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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2013-12-01 in all areas

  1. We don't care about reputation points, or hot posts. The team members that are active on the forums just read everything. So you don't have to force yourself to post stuff that earns reputation points, or asks for extra comments. We don't care about that. It a lot better if you share something you're genuinely interested in, or some problem you've discovered that nobody has noticed yet.
    4 points
  2. (Which interestingly enough probably is what will earn you the most points in the end anyway So just focus on posting about interesting things, and reputation points/hot topics will be fun things on the side ) (Also, on another note: if we find that people post stuff just to misuse these forum features we will change the settings. A good discussion is the most important thing )
    2 points
  3. I am able to record matches finally! This one is me vs Mythos_Ruler in the new Alpine Valleys Skirmish map.
    2 points
  4. After k776 asked for those stickers, it made me realize how ill-prepared we are for sudden PR issues needing artistic attention, especially if a lot of us are tight on time. I'd like to have more than just screenshots available for public relations, even though it is probably the most truthful outlet. anywho, I sketched a towered elly just because
    2 points
  5. you are quote people that have time ago without participate in the Forum.And don't talk about piracy please.
    1 point
  6. lol I think a 'enable boobs and swastikas' checkbox would be hilarious lets make some blood splatter particle effects too, and dismemberment animations! (I'm kidding)
    1 point
  7. Do you guys think we should give the Assyrian Broom Bus and towered elephants a ranged attack for garrisoned soldiers? archery is kind of a thing for Persia, which doesn't have many seige options anyway (definitely lower the garrison # to 5 though); a small garrison (1-3) would be cool for war elephants too.
    1 point
  8. So, what are you willing to help with? If you want to help with balancing, I suggest you join the #0ad IRC channel on Quakenet and show you're a good player. Most good players have some words to say when it comes to balancing the game (those discussions also happen there). If you want to help out with art and/or programming, you can just search for a task and start working on one. Don't be afraid to ask us for comments or help. Either here or (a faster way) on IRC.
    1 point
  9. What is new in the patch: - You can affect some units to guard other units or buildings. You have to select the guards units, and then either click on the guard button followed by left-click on the unit/buildind to be guarded, or directly by using the "G" hotkey and right-click on the unit/buildind to be guarded. - when a unit is guarding, it will stay near the unit/building to guard (following it if moving) and attack any unit attacking its guarded entity. We can nonetheless reaffect any guard unit to an other task, it will keep its guard order and come to rescue its guarded entity when attacked. - to remove the guard order, select the guard units and either click on the remove-guard button or press "G" and right-click on any empty space on screen. Futhermore, when selecting a guard unit, pressing PageUp will highlight the unit/building it is guarding; And when selecting a guarded unit/building, pressing PageDown will highlight its guards units. Tests and feedback are of course welcomed.
    1 point
  10. Hi, I tried this game and it was really addictive and amazing...but there is 1 problem, the game lag sometimes when i have more than 50 units or something...I hope this game success it has really good gameplay... sry if i have any grammar mistakes
    1 point
  11. Welcome Tim have a look at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/report find an open ticket that interests you and have at it if you run into problems just post a question here on the forums or on the IRC channel.By the way java script is not that hard to learn Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  12. When you say "Great Game" I think you mean "Best Game. Ever".
    1 point
  13. No, I think a western egg would be better.
    1 point
  14. Make a single version and ask whether to use "possibly offensive content" in the game during the installation process and add a check button in the option screen to hide/show this content.
    1 point
  15. Man, I usually stay away from controversial topics, but I decided to throw my opinion here. If it's illegal to use the swastika symbol in Germany because of the law (even if it is not the 45ยบ rotated swastika nazi symbol), let's make a German version without it. And keep the ancient symbol where it is not illegal. We're not guilty for those offended people who don't know ancient history. If people says that this Hindu symbol should be banned because it reminds Nazis killed a lot of people, they should also agree to ban the "church" cross because the church killed a lot of innocent people in the inquisition. I'm against any kind of behavior that involves harming another human being, but I'm also against ignorance.
