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On 02/06/2021 at 3:04 PM, StarAtt said:

Open a terminal, simply copy this entirely and paste:


sudo apt update && sudo apt install subversion build-essential cmake libboost-dev libboost-system-dev   \
    libboost-filesystem-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libenet-dev libfmt-dev   \
    libgloox-dev libicu-dev libminiupnpc-dev libnvtt-dev libogg-dev   \
    libopenal-dev libpng-dev libsdl2-dev libsodium-dev libvorbis-dev   \
    libxml2-dev python rustc zlib1g-dev wx3.0-headers libwxbase3.0-dev libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev libwxbase3.0-0v5 libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-0v5 -y && svn co https://svn.wildfiregames.com/public/ps/trunk/ 0adsvn && cd 0adsvn/build/workspaces && ./update-workspaces.sh -j3 && cd gcc && make -j3 && cd ../../.. && binaries/system/test

enter your password and wait until it says "...............OK!" and you can find pyrogenesis in binaries/system/

You can learn terminal during the build though.


Would you like to consider that this is pinned in the right spot? I find it very useful and assume that others do, too. (Yes, I can alternatively build in Linux besides Win 10)

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On 02/06/2021 at 3:41 PM, Yekaterina said:

@LetswaveaBook here:


Copy and paste the corresponding commands for ubuntu/debian into the terminal, then hit enter. You don't need to understand what they mean. 

Here are probably the exact commands you will need. Copy them in and execute one step at a time please. Exclude the bullet points. 

  • cd ~/
    sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libboost-dev libboost-system-dev   \
        libboost-filesystem-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libenet-dev libfmt-dev   \
        libgloox-dev libicu-dev libminiupnpc-dev libnvtt-dev libogg-dev   \
        libopenal-dev libpng-dev libsdl2-dev libsodium-dev libvorbis-dev   \
        libxml2-dev python rustc subversion zlib1g-dev
    sudo apt install wx3.0-headers libwxbase3.0-dev libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev
  • sudo apt install libwxbase3.0-0v5 libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-0v5
  • svn co https://svn.wildfiregames.com/public/ps/trunk/ 0ad
  • cd 0ad/build/workspaces
  • ./update-workspaces.sh -j5
  • cd gcc
  • make -j5

Note the number after '-j' is the the number of cores (including hyperthreading) that you have, plus one. At this point your build of 0AD is finished. To run the program in the future:

  • cd ~/0ad/binaries/system/
  • pyrogenesis


And this, too. ;) Well, it's already in the build instructions, so maybe pinning this and the other thread is not needed. Sorry for my maybe superflous comments. :blush:

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14 minutes ago, Ceres said:


Would you like to consider that this is pinned in the right spot? I find it very useful and assume that others do, too. (Yes, I can alternatively build in Linux besides Win 10)

We can actually have another build instruction with basic terminal usage though.

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4 hours ago, Angen said:

Towers were removed from requirements to not allow to reach next phase just by building bunch of towers

Maybe my comment is not in the right context here, but when I read the quoted post, I think about building 5(?) houses is sufficient to reach phase II, correct? Is this intended? Would you consider giving this another thought?

When hovering over the button to progress to a next phase, we see hints like we need to build e.g. 4 more entities of this and that. But of what exactly? The same, e.g. identical houses, or 4 other structures that we have not yet built? This is (to me) not clear. I have not consulted the Wiki or other information sources about this, but maybe we can make this clearer in the in-game hint?

Do you want me to move (or repeat) my comment over there maybe?

Suggestions for 0 A.D.


Edited by Ceres
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Same with the following comment from yet another thread:


Could developers maybe consider introducing profiles? Thus, players could save their settings differently for e.g. single player matches, as compared to multiplayer matches (against AI and/or humans, if it made a difference), or maybe savind less demanding settings in another profile if planning to play with more players. Would this be feasible and possible?

Would it make sense to create a "test map" as a reference to find out optimal gfx settings and compare them between platforms? Maybe such a map should contain different - how do you call that? - textures (Alpine, Sea, water in general to consider water reflections and other effects), trees and structures for shadows, and lots of units to start with (to see how that would draw on performance).

If that all does not make sense to you, it's simply because I am too unexperienced with program/game development (incl. 0 A.D.), so please accept my apologies.


Edited by Ceres
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6 hours ago, Ceres said:

When hovering over the button to progress to a next phase, we see hints like we need to build e.g. 4 more entities of this and that. But of what exactly? The same, e.g. identical houses, or 4 other structures that we have not yet built? This is (to me) not clear. I have not consulted the Wiki or other information sources about this, but maybe we can make this clearer in the in-game hint?

I can patch that. Just exactly what should we put there?

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Speaking about sensitive data: Which files of 0 A.D. can contain such? Is there a way to have them auto-removed or anonymised? I mean when logs are created. If logs don't contain such info, then this is of course only relevant for config files, where auto-removal does not make sense. Still, I would be interested to learn which (potentially) could contain sensitive data. Sorry about this partly OT question and thanks for your hints. :)

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11 hours ago, Stan` said:

Thanks, there was nothing weird in there. Maybe the port was wrong. Had to remove the attachment cause you uploaded your password in there.

Thanks Stan for saving my privacy. As you can tell from my password I am a Star Trek fan ;)

On a more serious note, the trees of India and Nubia biome need repairing; their canopies are much larger than the actual selection box so you don't know where to click. Also, if you build a storehouse under a tree u can't see the storehouse anymore. Please either make the canopy size reasonable or make the selectionbox larger, as well as the model's area larger than the canopy please. 

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47 minutes ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

How good do you consider yourself creating new units?

I am able to code the xml template files, including any reasonable features. Any cavalry unit should be easy enough for me. 

In terms of modelling, I can make some models by recycling the existing .dae files but they will not look beautiful at all. If it is cavalry you are looking for I believe I can just change the props to your liking. 

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1 hour ago, Yekaterina said:


On a more serious note, the trees of India and Nubia biome need repairing; their canopies are much larger than the actual selection box so you don't know where to click. Also, if you build a storehouse under a tree u can't see the storehouse anymore. Please either make the canopy size reasonable or make the selectionbox larger, as well as the model's area larger than the canopy please. 

Sheesh. I've been playing with these trees for over a year and run into no problems.

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1 minute ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

Sheesh. I've been playing with these trees for over a year and run into no problems.

I guess you were playing leisurely by yourself? When I practiced against very hard random AI I also didn't think it was a big problem. But, try to stay calm and search for stems and storehouses in a 1v1 duel when your opponent has 200 points higher rating than you!

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3 hours ago, wowgetoffyourcellphone said:

What are they short of?

is a Spaniard phrase that has become part of my lexicon.

It means that according to what I have read. The Iberians had more cavalry units  than we are representing.


By the way. Do you know why we have an Iberian lancer?

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