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Balancing Advisors
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Everything posted by LetswaveaBook

  1. Today I played a 1v1 game with valihr(Spartans) as Macedon. I went for a build similar to the Carthaginian mercenary rush. We concluded in the end that this type of mercenary rush is OP as well, when executed properly. Any thoughts on how Macedons mercenary cavalry is balanced? My thoughts were to increase cavalry usefulness for A26 and to nerf mercenary cavalry such that almost every faction can do a p2 cavalry rush. The mercenaries would be balanced such that they are just a minor advantage. I link the game in the attachment. 2021-11-01_0001.zip
  2. hmm... So then it is really annoying to play with an ally. I think it is to easy to promote from rank 2 to rank 3. Promotion to rank 3 does need as much experience as promotion to rank 2. This makes a difference as rank 2 units have an easier time surviving and collecting the experience.
  3. I ran some test and if you have 20 archies and 10 pikers, you will be evenly matched against 20 pikers and 10 archies. If both players would micro, then the player with 20 archies would get the advantage. Seems like these units have identical strength Pikers are not strong, the ranged units behind them are strong (unless they are infantry archers).
  4. We have seen some discussion about sword mercenary cavalry and whether they can be stopped . There was a game against @Jofursloft that I wanted to upload for a while and I finally got myself to do that. He played as Sparta against Carthaginians. Maybe Jofursloft and I could repeat the matchup to see which faction seems to have the advantage, as a single game does not really prove that much. I also uploaded a video featuring Macedonian mercenary cavalry in a 1v1.
  5. I don't have the sources for this claim. But I heard that the developer is planning to add more and more features post release. They are not the only developer to release an unfinished game and patch it later. That seems to be very common in the industry. It seems fair that not all people like this modern development cycle. By the way, age of empires 2 DE also was undesirable on release (balance between civs, path finding, matchmaking in the lobby, resource placement on arabia, desyncs, lobby dodging, spectator features were all lacking). I don't know the entire list of issues, but you can check the dozen or so patches that have been released and the issues meantioned there. Also spirit of the law made on youtube overviews of each path, which had many quality of life changes that the game should have had at release. A few months after release, we saw some players come back to the original on voobly. The current version seems to be favoured over the original. Personally, I think age of empires 2 went downhill ever since the release of the african kingdoms. So shortly, that is the reason why I am here and not on voobly.
  6. Another game where it shows what you can do with Kushites and Ptolemies. Ptolemies can get to p3 fast and get some siege out early. Kushite and Ptolmaic aggression.zip
  7. I prefer mercenary swordsman, costing only 60 resources instead of 125. They might not be able to gather resources, but construction and repair duty also needs to happen.
  8. I need to save for the record that Yekaterina is actually an evil party buster or whatever she is.
  9. Oh that wouldn't change much. The Germans call a chariot all ready a kar so that is pretty close to a car.
  10. In the meantime, building a lot of solar parks and wind turbines seems cool, nobody in my country seems to be really advocating to use less energy. What about insulating homes? Oh yes, if you have the money for it you can do so. Yet we fail as a nation to insulate houses that are being rented or for those people on the bottom of the social ladder.
  11. In the Netherlands there are companies that build solar parks with goverment benefits. So these solar parks provide considerable energy during peak hours, but in off hours they produce nothing. Also the are putting the electricity network under stress and these issues of solar parks is getting a little out of hand as they are employed at larger scale. What those companies mainly do is just collecting a lot of goverment benefits. Also the production chain of solar panels is not the nicest thing ever. So as Genava55 said, everything has its issues.
  12. An full time age of empires 2 caster casting a age of empires 4 game between two AoE2 experts. The game has some aspects that do not suit my taste.
  13. I think the big issue with a league is that player also just could play regular games. While the idea of a league is nice, it is not clear to me what it adds to the community.
  14. If you watch the replay, it is also very helpfull to look at the upgrades that both players have.
  15. I think it goes to the ladies: Women are the best unit. Have you ever seen someone win without women? I saw a lot of strong units being mentioned. About ranged champions, I think it is worth adding that they have better accuracy. Where a CS archer might hit about 30% of their shots at full range, champion archers land all of theirs. I want to add another unit to the list: The Chariot archer. A relatively small group of them can occupy a far larger force of CS infantry.
  16. I am not really good with modding the game, but this seems something I might be able to pull off.
  17. @UltraMan, I dislike to disappoint you but defeating Ptolemies will always be hard. I tend to think that there is no strategy that guarantees an advantage against Ptolemies. The best you could probably try to do is to On the forum we have a topic that lists the many advantages and strengths that Ptolemies have.
  18. Wow! You are nearly as good as chrstgtr.
  19. @Yekaterina, if you didn't want to see elephants you are in the wrong place
  20. I once did a Unity tutorial John Lemons haunted Jaunt where you did exactly movement like that. Rather than turning on the spot, units(or characters) would move forward and turn while moving. Depending on the Speed&turn rate, you didn't need much space to turn around. Also considering unit pushing, I assume opposing units wouldn't really block units from turning. I have to admit I never tested it on SVN so I could be easily wrong about that and I am an SVN noob with an outdated PC. Maybe also allowing units to turn small angles(like 5 degrees) without needing to stop to turn would be nice. https://learn.unity.com/project/john-lemon-s-haunted-jaunt-3d-beginner
  21. I want to try this with Elephants. On a serious note, if the feature makes movement seem more realistic and smooth, it is the way to go. Then after that comes balancing. What I felt in A24 is that: 1: I never made a diff, so nothing really changed. If you want a change, it seems being able to make a diff is very useful. 2: Unit pathing was overhauled, but there was no balance testing after that. So something was implemented and "the balance team"(if such a team existed) wasn't aware of the consequences. Now that skirmishers have good pathing, they are OP and my view is that archers were OP in A24 because other units lacked good pathing.
  22. That is the meaning of a soft counter system! I think some flaws are just inherent to an soft counter system and the citizen soldier system, but on other points these systems have their charms. These two systems might have their strengths and flaws, but I think we need to stick with what makes 0ad stand out. Which is off course these two systems.
  23. I think the game on itself can have some merits, but it comes at a $50+ price. Probably it is not so much about the money for me, but more about the idea that it does not justify its price. If you like history, creating things and finding your way around in the 0ad engine, you could try to make a 0ad campaign if you are super bored. If you are into competitive multiplayer, I don't know if AoE4 gives better experience than age of empires 2 on voobly. You could always try DE of course. But in the end, you need to decide for yourself what things in live you enjoy.
  24. Quote from Björn Bär: WeirdJokes in blue, he got an crazy rating of 1757.
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