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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Wijitmaker

  1. I'd say I like the WCIII the best, a runner up would be Praetorians.
  2. Anyone play Perfect Dark on the N64? Challenge #29 baby yeah!
  3. *wonders* Shouldn't you finish the wfg websites first Sorry, that was below the belt... but I couldn't resist Nice idea though
  4. lol I think we need to adjust the time of the party so it doesn't conflict with the programmer meetings. Would Sunday be better?
  5. Forum mod request: Hey Tim, the programmers asked if there is a way to make it so that an entire forum could be be tagged so that you could recieve notification if any topic or reply has been posted in the forum? This would save time to go through and mark each topic. It would also notify when a new topic has appeared and you haven't got a chance to mark it. Thanks
  6. Yeah... Go Boston! Game #1 is in the bag!
  7. Yeah DD is only availible to staff.
  8. I think all the Persian units are named. If you have any ideas for Parthians, feel free to post them here
  9. Yeah that pretty much sums it all up
  10. Welcome back I got you all fixed up on the forums.. title, staff.. blah blah Oh BTW Adam said he had a track ready completed too! So looks like we have 2 new tracks to look forward to soon *remains on alert*
  11. Well I think we would be safe have the: Currency: ____ points But, I'm thinking more the part that is labeled points now... I wouldn't reccomend making something like dollars, silver, gold, denerii I think something like - Karma, Credits, Points, Fire, Goods...
  12. For the warning thing... I think it is what is in between the parenthesis that is important. And you don't have anything. I could test on your though if you want me too Here is where you go to view what the Currency and Reputation systems mean: http://forums.wildfiregames.com/wfg/index....php?showforum=9
  13. Yeah sorry, they will. Didn't mention that... just thought it would have been implied.
  14. I'm thinking things that have a direct relation to currency.... well implies currency But, to my knowledge... unless we get rich we won't every use the points to purchase things. More of a use for special little bonuses that WFG can provide its members with. So... in addition to being project neutral, I would also suggest it be independant from the link between the term and money to avoid confusion.
  15. I'm 24.... 25 in March FYI there are 7 people just off the top of my head who are older than I am on the 0ad team
  16. Like both DA and Stuart said... we will have 2 types of beta testers. 1) Serious Testers - filling out Q and A forms, we actually take their recommendations seriously. 2) Hardware Testers - Basically all we are asking is for people to play the game on their machine to see if there is any glitches with the game being played with different combinations of hardware on peoples computers. Soooo... how its determined what type you are will be: Group #1 - You will be invited by the head of beta testing - Phoenix_Dragonslayer. Or if send a request to him and he accepts your request. Group #2 - We will do random signup sheets, and also use things like forum points as 'payment' for your own beta copy. Thats about how it will work. Also this isn't for a long time too. We are talking at least a year from now. So don't worry to much about it
  17. The supply unit was implimented in a game called Celtic Kings. Have you guys ever played that? Though realistic I found the more frustrating than anything. It was just one more thing to manage when your trying to wage war. You guys should download the demo and play it before you decide if you like supply units or not http://haemimontgames.com/celtickings/downloads.html If the supply unit didn't have to be in a certain radius of units and instead only in the 'territory', then I think it might work.. but eh.. to much hassle this gammer
  18. That has more to do with your game ending conditions in your pregame settings? ... "Conquest" or "Last Man Standing" That sort of thing right?
  19. Not guarenteed, we need more finger crossing!
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