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Everything posted by Genava55

  1. I really doubt 0ad will move on beta. I don't interpret the message from wraitii the same way.
  2. I suggest dropping the alphabetical order and keeping the only good idea of using old names to label the alphas
  3. Just one big Thracian faction. Illyrians + Dacians + Thracians is enough I think?
  4. In my opinion, this is a terrible idea. First, because most of our evidences, archaeologically and historically, are related to the Odrysians. Second, because this is incoherent, we don't do the same for other cultures. Else, why not dividing Getae and Dacians? The same for Illyrians with the Autariatae, Dalmatiae, Dardani, Ardiaei etc.
  5. By the way, you have missed several Odrysians from your list.
  6. I am not supporting the idea of two Thracian factions, and I don't have the time nor the will to argue about heroes. So you have free hand on the matter.
  7. Knowing how much @Nescio was a good nitpicker, I would be surprised if there are any issues like this remaining for the Hellenistic factions.
  8. I refuse, and I suggest you to read something more rigorous than wikipedia, like Thucydides or Herodotus. Or to check the accounts of battles directly, if you want to stick with wikipedia.
  9. Zyraxes: Bonus to archers, cavalry archers and arrow-shooting towers. Burebista: Bonus in territory extent and bonus in capture. Decebalus: Bonus in training speed for infantry.
  10. Thracians had siege weapons at least defensively, we have evidence of artillery fortification. Dacians, not at my knowledge (but I know much less their situation).
  11. For the Dacians, I suggest at least: - A cheap and lightly armored falx warrior - Archers with scythian bows - Cavalry archers with scythian bows - Thureophoroi-like javelineer - Warriors champions with scales armor and a sword https://europabarbarorum.fandom.com/wiki/Drapanai_(Dacian_Shock_Infantry)#EB2 http://www.twcenter.net/forums/showthread.php?754138
  12. Duileoga proposed them: I agree on those three, but I would consider Seuthes III as well. Maybe instead of Sitalces.
  13. I suggested Yinyang because of the rebalance focus. Anyway the alpha names don't respect the old etymologies of the words (I pointed it out before, page 2). Furthermore, the whole idea of using letters like W, Y or Z is a problem in regard to ancient names and alphabetical order. At the end, instead of a cool idea it becomes pedantry.
  14. https://vk.com/id387122112 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orlat_plaques
  15. de Frías, M. S. (2010). Sobre algunos textos clásicos referentes a la caballería de los celtíberos y al simbolismo de sus armas. Gladius, 30, 137-154. 227-Texto del artículo-233-1-10-20110202.pdf + https://www.academia.edu/729176/_Aristocratic_riders_and_the_appearance_of_a_true_cavalry_in_the_Iberian_Iron_Age_to_copnceptually_different_ambits_in_Spanish_Aristócratas_a_caballo_y_la_existencia_de_una_verdadera_caballería_en_la_cultura_ibérica_dos_ámbitos_conceptuales_diferentes_
  16. No archer for the Britons. But a swordsman could work. With the ability to shoot javelin from the chariot when there is someone onboard.
  17. There is the Caledonian swordsman mentioned by Tacitus in Agricola and the archaeological records of scabbards that could have been carried in the back, mostly in the Northern part of Britain. The chariot should be a major element of the British warfare. Any champion with one of those highly decorated shields could fit as well.
  18. Yeah this is generally a storage, it's elevated to protect it from ground moisture and rats. The Celts did the same.
  19. Good job. This is a good compromise between accuracy and game design. Personally I approve.
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