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Suggestions for 0 A.D.


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3 minutes ago, ShadowOfHassen said:

I'd be willing to do some of it off and on.


I mean, you already have raw research about each unit before putting them in the game, right?

Research undoubtedly exists (no units can be taken out without research).


When fractions are designed, the second thing that is designed is the architecture and with the architecture the main units and their appearance are designed.


You can see our mods in the Mods Forum, and you will notice that it is exactly the same modus operandi for factions.


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So I posted the mod to mod.io I'm waiting for it to be approved, and then I'll open a forum post to discuss it.

Should I put the discussion in Gameplay Discussion or Modding? I mean, it relates to gameplay and really isn't that big of modding.

Raw research like that is probably the easiest, but not for civilizations that are in development. 

It wouldn't be too hard, unit description wise. When you get to civilizations, you'd just need an overview with just enough information. The upgrades would be easy because a lot of them are used across units. Descriptions would be a pain for translators, however.

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9 minutes ago, ShadowOfHassen said:

So I posted the mod to mod.io I'm waiting for it to be approved, and then I'll open a forum post to discuss it.

Should I put the discussion in Gameplay Discussion or Modding? I mean, it relates to gameplay and really isn't that big of modding.

Raw research like that is probably the easiest, but not for civilizations that are in development. 

It wouldn't be too hard, unit description wise. When you get to civilizations, you'd just need an overview with just enough information. The upgrades would be easy because a lot of them are used across units. Descriptions would be a pain for translators, however.

It depends on how you approach the problem. If you make a mod of this it should go in the mod section but if it is to be attached to the main project in that case put it in the general forum.

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To get a mod on mod.io I have to get approved.

Once that's done, anyone can test it by installing it through the 0 A.D. mod launcher


Secret forums?!? That's pretty cool...

I've been reading up on Greek and Hellenistic cultures, so I already know some of the history/ culture and I can always look stuff up.

Maybe there should be a different discussion about writing unit encyclopedias? I mean, assuming that's a feature that the developers want.

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4 minutes ago, ShadowOfHassen said:

Secret forums?!? That's pretty cool

These are good that can only be used by the development team.


There are times when there are many more factions than the ones we have proposed in the forums that are visible.


One time a devs once let it slip and revealed several planned factions.


I assume that the original ones are there.



It's time you knew who to ask.



He is incognito but was a project leader a decade ago.

Wow can explain many concepts and units.


Expert in history and other things of considerable scientific knowledge.

Celts are their main knowledge.

@Thorfinn the Shallow Minded

He can speak about history and Greeks.



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On 22/05/2023 at 5:00 PM, Stan` said:

Yeah you can restore the <history> tag in the identity components. It will then show up in the detailed view of the unit.

Um. I tried to add a tag to the spartan women, and it wouldn't pop up. Is there a bit more nuance. Is it <History> not <history>? Or do you have to put it in the identity sub-section?

Once I get something to show for it, I might make a github repository and a forum discussion for adding history text. At first, it'd be a mod, but obviously It'd be cool to have it in with the main game. 

However, for a discussion I have no idea what category to put it in. it's not gameplay, and it is technically only a mod until it can be added to the main game.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hello. I know this may sound weird, but playing a game in 3D (Nvidia 3D Vision, or any other similar method) is absolutely awesome, and any game changes A LOT, for the better.

Games using directx 11 can be reproduced in 3D a lot of times with small tweaks, and some engines just work very well out of the box without fixing any shader (Unreal Engine 4 is one of them, applying an universal UE4 fix). There are solutions also for Vulkan games.

I don't enjoy 2D games anymore, so I hope this game support real 3D in the future (directly or using a engine that allow to fix the shaders).





Edited by b4thman
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Bom dia, sou Brasileiro então escreverei em português os meus achados sobre o jogo, espero que vocês levem em consideração.

Jogo age of mythology a bastante tempo, temos grupo que costuma se reunir para jogar junto.

Acredito que a mecânica do 0 a.d é muito interessante par aum jogo em desenvolvimento, é um jogo que possui uma jogabilidade incrível, acredito que vocês não deveriam permitir que qualquer cidadão ou soldado fizessem construções, afinal na vida real não são todos que possuem essa aptidão, poderiam incluir em algumas civilizações apenas, como por exemplo a romana que é ótima em construí pontes, poderiam incluir isso no jogo. Outra coisa que acho interessante vocês se atentarem é quanto a questão de zonas que você pode construir, essa mecânica do age of empires é bem ultrapassada e evita a malícia de algumas estratégias para dominação de território acaba travando a jogabilidade, se vocês deixarem as construções mais soltas, podendo construir fora da zona principal da base o jogo fica muito mais dinâmico e traiçoeiro, algo que o age of mythology faz muito bem. Recomendo que adicionem também atalhos de teclas para construções, por exemplo no age of mythology apertando a tecla "E" com um construtor selecionado, você aparece a construção casa. Isso torna o jogo mais rápido e menos dependente do mouse, achei incrível o jogo, gráfico e animações de vocês, espero que continuem o desenvolvimento. Parabéns, é um jogo muito bonito.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am translating through Google Translate, I hope the sentences are understandable.
In the game as it is today, the main disadvantage, in my opinion, is that it lacks dynamics.
The game more or less goes like this: each side develops as fast as it can, then when it has a siege weapon it simply makes a general attack of the whole army, whoever developed faster wins.
It takes all the strategy and thinking out of the game, you just have to learn how to develop quickly and not waste people and time, and that's almost the whole game.
For example, if one decides to send 20% of the force to make a surprise raid, and they succeed, and destroy the opponent's economy, it does not help because his 100% will crush your 80%, you will be left with 0% and he will be left with about 50%. He will conquer all of your part, and you at best will conquer his part only to lose later to the large army he still has left.

My suggestions on the matter: 1. Fortresses and watchtowers are stronger 2. The control power of the soldiers will be smaller as they move away from their area, so that it will be necessary to conquer step by step, and not simply go straight to the opponent's base and finish the game.

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I think mercenary champions are a great idea. In my opinion, it's a bit boring that all champions have the exact same damage, resistance, and price. I think it would add variety to, for example, increase one champion unit's damage and decrease its resistance. Maybe decrease another unit's price at the cost of making it less powerful. Or (like with mercenary champions) just change the price to make one unit cost only metal, or no metal and more food and wood. This would allow for more strategies and build orders. But that's just my opinion. What do you think?

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3 hours ago, Vantha said:

I think it would add variety to, for example, increase one champion unit's damage and decrease its resistance. Maybe decrease another unit's price at the cost of making it less powerful. Or (like with mercenary champions) just change the price to make one unit cost only metal, or no metal and more food and wood. This would allow for more strategies and build orders. But that's just my opinion. What do you think?

Yes, there are already some units like this.

An example is the gaul fanatic unit. It only costs food and wood and is very fast, but they are weak and train from temples. I think it would be nice to start introducing some 'unique' champions.

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