I've done/doing. Starting with the Civ Center, because I remembered saying somewhere that the current design don't feel "Han Dynasty" enough. (Sorry to be so blunt) Its just for fun mainly but it would be sick if they can help with future development in any way at all! Sorry if it look a bit crappy, I'm no good! I'm working on the rest of the buildings and there will probably be units as well when I have time. EDIT: Noticed that I've written the plaque text the wrong way round, so I moved them.
    4 points
  2. False Positive... Norton AV will even say Windows is a virus lol...
    2 points
  3. Sorry if it looks a bit crappy??? That looks uber-awesome man! Maybe a little big for the game, but really pleasant to look at! Really makes me want to model it...
    2 points
  4. NORMANS Right because I didn't see that there was a relaunch and centuries were cut back, this classifies this mod being very early (dark age) Medieval ages. According to wiki "The Normans played a major political, military, and cultural role in medieval Europe and even the Near East. They were famed for their martial spirit and eventually for their Christian piety. They quickly adopted the Romance language of the land they settled, their dialect becoming known as Norman, Normand or Norman French, an important literary language. The Duchy of Normandy, which they formed by treaty with the French crown, was one of the great fiefs of medieval France. The Normans are famed both for their culture, such as their unique Romanesque architecture, and their musical traditions, as well as for their military accomplishments and innovations. Norman adventurers established a kingdom in Sicily and southern Italy by conquest, and a Norman expedition on behalf of their duke, William the Conqueror, led to the Norman conquest of England. Norman influence spread from these new centres to the crusader states in the Near East when Bohemond I established the Principality of Antioch in the First Crusade, to Scotland, England and Wales in Great Britain and to Ireland." The timeline 1,000 covers is 476 AD / 962 AD the Dutchy of Normandy cuts this thinly because it started 911 A.D. which still makes this faction qualify. The Normans also had knights and played a crucial role in their conquest of England in 1066 which will be considered the second part of 1,000 A.D. Examples: ___________________________________________________________________ Norman Castles:
    1 point
  5. The topic makes me feel like http://xkcd.com/272 From the time when I used Norton, it was worse than a virus in many ways. Much harder to uninstall too.
    1 point
  6. In Latin the NN sound like Ny then, Millenyium.
    1 point
  7. Why are we using Javascript for the game ? I've learnt some at school and did some stuff on web pages (so maybe i could help), but I don't see why actually. Anyway I know a very talented guy called Mefistolis he is retro engineering a game called dungeon keeper : http://keeper.lubiki.pl/ You can see the source of the game here http://code.google.com/p/keeperfx/source/list Contact him by mail at : mefistolis@gmail.com He may able to fix your stuff and a lot more. He is really patient, and i owe him all I know about C++ he is a professionnal programmer
    1 point
  8. modifique un poco a los Atenienses para entrenarlos de gymnasion porque en un mapa sin agua "persian hignlands" o se pueden usar!, pero los deje en el barco "utiles como fuerza de desembarco, campeones y obreros" tomar una "cabeza de playa" mientras traes los refuerzos
    1 point
  9. The attachment includes a collada file, normal and diffuse textures, and blender file. ptol_ele_tower.zip
    1 point
  10. Yeah thes the other one.
    1 point
  11. I'm not sure a piece of wood per arrow is a good idea. Because if you think about it its wood logs going out of trees so an archer myself i can tell you can make a lot of arrows from a log. So maybe 10 per log or something like that. I read somewhere that it was planned to make carry. Can we do something like the settlers V ? Where units can interract with the building. So for example they can climb a ladder or dig in the wall etc ? Also about the mine maybe the good idea would to make units able to garrison in it fill their inventory and get back with the appropriate ressource. I have another question, why isn't any kind of money in the game ? It could be like the settlers (yes i love that game) each turn, 2minutes for instance, each unit pays a tax.
