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Everything posted by Ceres

  1. @Stan` Sorry, I should have paid more attention to this - of course, it's still a separate mod. Am I correct that I can nevertheless work with svn instead of git to remove those strings and create a patch? Or do I have to use git? Should the patch be a patch file that I shall attach here when done? In case I do have to use git (as the mod is in GitHub), shall I fork it in GitHub and apply the patch there? As I'm not so familiar with git (maybe a bit more with svn), I would prefer svn, if that's possible. Sorry that my questions are a bit too "technical" here for public discussion. Anyway, thanks for your help.
  2. @maroder So the task is to "mass-remove" all those <History>...</History> strings throughout the complete 0ad code base? I could do this, I guess, i.e. do it on my SVN version, create a patch, and let it reviewed. True, if a rice field as an entity of its own is known and addressable, it could be coded to slow down units. Shall this become an extra thread maybe? (as in principle, it could be other things as well, maybe?)
  3. I like this idea very much. However, if I remember correctly, a similar question about certain terrain (e.g. marshland) could slowdown units was answered that it was not possible or with lots of complexity, only. I'm not sure whether this applies for ground with e.g. rice fields as well. Still, I like the idea. And I would like to brind this up once more (sorry): Is this an easy task? (for me) Where can I find more info about it? I mean "history strings". Thank you!
  4. This PowerShell script (once executed) activates a Windows 10 window on mouse-over. Maybe someone finds it useful. Admittedly, you get the same without the script by left-clicking on the desired window. Anyway, there might be Windows users who like this experience known from several Linux distros. $signature = @" [DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern bool SystemParametersInfo(int uAction, int uParam, ref int lpvParam, int flags ); "@ $systemParamInfo = Add-Type -memberDefinition $signature -Name SloppyFocusMouse -passThru [Int32]$newVal = 1 $systemParamInfo::SystemParametersInfo(0x1001, 0, [REF]$newVal, 2) Cheers! PS: It's not my code - I found it somewhere, so credits go to its (to me anonymous) author.
  5. BTW, does Petra use formations? (and would get bonuses for that?)
  6. There are very useful start parameters for 0 A.D., but I'm missing one to start it directly into the mod selection screen (for testing purposes). Can this be done?
  7. @andy5995 Cool, thank you! Are there plans to add your mod into the game, or shall it remain as mod?
  8. @bb_@Stan` I would like to understand the meaning of this: <object size="16 62% 100%-15 100%-84"> I'm on IRC (as Ceres). Is that the right place to ask or rather here in the forum? PS: @bb_ Thanks for your kind help over there! For other interested people: left top position is (16, 62%): object is 16 pixels to the right (absolute) object is at 62% of the height (relative) right bottom is (100%-15, 100%-84): right hand side of object is 15 pixels from right of parent object bottom of object is 84 pixels from bottom of the parent object Note that sizes are relative to parent object's size. Hopefully, I summarised this correctly. I will play around with different numbers to better understand this.
  9. Yes, while I find it very interesting (hence my question ), too much micro management should be avoided; else, it would be less fun, I guess. Is D1958 still WIP or "on hold"?
  10. @wowgetoffyourcellphone How did you find out? Can you please let @nwtour know if/what is outdated? Thank you!
  11. What is currently taking damage when hit: the rider or his horse/elephant? Or are riders on horses and riders on elephants treated as one unit, respectively? Could they be treated in a future 0 A.D. version as separate entities with their own stats and the possibility that a rider fights on without his horse/elephant (in case the latter died)? Could horses/eles without riders (killed) get into some uncontrolled stampede? (could be dangerous for the own troops as well) Thanks for sharing your thoughts about this.
  12. Why are slingers good vs. war eles? Shouldn't they just "shrug off" thrown stones?
  13. I.e., you are in favour of what you wrote just before, right?
  14. If you are interested in car racing, check this out: https://rvgl.re-volt.io/#videos I it! And there is a launcher for it, too (makes it easier to update etc.): https://re-volt.gitlab.io/rvgl-launcher/ Recent update discussed there: https://forum.re-volt.io/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1494
  15. Sorry, but your reply is too "technical" for me. I.e. "Write a faction and a building with false data" means what?
  16. To answer your @Gurken Khan's question first: To place the II (or III) symbols was just an (maybe not too bright) idea from me. I am happy to further discuss, as I feel myself uncertain what is exactly missing. Besides, different players have different expectations. Now to wrap this up: Is my understanding correct that we should follow @maroder's proposal about grouping? I find it quite useful. If further information (e.g. classes) could be added in a nice way, even better. We have to keep in mind, though, that we should not clutter the whole GUI with too much info, as the players might simply get overwhelmed.
  17. Oh, sorry - no hurries meant! Thank you. I was just not sure how this works (should join on IRC about these things ).
  18. Patch D4254 shows as "Accepted". Is there anything more for me to do? Like "Close Revision" or something else? Thank you!
  19. @Stan`@Angen@Freagarach@maroder Do you have a hint for me how hover actions are coded? Is this C++ or JS? Where would I find some (example) code? Thank you! I ask because of patch D4252, where we agree that the additional explanatory text won't fit behind the "Enabled mods" text anymore, so that it would need to be a hover-over tooltip.
  20. Regarding the need for placing additional information about enabled mods, I decided to create a new thread for it, as it is not related to this "shiny - an alternative main menu UI" mod by @maroder For interested people, please look there. Now BTT, and please accept my apologies for my OT stuff here.
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