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Everything posted by Yekaterina

  1. I have already submitted a patch, and this will be fixed in A25, I believe, if the other devs would approve.
  2. Wall-related bonuses might lead to turtling. Well, the players who play this mod will probably be playing against a single bot so I guess that is not a huge deal. I can add these 3 and delete the existing: Judah and Harod.
  3. We can leave it at the letter Y, because it is such a good source of memes an puns. Why? Y. (the sound of it) Other considerations: Y-axis (since there are so many mathematicians and scientists playing this game), Y-chromosomes etc decent names starting with Y: Yurya, Yelizaveta Or I wouldn't mind if you just use my name.
  4. About instal-kill on females, I give him an aura in which all enemy support units have 1 health.
  5. U need any 3 town phase building, can be the same thing built 3 times
  6. They counter other cavalry by default, because they are spear units and can stab other horses, killing them quickly. I can remove the feature if you want.
  7. Sorry I didn't quite understand what you mean here. Should their stats be changed?
  8. Let the Iberian sword cav have attack values between a standard Athenian sword cav and a Roman Consular bodyguard then? Let their spear cavalry have insane speed and very little armour?
  9. I have, but I can't play very well. The nomadic style makes booming very awkward; you must rush at all times and continuously rush, while just scattering buildings all across the map to exploit resources. You must go heavy on cav.
  10. I like the air strike idea. Will make a mod including such a unit for Gauls. If you can give me some more details that would be better. We don't have an air strike unit yet, and birds/eagles could have been used in battle in one way or another.
  11. I can work on that. I will borrow Greek and Roman buildings until you or someone supplies me with better models.
  12. Hi, I am making terra magna compatible for A25 right now. However, there are a few problems, especially with the gui javascripts. Currently, our solution is to pull out the civs individually and make a separate mod for each. I have restored the Xiongnu, Stan has done some good work on the Chinese and I believe Lion.Kanzen has Zapotecs sorted to some extent. I made a forum thread just to talk about restoring mods: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/40034-project-migrate-a23-mods-to-a24-and-a25/?tab=comments#comment-428346 Here are the Github links to the mods: Xiongnu: https://github.com/Yekaterina999/xiongnu Han China: https://github.com/0ADMods/han_china
  13. I can patch that. The Xyston is quite big, so I guess that affects the agility of the Xystophoros. Therefore we can make the following changes: 1. Use the counters mentioned in the bellum mod 2. Give lancers more health 3. Lancers have slower speed and slower turning time. 4. Lancers get a little bit of crush attack (maybe 0.5 or 0.7) because the long wooden stick flying past at 10m/s definitely can crush bones.
  14. @Lion.Kanzen Would you like me to do something about this? Do you want me to make an Iberian Sword cav unit and a chariot for them?
  15. I guess you were playing leisurely by yourself? When I practiced against very hard random AI I also didn't think it was a big problem. But, try to stay calm and search for stems and storehouses in a 1v1 duel when your opponent has 200 points higher rating than you!
  16. I am able to code the xml template files, including any reasonable features. Any cavalry unit should be easy enough for me. In terms of modelling, I can make some models by recycling the existing .dae files but they will not look beautiful at all. If it is cavalry you are looking for I believe I can just change the props to your liking.
  17. Thanks Stan for saving my privacy. As you can tell from my password I am a Star Trek fan On a more serious note, the trees of India and Nubia biome need repairing; their canopies are much larger than the actual selection box so you don't know where to click. Also, if you build a storehouse under a tree u can't see the storehouse anymore. Please either make the canopy size reasonable or make the selectionbox larger, as well as the model's area larger than the canopy please.
  18. Of course not peter smith, but any celtic name should be fine, like Bridget, Avalon, Aisling, Gwyneth etc
  19. Perhaps we don't have to use all noble names, regular names are also representative of the Ai's nationality.
  20. I have already deleted it, but when I restored the file from wastebin it magically worked. Anyways, here is the thing:
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