    1 point
  12. Or you can keep it to 1000 A.D. (that way, you'll appear on the top of every game list, right after 0 A.D. )
    1 point
  13. I could ink up the text a bit, but just briefly did this as an idea And I should point out... you have to redo all the text will millennium in it, as I have noticed you spelled it with one "n"
    1 point
  14. That's fun I actually made one a long time ago
    1 point
  15. GIMP will work fine for textures as long as you understand what is happening. The issue is that the game does the player colour in an unusual way. What I think you are expecting to happen is to have a background of the player colour with the texture over the top so the player colour shows through in the alpha sections. It works slightly differently though. First with images you need to understand that each pixel in the image has 4 channels. 3 colours (red, green, blue) and the alpha or transparency channel. When you make part of the image transparent you only change the alpha channel, the colour components stay exactly the same. To see this in gimp you can use the layer mask as Enrique mentioned to show the alpha channel as a black and white image. You can disable the layer mask (from the right click menu of the layer) to see what the image looks like without the alpha channel. Now what 0 A.D. does with the player colour to create the final texture: 1. Multiply the texture by the player colour and discard the alpha channel. So if the player colour is white then the image will be left as it was (multiplying by 1 leaves things unchanged). If the player colour is black the whole image will become black, if it is blue then the image will become blueish. You can test the multiply in gimp using layer modes, just create a layer with the player colour and set the mode to multiply. 2. Take the original texture with the alpha channel and place it on top of the new multiplied image. Then the multiplied image will show through in the transparent regions giving the final texture. You can replicate this in gimp to preview what your texture will look like. 1. Open the texture, there should be a single layer. 2. Duplicate the layer. 3. Remove the alpha channel from the bottom layer. (Now you can see the colours "underneath" the transparent sections). 4. Create a new layer and put it in between the two existing layers. 5. Fill the new layer with the player colour (e.g. #0000FF for blue players). 6. Set the mode of the new layer to multiply. Now you should see an image which will look like the final texture in game. So it is important that you are aware of what the image is like "underneath" the transparent areas because it will affect what the texture looks like. This is why layer masks are useful so you can easily disable the transparency and see the colours in the transparent areas. (create the layer mask using the "Transfer layers alpha channel" option).
    1 point
  16. I played with aten against sparta, the champion archers were very important to kill the spartan swordman and win the match
    1 point
  17. Sorry bout' that Wraiti. Its 3dsmax with a direct light and a skylight. I don't like the basic render, feels, well too plastic I know, i'm not satisfied with the roof either, just trying to keep on with the reference
    1 point
  18. Well, after messing around with a whole bunch of short motifs I've decided to ask - how important it is to use the same melody for all the civs? The instruments and musical styles are very different, and while it is (of course) possible, sometimes it just doesn't sound natural. For instance, the motif I originally thought of sounded great on tin whistles, Spanish guitar, mandolin and even bouzouki, but was completely "lost in translation" to the oud, saz and fretless guitar. That said, I'll keep searching for a motif that works all around. Omri
    1 point
  19. What software are you rendering in? I don't like your lighting setting, I find it quite unrepresentative of how the building will look in-game. I think your wooden planks on the side look weird. Too regular when I'd expect them not to be nearly that much. Also there's no apparent fixation for them, which seems a little off to me.
    1 point
  20. I am going to point these issues out again and a few new ones I noticed, just to make sure they haven't been missed. Most of the factions with biremes/penteconters, triremes, and quinqueremes, specifically the Hellenes, the Macedonians, the Ptolemies, the Romans, the Seleucids, and the Spartans, need their specific and/or generic names cleaned up to the standard of the warships for the Athenians, the Carthaginians, and the Persians. The triremes in question are also using an outdated tooltip that is superseding the new one. For example, the Roman Quinquereme isn't even using its proper specific name, which seems like it should use the feminine version like the Roman Trireme was changed to recently. Are the Ptolemaic warships really going to be the Penteres for the medium warship and the Octeres for the heavy warship? I also believe Warship can be dropped from the generic name of the Ptolemaic Tessarakonteres (Juggernaut), like it is on the Ptolemies civ profile, and a Champion Warship template is probably needed. The Mauryan warships, the Roman Consul Bodyguard, and the Macedonian Companion Cavalry are also using an outdated tooltip, much like the triremes. Though in the case of the Mauryan warships, the tooltips just need to be updated, since they are unique in comparison to most of the other warships. Lastly, the Gallic Tavern does not decay and could use a tooltip cleanup, preferably with the language from the house. Don't forget about the Celtic Tavern version from scenarios. Speaking of scenarios, some of the other scenario only structures could use some attention. The Mauryan Palace could probably be given the specific name Harmya, which again comes from that Sanskrit website, http://spokensanskrit.de/. I have the corrected files if it will help fix these issues faster.
    1 point
  21. Hablaban del editor. Volviendo al tema tmb es poco usada por q la haces en un barco no? O te referís a la Escita?Nadie usa Atenienses en el Lobby no se por q.
    1 point
  22. okay wel even adding some bonuses to the simpler ones will help
    1 point
  23. Nadie lo usa XD. Toxotes Escitas?Sanderd17 o Michael(mythos_ruler) son los q pasan modificando esos archivos.
    1 point
  24. I translate that. New civs don't find the root /simulation/templates/units. Todo esta en mods en es public estan las de Arte y la de simulation . Otros forma es el editor de actores.
    1 point
  25. Indeed It's definitely better than nothing though =) True, I just mean that if you (you as in the plural you, not you individually) pay attention to what you write it will be easier for everyone to read. Also you might learn more as time goes by = you will write better/more easily understood English later if you pay extra attention to what you (and others) write now
    1 point
  26. I just pay attention to my browser's spell check,though if you are not a native English speaker all the homonyms can be confusing Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  27. The word is fixed or edited XD . Debe rials de probar el Lobby XD. Una pregunta Newcivs sos programador? Te he visto editando y sabes mucho. Además usas Linux.
