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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2018-11-12 in Posts

  1. I've sent you a PM. I'd like to talk further about this in a more direct way.
    4 points
  2. I see that my latest exploit hit the news. It is true that it is a bit unfair, since I started using this strategy some players call "gg" upon me building a wonder/capturing the relics. @(-_-) it is true that I always try to keep myself up-to-date, leading the fashion in 0 A.D. bugs and abuse is what I do. Nevertheless, one could argue that this effective bug detection and its subsequent systematic abuse will drive people who play with me to campaign to get the bug fixed ( @elexis ). Numerous game weaknesses (not just game exploits) have been unearthed in such a fashion, leading to the overall improvement of the game!
    2 points
  3. You could have noticed that I like to encourage people to post interesting replays, so maybe my like had little to do with you being on the losing side. However, in order to understand that, realizing that the world doesn't revolve around you might be needed, so I don't think we can do much here. You might have promoted yourself to a gold player in your terminology, but we can't just unsee all the many games you one-sidedly lost to players you'd like to view as inferior. I only have the full data of replays between us two, but let me help you calibrate your views using this example. Recently you claimed to win 80 % of games against me. The truth? You only really got to 50 % by winning the last one (which took place after your claim). You didn't resign in a single of those games before the host was closed, but that doesn't make your defeat disappear. Your numbers are way off and I think you should be more respectful towards other players. A top player would probably beat a hobby player like me in at least 90 % of the games.
    2 points
  4. Teutonic Order Faction Update, Troops are almost finished, and moving on to structure development. Malbork Castle: Teutonic Civ Center https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malbork_Castle
    2 points
  5. Our website content is not static. Having a CMS is a requirement for us. That is good to hear. Don't sell yourself short when presenting yourself. This all counts as work experience, even if you don't have the portfolio. Do you have any experience with designing websites? (and by that I mean the visual side, not the HTML/CSS code)
    2 points
  6. Would be nice to have some in-game musicians with aura to play drums or flute to motivate troops in formation. Shouts and yells during battles and wave high some flags .This will creates some war ambiance during battles.
    1 point
  7. Two games between RolandSC2 and DoctorOrgans on Mainland with a snowy biome. roland_doctororgans_g1.zip roland_doctororgans_g2.zip
    1 point
  8. I don't understand anything you are saying now. You did say you win most of our games. I checked that and saw that it's wrong. I didn't really accuse you of lying, but I pointed out that your estimates were wrong. Anyway, I'm glad that you corrected yourself. Top 10 out of the currently active players sounds much more realistic to me than the top 3 you used to rate yourself. Next time you can just avoid making false claims when you know it leads to a predictable chain of responses that prove you wrong.
    1 point
  9. In this case your name will be added to the credits when we package a new version of the game. Thanks for your contribution!
    1 point
  10. How do you garrison units? The traditional way does not work but the AI seems to be able to garrison units. @Angen Edit: oh, right clicking works when you hold down control, but is wonky, is there a way to add more straightforward garrisoning? EDIT2: Some enemy/neutral structures are impossible to garrison your soldiers in, thus being impossible to capture (eg: houses, docks, defense towers, etc)
    1 point
  11. @Lion.Kanzen I forgot to mention that the main issue for the moment about the current Iberian faction is that it is mostly based on the iberian culture but two of the heroes of the faction are not iberian... Caros is a Celtiberian chieftain leading the coalition during the second war, Viriato is Viriathus a famous Lusitanian war leader... Maybe Orison and Korbis are good candidates for the Iberians. Korbis is a king that won a duel against Orsua to rule the city of Ibis (not located today). Orison is a Oretani king that tried to resist against Carthage.
    1 point
  12. The problem is, that we have only three distinct wall lengths. To allow arbitrary lengthy walls get built, without letting units through, we have to allow overlapping walls.
    1 point
  13. @Imperator Ferrum Princeps I thnx, should be fixed
    1 point
  14. We could add a minimum angle restriction between the newly placed walls and those already connected to the same tower. What about limiting access to stone when the game advances (Yea, but slingers/catapults/... ;/)? Though a minimum angle definitely makes sense to me, too. A more personal request of mine would be to use the words "bug" and "cheat" more specifically - for they have a meaning and are useful in communicating game development. So please mind your words - and if only for my mental stability ;p
    1 point
  15. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths
    1 point
  16. oh, crap. I might to forgot coppy some files from main game. Could you post interestinglog ?
    1 point
  17. github repository https://github.com/SlavomirSlovenkai/0ad-gameplay-mode
    1 point
  18. @implodedok I am not here to learn, i am here to build a website, i worked giving maintenace to americaeconomia-ca.com for 6 months which is a wordpress website and developed a tiny php framework for 3 months at Claro (i have the repository at bitbucket), i put i have no previous experience because i haven't build a portfolio to show, but i know we can improve this website greatly, not only in the way we present content which need some rework, like combining text, colors and media in a more appealing way but also in the backend which i am willing to help with. Knowledge: I can work with mysql, symfony, wordpress, nodejs + expressjs.
    1 point
  19. Armored Horsemen (Mujaffafa) Bedouin Mounted Archer Healer (Hakim) - I am thinking of merging the Hakim/Mullah/Imam role into one. Something like an Islamic warrior-scholar. Umayyad healers will have a combat bonus aura to depict the effects of how the Jihad affected the Islamic societies during the Islamic conquest period. Infantry Spearmen
    1 point
  20. My meshes for structures should be fine if I try to limit them to 1-2k verts, and use lower bit textures. Teutonic Order unit development pic.
    1 point
  21. so stacked bolts are less op than stacked walls?
    1 point
  22. Things got more balanced. Previous alphas there were some definitely unbalanced parts. Those were ruled out. A23 seems to have a lack of clearly op things. (Besides a mass of catas and bolts maybe)
    1 point
  23. If I recall correctly, Spring Engine (which is what Zero-K, and Spring 1944 run on) doesn't work that well with melee.
    1 point
  24. People complaining of current trees having too many polygons. That's not gonna help haha. What's the game though ? I'd like to take a look at their assets.
    1 point
  25. The translators' credit script will pick up the "Last-Translator:" field in the .po file headers as generated by the Transifex interface. So, after changing your account information on Transifex, you'll have to wait until the next translation update is run on the code base, make sure that you're in one of the file headers, and then double-check that you don't get duplicate credit.
    1 point
  26. I haven't forgotten nor lost my interest in Millennium A.D. but lacked the time to work actively on it. (I did however some major balance changes). You right that we hadn't posted any updates, this is because we hadn't produced anything worth showable. I will however try to pick up Millennium A.D. as soon as I can
    1 point
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