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Alpha 27 Pre-release/Release Candidate Build Testing

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19 minutes ago, Gurken Khan said:

Yeah, it sucks. Sure, naval vessels don't handle like a sports car, but ours are really, really stupid. Have you ever watched one being stuck ~forever on the corner of a dock?


It is a bit stressful to play naval maps, I don't know how much the unit_ai will influence the behavior.

The Rams and certain large units are what happened a while ago.



This does not exist in my culture.

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15 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:


After the embassy was under new management two allied traders visited it; of course they were welcome, but ideally the AI could be taught not to choose routes through enemy territory? (Since it was the Harbor map there obviously was one safe route and one terrible direction.)

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I took my 5 traders out of harms way for a moment, then told them to resume. 3 just stupidly went back to the market they were produced at, 1 went back to the "origin" market and 1 was at the parking position (not sure if I ordered that one to resume) and they all did jack diddley.

Edit: Maybe I should mention that it was the Fortress map, which has several quirks; I wouldn't expect it to affect unit behavior, but what do I know. If someone felt like giving this map a work-over that would be great. (The placing of the starting buildings is still makeshift, the resulting village a mess; at least in a26 the decay was off: own buildings would decay if in allied territory; the res distribution is still very uneven, but since you get a lot of starting treasures I guess it's ok to fight for what you lack.)

Edited by Gurken Khan
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4 hours ago, Gurken Khan said:



I've also tried it with another embassy in the meantime, I assume they all don't have flags.



Indeed, the model and actor do not have the garrison flag prop designated. Thanks for the report. I've fixed the Celtic one, as you see there, and will take a look at the others too.

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45 minutes ago, Gurken Khan said:

And it's like hardcoded that they show the flag of the builder and not the owner?

Yes. Unlike rally points that are spawned by the simulation code, this is spawned by some different code that cannot take the current civ into account.

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Oh but it can be changed. It would just suck very much to have to move all the garrison flag positions to the templates :) Currently artists decide where the flags are, if we did that it would be on the template side.

One upside might be that flags could be animated going up and down I suppose.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My ally lost their marketplace and built a new one; when I selected my parked trader and clicked on the new market it remembered its origin market and automatically selected the new one as destination. Is that the intended behavior or shouldn't it be treated as a completely new route?

(The trader was just outside my ally's territory so I wanted to use their market as origin; using the old origin meant it took off on a futile trip back home. To change it would require several additional clicks I did not expect or welcome.)

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 minutes ago, Gurken Khan said:

This carefully composed picture includes the garrisoned units; so: yes. I think it's currently up to five, wasn't it ten some time ago?

If it was in alpha 24, so I missed it because I wasn't here, during the launch.

I missed that release.


Many changes that occurred in A24 were done in a hurry in the last three or  four months before the release.

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