    1 point
  28. Hello Hephaestion! welcome to the forums and thanks for your feedback. To address some of your points: - You will be able to capture women (IIRC the only possible unit to capture along with buildings) But capturing is not yet implemented - AI enemies/allies is being improve over time and will have more diplomacy options/decisions in the future - "Auto guard" could be a possibility, but is up to discussion if that should be managed with micro-management or not. Regarding soldiers guarding women, there's a "alarm" bell in the dev. version that makes women automatically garrison in the nearest building. (haven't tested it myself though) - IIRC, growing trees is no longer planned. Only food will be an infinite resource to gather in the map. We want to make trading more important (as it was in those times too) in the late game, which will provide you the resource you need as long as you have traders traveling between markets/docks. There is some development on upgrading how trading works that will make things easier to choose which resource to gain through trading. Also keep in mind how many years take a tree to grow up, and in 0AD we don't have "ages" but rather city phases which don't take so long to develop. - Animal herding functionality still being discussed how it will work. But we plan making corrals useful and reflect that and probably add animal reproduction and extinction in the map areas (not decided yet I think) - Weather/season changes and daynight cycle plus torch/fire spotlights seems to be out of scope. We had a skillful developer who was working on add deferred lighting to 0AD (groundwork for this features to happen) but sadly he disappeared - Your tech system sounds cool to me and something that could even suit the game, but I think the tech system is already tightly implemented and would be hard to change such a big gameplay feature in the current state of the game. - Cavalry and infantry run/walk means run/charging. Units will have stamina and will be able to run/charge to the enemy with double right-click. Cavalry, chariots and elephants will have a big bonus damage impact when charging (apart of the speed bonus of course) - Nomad mode I think is not working on buildings yet, and I don't think is planned. That suggestion seems to fall under the "mods" section - Your commanders suggestion seems way too difficult and sounds something that micro-management should take care of. Maybe I'm not right in all my points but I think is an approximation of how things are at the moment (of course not all of them will be on A16 )
    1 point
  29. No problem, If I get an idea i will fix it, for now the models here are the ones to be uploaded.
    1 point
  30. Meh, maybe I'll return to this later and make entire pose different. Now some sketches for the Celtic woman and healer. (Is it okay to have a baby in the portrait? )
    1 point
  31. Romulous, the iberian faction is one of the most historically correct factions designed in our game from architectural to texture design based in a lot of references like the last ones Lion posted. We also need some consistency between structure layouts for the player to recognize each structure function without the need of selecting it to see what is it. If you don't like the fact that it looks similar to aoe, sincerely you're not going to like 0AD at all... And saying that it should look more unique without giving any reference, post or valid suggestion doesn't help at all. Regarding the current WIP model... It's not looking right to me at the moment. It doesn't have the organic feel that I get from LordGood's concept. Take a look at the iberian fortress to get a hint.
    1 point
  32. I know I am not the art leader, but this is just my interpretation First of all.... This is AoK architecture fro a standard barracks model. This one in particular is themed middle eastern. This new barracks modeled proposed here Is not much different .... And take into consideration I meant the building structure, not the bricks, painting and outer appearance. The old one was a little more unique For the walls on this one you could exchane the brick work if you wanted to from the new one to give this one a face brick sort of look, "more stoney" The thatch roof could have a couple shades darker for that nice thatchy goldness and the walls and paint slightly darker as well. For weapons, place spears on the walls inside the space in the middle and you can even use Roman swords on racks and against the walls too. (WHY ROMAN SWORDS?!?!!?) Because the gladius is an Iberian design Iberian buildings did have a lot of Celtic influence, but there is no way to know in this time and era what building looked like either, but I can safely bet they didn't look like AoK's Medieval version of a barracks LOL Lion I believe is Spanish, maybe he can shed some light on this subject......
    1 point
  33. I don't know about the ladies.... But those are fine horses... Beuatiful. Ladies are you impressed???? Cool. And by the way, I repped you
    1 point
  34. Ok.. you asked for it... Please keep in mind that these are early WIPs and the textures are much bigger than their final size, there will be a lot of detail loss (we can't afford such big textures in a RTS game) Screenshots show Shieldbearer's horse mesh with little tweaks and 1024 color map and normal map and a texture test for where the props will be placed. This task is low priority at the moment, so it will take a while until they get into the game.
    1 point
  35. Added more green to the building as suggested, looks great:
    1 point
  36. There was a huge argument/fight over it in 2003-2004. I just looked it up. Lua was considered alongside Ferite, which was the state-of-the-art language then but was not yet mature. I'll copy-paste some posts from a thread where some programmers first wrote they liked JS: I found another thread from '05 on the topic with posts by Philip (Ykkrosh). He is still on the team so you can pick his brain on this topic. From the frontend functionality requirements thread:
    1 point
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