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God's Eye-mod (for 0 A. D. >= 0.025 ) Fully compatible with All Version Including A26


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Introducing God's Eye. I've been working on this mod for about just 48hrs now. Not so lone but due to the pace I'm moving, I am almost done with beta

version .0.01 and I'm looking for testers who will use the mod, discover  bugs and add it to the known issues so that i can get it patched and release the 

entire mod to everyone as soon as possible. Don't hesitate to inbox me if you are willing to help  build up this mod or have any interesting feature you

would like to request. My arms are opened!, Request a feature or suggest and it will be added as soon as I can. PM me if you would like to test the 


God's Eye was created in attempt to bring back our favorite mod of all time, Fgod mod - by @ffffffff

This mod is inspired by FGOD Mod, part of the code may be from the original fgod mod made by @ffffffff , all rights reserved.



updated: v0.0.2 (6/30/2022)

updated: v0.0.3 (7/02/2022)

updated: v0.0.4 (7/03/2022) - reduced file size and cleanup

updated: v0.0.6 (7/03/2022) - reduced file size and cleanup

updated: v0.0.7 (9/28/2022) - compatible with a26



Features Overview

  • Auto Login
  • Vision Ally Stats
  • Auto Away
  • Start into lobby
  • Improved UI Design
  • Functions with all mod
  • Network warnings
  • Late Observer Joins
  • Auto Share Resources Among Teammates When You Resign  A Team Game 
  • Fight Ratio Calculator
  • Lobby Notification from in-game
  • New music added
  • Sound on message sent added
  • New chat notification sound added
  • Ping players to ready during game setup 
  • Ping players to join your game from lobby
  • Added easy team numbers to easily set your hosts to 1v1, 2v2, 4v4 , ffa ,  etc.
  • Added smurf highlighter - Highlight smurf in the game easily with a single button
  • Added buddies sorting

Known Issues

  1.  Minor typos ( fixed )
  2. Unclickable chat input


Installation guide;:beta:

1. Download both mod.json and godeye.zip files ( attached to this post )

2. Make a new folder and name it godseye in your mods folder 

3. Paste the mod.json and godseye.zip file, no need to unzip it

4. After following the above steps, you are good to go! Open the game and you will see it in your mod list

Alternatively, you can download it from the game through the mod downloader or visit


Mod Folder locations-

linux into ~/.local/share/0ad/mods/godseye

windows typically:   ~\Documents\My Games\0ad\mods\godseye

mac: ~/Library/Application\ Support/0ad/mods/godseye

 New update: v.0.0.6 ( file size reduced ) mod.json  godseye.zip

 New update: v.0.0.6 ( file size reduced ) godseye.zip 

Main Lobby Page



Player List Panel




Game List Panel



Chat Panel ( Additional Buttons )



God's Eye Settings Page



Main PreGame Page




Edited by rossenburg
New update
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  • rossenburg changed the title to God's Eye-mod (for 0 A. D. >= 0.025 ) Fully compatible with All Version Including A26
48 minutes ago, sarcoma said:

op!, defc0n

I had a similar mod with goodies from fgod (autologin to lobby, more buttons, hear pings from lobby in game and game setup),
but mine is hacky, sloppy and buggy (and one button needs local ratings mod)

titbits.zip 31 kB · 0 downloads aa.thumb.png.f962d3cfb9ff7f88affcf03f70395232.png

Can you add the "Ask to Start!" feature from fgod to gamesetup?

"Ask to start"? Can you explain it maybe its possible to add it. I am also planning on adding the Techs tab in the summary to show the total number of techs each player used in the game

I already added a fight ratio feature to calculate how much a player contributed in fights during the game, i updated it yesterday. There will be more features like "auto pos" automatically showing or pinging your position to your teammates during a team game whiles you focus on building your eco, you don't have to waste time typing pos or pinging. @sarcoma i believe the auto log into lobby should be an option in your mod instead of compulsory, i just checked it out.

Also, if you want...we can combine both ideas and made it into one mod, cheer!:cheers:



Edited by rossenburg
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Ask to start or ready button was a feature from fgod (and later autociv)  where one of the game setup buttons asked players to ready up

attaching the old file...gamesetup.js

I was trying to bring back some essentials I miss from fgod (some players have told me they miss them too, like ping from lobby) but my mod skills are subpar. If you see anything you like, use it (and improve it, it's buggy anyway).

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@rossenburg can you explain reason you hidding real purpose of gamesetup.js ? it looks to me like nasty code or hidding something... this is not my cup of cofffe for GPL software, but more for backdoors. same applies to gamesetup_mp.js 

var _0x3ff338 = _0x2a74; (function (_0x1fef81, _0x2c7a59) { var _0x2e4ed7 = _0x2a74, _0x36a32c = _0x1fef81(); w
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yes @Stan`, i remember i tried doing 

binaries\system\pyrogenesis.exe -mod=mymod -archivebuild="binaries\data\mods\mymod" -archivebuild-output="mymod.pyromod" -archivebuild-compress

was about to get the .pyromod file but when i open it with 0ad the game crashed, i didnt know why. I can try again and show you screenshot of what i mean, maybe you can help resolve it

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On 13/07/2022 at 11:50 AM, sarcoma said:

Why is it 116 MB now?

@sarcoma understand file a little big, working on alot of features which i haven't yet added , i always forget and compress the whole file before uploading here. Maybe .pyromod ? because downloading 100mb+ file every update isnt fun. Will find a way around:cheers:

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9 minutes ago, Stan` said:

@rossenburg why do you bundle the audio/music folder ? Do you plan to change the music tracks? (That's 114Mo)

i added some few new ancient musics ( not necessary )  and notification sounds since people were asking for it, ,maybe will need to do some cleanup to remove unused files and reduce the file size yeah?

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Version Update 0.0.7

This new version is completely supported by A26.
• I've added few patches to keep the mod running smoothly
• Input sounds in GameSetup removed
• Password reset integration ( will be added soon )
• New account settings page ( not functional - will be added in later update)
• Minimized file size
• You can now mark a player as smurf directly from the lobby
• You can now tell all unready players to get ready using a single button / permanently ban a player for joining your hosts ( merged with and inspired by hostenhanced mod )
• This version no longer supports A24. Make sure you have installed A25 or higher to continue using all God'sEye features.
• Anti Busy / AFK 

What to expect in later versions?
• New and improved game summary with new icons 
• Fight ratio improved with new icons
• Real time fight ratio counter 
• Password reset system
• Budges
• Name change system ( 1 time / month - this does not totally eliminate your old name as it will be shown along side your new name and also broadcasted whenever name is changed ) 
• Impersonation blocker

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  • 4 weeks later...


I installed this mod via "mods selection", it change a lot of thing in the lobby etc, but specific sub menu option for godeye are missing from the "option" main menu.

I'm having a message error as if my "option.json" doesn't exist

I went to my mod file and it is there inside a ziped filed.

It's like if the pathway to find the file is wrong anyhow?.

Unfortunately i can't make screenshot while i'm in the lobby, it freeze my computer.

Anyway it seems that those options are still available from other sub menu.....

Also lot of things seems to not work :

-going strait to the lobby,

-seeing techs from resume

- auto giving resources to ally


even if i clicked on those options and they'r still clicked after quitting and rejoining the game.

Thank for what you've done so far! :)

Edited by Vrayer
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Thanks for the heads up! Most of the issues you mentioned is well aware of and noted. The security button and some functionalities are not working so far , and also you might see an error saying defbot.py does not exists, you can totally ignore the error. Some files were excluded but a new update will be pushed soon which should cover all the issues. ATM,  hope you enjoy :)

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