    1 point
  16. thank you that get peace to my conscience, because that was my idea, for get some Realism and Artistic licensing.
    1 point
  17. I'm perfectly okay with a toggle or even a Germany-only version that removes the "offending" textures (as long as this doesn't cause multiplayer incompatibilities). However, there is a distinction between the Nazi swastika as commonly portrayed, and the Hindu swastika we use in the game. I thought we talked about this before and concluded that Hindu cultural symbols (i.e. swastikas) are indeed not banned by German law. Is there not a court precedence in Germany that sheds light on the issue? And here's another thought: What if we were developing a World War 2 RTS? Would we be "insensitive" if we included Nazi symbolism in such a game? If you can be honest with yourself and say, "We would obviously have to use Nazi symbolism in such a game, whether some people like it or not," then you should be honest with yourself and come to the conclusion that we should use Hindu symbolism in 0 A.D., whether some people like it or not.
    1 point
  18. must be do same with aquila(eagle). its too nazi as swastika.
    1 point
  19. Nazis Stolen Symbols that they dont they are owner. Why dont ban Roman Aquila. same with Swastika
    1 point
  20. The legal argument against having swastikas in the game seems tenuous at best, it appears to be more of a cultural/social issue for a minority of the game's users, and in that case, how many groups do we have to appease to release 0 A.D.? How much history do we need to revise or erase before it's approved by the politically correct? The Mauryans existed outside the context of modern Germany, free of its guilt, they had their own history, and the same is true of modern Asians. The swastika is still used to this day, totally independent of Nazism. We would be doing a disservice to the Mauryans and Asian cultures by removing this symbol if it was truly important to them. To me that is just a form of cultural imperialism; the rest of the world has to alter its history to suit the sensitivities of modern Germany. Can you imagine being made to feel ashamed for seeing or using a symbol your ancestors have used for millennia because someone in Germany distorted that symbol 70 years ago into something awful? Me either. Edit: and more to the point, a lot of websites for example host content that is illegal in Germany but legal most other places. Music, videos, art, and writing to name a few media. The solution is pretty simple, you have a disclaimer that says there may be content that is illegal in Germany. If anyone is really worried beyond that, there could be a patch to remove the offending content from the game.
    1 point
  21. Strict interpretation vs loose interpretation of history... sounds very familiar to me (I just finished the section about John Marshall in US History). Historical accuracy has been a great part of the game. While some argue taking the swastika out is ruining that, I say not really. The Mauryans in fact had other symbols as well. On the other hand, some are suggesting it is offensive to include such a symbol. However, by including the symbol and the reasoning and motives behind them, we can educate the ignorant (for lack of a better word) people. They can learn the original meaning of the symbol and if they don't like it being in the game, nobody is stopping them from removing it (its open source...). I honestly don't care and it being included in the game and it shouldn't be a big deal to divide the community over such a small issue. As for the naked units, I suppose its history. But then again, if 0 A.D. pursues a PEGI rating, that might have consequences later (such as being bumped up to PEGI 18). Really guys, there are much cooler and important things to 0 A.D. For example, see the completed alpha 12 tickets
    1 point
  22. i think that historical facts like mauryan swastika and naked women warriors should be in game. But, to not offend some people, an option to disable them could be a good thing (i hope that after that, some vegan don't rise up to remove animals kills and such)
    1 point
  23. Gen. Kemobi, sorry but I must take issue with your opinion. I think there should be a non-controversial default. We don't want to risk becoming famous as the "free strategy game with topless women", losing distribution venues such as magazines etc. Historical purists and exposed breast aficionados should develop and use 3rd-party mods if they care so much about it.
    1 point
  24. Historical accuracy is historical accuracy. Bare-breasted woman-warriors did exist. So we should picture then as it is. Of course there could always be an opition like Parental-Control or something like that in the options menu where the nude textures would be censored...
    1 point
  25. That would be my preference (and naked Celts as well), but consensus has concluded that some minor form of modesty is best, just as I suspect consensus here would say that depicting Hindu versions of the swastika is okay. IIRC, there is also a swastika depicted on a Samnite unit?
    1 point
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