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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Wijitmaker

  1. Looks cool, where did you get your inspiration for the mod?
  2. Yeah thats what I would have guessed, good trivia! You have any more Swellick?
  3. I like playing vs. the computers with some buddies at a LAN party. Nothing better than kicking a computers butt, it doesn't through a fit and hate you for a week
  4. Those impalas (I think early 60's?) with the cool sets of 3 tail lights are pretty neat to.
  5. yeah and she kind of has a big forehead... oh well, if she asked me on a date I would go
  6. Hmmm, assuming your a guy because 99.9999% of the people who ever visit our fourms are guys... You should know that there is only a .00000001% chance a hot girl will read your comment But good luck to you! And a warm welcome to our forums
  7. Hey good you made it Quaker! 3 cheers for MOH
  8. Hey Brad, will you be able to make it to the programmers meeting this Sunday?
  9. What is your favorite random map you have played in any RTS game? Personally I like Black Forrest (yeah I'm boring )
  10. What did you find was good or bad about the AI in other games? For example... a good AI trait that I liked in Rise of Nations, was if you had an idle worker who was idle for more than a set period of time, he would go find his own work to do. What are some that you can think of?
  11. What kind of eye candy do you think we should include in the map editor?
  12. We decided it would be ok to open some of these forums, lets make them active to make it worth while
  13. Yeah, for everyone who emailed me, or left a messege in the forum for me... I"ll be away for about 24 hours, I got some buisness to take care of in prepration for my school tomorrow. So I'll get back to you all in a few hours
  14. The old forums here: http://forums.heavengames.com/wfg/cgi-bin/Ultimate.cgi are closing in one months time. Unfortunately we thought we would be able to recover the database, but Zen (the webmaster of HG and that forum) informed me on Sunday that we will not be able to save it. The reason is, that the forum conversion that HG was going to do on all its forums has been delayed till next spring. So, this means that if you want to save any of the old posts at that forum you need to go and copy/paste all the text you want into this forum. You have one month, but just to be on the safe side, you better do it in the next 3 weeks. Thanks
  15. Yep, we just reached 100 members in just 3 days, great job people, and thank you all for registering I hope you all can stick around, have fun, and just hang out!
  16. lol, I mean by posting it on our news pages Tim, not you going out of your way to get closed threads at HG
  17. Nothing wrong with that Exactly couldn't have said it better myself But actually I also love the story, and the twist and turns in the plot Yeah Ryan, reruns of Sienfield are tough to top, I just watched on the other night
  18. I see allot of the favorites, but where is all the whys? except dragonslayer
  19. Thanks Sanjab thats great! Any way you could help us with pronounciation, written or recorded?
  20. Cheezy that is a neat idea... where did you come up with it? Or what got you thinking about that? Yeah CO I was wondering the same thing.. are there players who actually like the rushing in RTS games, and be mad if we elimated it?
  21. Wow, lots more XP's than I though there would be... I'm surprised there isn't more MEs Although it was kind of buggy for some people, I personally didn't have a problem with it.
  22. Wow thats pretty even... more than I expected (Except for the Romans, everyone loves the Romans!) Please continue to vote if you haven't already
  23. Oh, forgot to answer your questions We are shooting for a beta release in December of next year. From that point out, the release will depend on how many problems the testers see we need to fix, and how much time we want to spend 'balancing' the civs in the game. It is not a mod, it is a standalone freeware game! The programmers are working on the graphics engine, and we do not have any screenshots currently availible for the engine version they are working on now. But, the engine is called Prometheus and it should be very good. You can visit the website (which we will be updating within the next 2 months) here: http://wildfiregames.com/0ad Or the link is at the top of the forum under the banner
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