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Alpha 27 Pre-release/Release Candidate Build Testing

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5 minutes ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

eles have been redesigned to be more effective fighters, not just a second ram. They still do well vs buildings, but their primary role is now vs infantry.

Looks like their crush damage was cut to a quarter of its original value, in exchange for splash damage? So they aren't like rams at all anymore.

Anyway, for fighting infantry, it's pointless to pit them against 75 spearmen because that's not the army composition players actually use. Try instead a realistic army, say 80 archers and 20 spearmen vs 80 archers and 3-4 elephants (similar total cost, though in fact the elephants are more costly because metal is more valuable than wood).

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On a different PC, I started A27 in OpenGL mode, and I saw huge travelling waves of Mosaic patterns all across my screen. After I changed the rendering backend to OpenGL ARB and Vulkan, the problem disappeared. 


The configuration of my test bench is as follows:

  • Nvidia GTX1660 with 530 driver
  • Arch Kernel: Linux 6.3.2-zen1-1-zen
  • 4K screen 


This was a minor issue and can be solved by changing the renderer. OpenGL seems to really fail for more demanding tasks such as driving a 4K screen. I think it would be good if we add a notification on the welcome screen to tell new players how to change settings to fix such problems. 


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A27 still hates KDE...

No matter which rendering backend I use, as soon as 0AD runs, all of my desktop effects are killed and whenever I drag the 0AD window, I get huge screen tears. Many system hotkeys also malfunction, for example the windows key and atl+tab. Even with 0ad minimised, everything else moves in a very glitchy fashion and all windows borders are suddenly turned into sharp corners...

This problem does not occur on any other desktop environments. Gnome, XFCE, cinnamon are all good with it. Just KDE...

But KDE is my favourite desktop environment, so it would be great if someone can find out what's causing these graphics problems...


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54 minutes ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

are there issues when you are fullscreen? I have screen tearing, but only on vulkan and it is fixed with vsync.

it's not 0ad which has screentear but other apps in my system. As soon as 0ad runs, all desktop effects and graphics go super buggy. Doesn't matter whether 0ad is fullscreen or not. 

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On 18/05/2023 at 7:49 PM, leopard said:

This Happens in OPENGL with GLSL
ARB is ok
Vulkan is ok
but OPENGL is broken

22 hours ago, Itms said:

I can also reproduce the flickering issue with A27 using the OpenGL backend. Please let me know if I can give useful information to debug this

On 18/05/2023 at 9:11 PM, Gurken Khan said:

Ah ja. Changed it from OPENGL and the flickering immediately stopped.

Could you post your user report with OpenGL enabled?

Also is it possible to record it?

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3 hours ago, vladislavbelov said:

Could you post your user report with OpenGL enabled?

Also is it possible to record it?

Hi Vlad, here is my userreport: userreport_hwdetect.txt

I am not able to record the issue using OBS Studio: indeed, whenever the flickering happens, the frames captured by OBS Studio are blank. The capture shows the screen only when the flickering has stopped.

Instead, here is a video of my screen using my phone.


You can see that a few square parts of the game view are flickering. In this pathological example, a part of the dialog is missing, removing a button. The flickering always stops without intervention after a couple of seconds, then the game looks normal. The flickering doesn't always hit the same parts of the screen.

I believe the issue only happens in fullscreen, but I'm not sure. It can be triggered by toggling fullscreen with Alt+Enter, but I found that the most reliable way to reproduce the issue was to enable fullscreen in the options. With this option enabled, flickering will happen at game start in the majority of cases.

Hope this will help you.

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If you use A26, then run A27, A27 will crash with the following error: 

TIMER| modmod/styles.xml: 21.481 us
TIMER| incompatible_mods/incompatible_mods.xml: 621.521 us
ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "shaders/spirv/canvas2d.xml"
ERROR: Program 'spirv/canvas2d' with required defines not found.
ERROR: Failed to load shader 'spirv/canvas2d'
Assertion failed: "0 <= pass && pass < static_cast<int>(m_Passes.size())"
Location: ShaderTechnique.cpp:59 (GetGraphicsPipelineState)

Call stack:

(0x55756fef282e) binaries/system/pyrogenesis(+0x87582e) [0x55756fef282e]
(0x55756fe975ef) binaries/system/pyrogenesis(+0x81a5ef) [0x55756fe975ef]
(0x55756fe99374) binaries/system/pyrogenesis(+0x81c374) [0x55756fe99374]
(0x55756fe99861) binaries/system/pyrogenesis(+0x81c861) [0x55756fe99861]
(0x55756fb92506) binaries/system/pyrogenesis(+0x515506) [0x55756fb92506]
(0x55756fb2901d) binaries/system/pyrogenesis(+0x4ac01d) [0x55756fb2901d]
(0x55756fb274cc) binaries/system/pyrogenesis(+0x4aa4cc) [0x55756fb274cc]
(0x55756fe8320c) binaries/system/pyrogenesis(+0x80620c) [0x55756fe8320c]
(0x55756fdfd740) binaries/system/pyrogenesis(+0x780740) [0x55756fdfd740]
(0x55756fe6029c) binaries/system/pyrogenesis(+0x7e329c) [0x55756fe6029c]
(0x55756fdcdc71) binaries/system/pyrogenesis(+0x750c71) [0x55756fdcdc71]
(0x55756fbd5ead) binaries/system/pyrogenesis(+0x558ead) [0x55756fbd5ead]
(0x55756fbd6529) binaries/system/pyrogenesis(+0x559529) [0x55756fbd6529]
(0x55756fbd91c2) binaries/system/pyrogenesis(+0x55c1c2) [0x55756fbd91c2]
(0x55756f73270e) binaries/system/pyrogenesis(+0xb570e) [0x55756f73270e]
(0x55756f73733d) binaries/system/pyrogenesis(+0xba33d) [0x55756f73733d]

errno = 0 (No error reported here)
OS error = ?

The cause of Spire-V error is that you deactivated the spirev runtime mod but still trying to use Vulkan renderer. If you edit your user.cfg and add 0ad-spirv inside your enabled mods list, you can get A27 running again. 

mod.enabledmods = "mod public 0ad-spirv"


Hope this helps :) 

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4 minutes ago, Lion.Kanzen said:

Ctrl+ C

It looks like Shift+C. But they do not respond to orders. The sword icon changes to flags, but units continue to attack the house.

2 minutes ago, real_tabasco_sauce said:

The default vs buildings has been switched to attack. Use C to capture.

Now everything works.

Edited by Sun Wukong
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And we need a default reset on the remaining options - for color and placement. And a quick reset of AI settings to default.


In general, it would not be bad to have a button that brings the match settings to the state of the first installation of the game - by default. To avoid going through tons of these tabs.

And quick buttons to turn off music and sounds, and not a rolling ball that needs to be turned with a wheel.

Edited by Sun Wukong
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13 hours ago, Sun Wukong said:

And quick buttons to turn off music and sounds, and not a rolling ball that needs to be turned with a wheel.

Not sure I understand why the solution to turn the overall volume to zero with a slider is not ok. It works after all...

If we provide separate toggle buttons for each property (there may be many other things that appear desirable for single button control) we would create another large menu.

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