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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Wijitmaker

  1. Yeah I guess its the Narsil sword: http://www.lordoftheringscatalog.com/db/lo...lotr/L6009.html It looks allot like Anduril? http://www.lordoftheringscatalog.com/db/lo...lotr/L6011.html
  2. Family, Friends, and Food Actually I am really thankfull that it appears that I will be passing all my classes this fall quarter! *thanks God*
  3. Maybe the theme could be something useful to use on the new websites?
  4. I like the broken one best.. which one is that? Narsil?
  5. What is this thing at the top of the 0ad forum that says: 0 A.D. Community Forums latest news: Submission: Module: Debugging (CError) Its right above the "Welcome back, mate !" on the index Its been there forever and it hasn't changed? What does it do?
  6. Thanks Kumar, its actually now a bit more updated than that picture now. Rich hopes to have some models in there soon. He is still working out some bugs with the terrain blending. But, thanks, we'll keep posting stuff there. Keep an eye out on that webpage!
  7. Sud, happy birthday I was going to give you a link to our old 0ad forums at ezboard, but it appears they took them down? http://pub54.ezboard.com/bwildfirestudios74917 It is wierd, they were up last month, I remember checking.
  8. I would say hide the: group icon post stats status reputation currency That would leave: title avatar I think that would be good. If people who used this mod wanted to give someone some currency or check a rep they could just access the member's profile. It would just cut down on some clutter for those who like a lean mean forum machine Thanks for doing that Tim
  9. I would use it... I like a clean forum But, thats just my personal oppinion.
  10. Hey cool Sud! You weren't kidding when you said you were being busy
  11. Hey I was wondering if it might be an idea to have a mod that 'simplifies' the left bar of the topic pages? Sort of like in your user optioins you can turn off sigs. This would turn off everything in the left bar except for avatars. Might be a good idea for people with slower connections or people who just like a clean look to the forums?
  12. Muchos gracias... I was also wondering how hard it would be to make it so that the image button doesn't pop up in a new window, but instead adds tags after you select the link... like how it works with the bold etc..
  13. Made this up today, thought of it as very usefull sometimes. Wondering if you could plug it in If someone konws of a better one thats already made, let me know
  14. *Laughs at the romans* I can't imagine some little roman dude fighting an effective one-on-one battle all alone with his short stubby sword and his heavy armor. Sorry just had to make that comment
  15. chinese symbol for fire - designed by angel zen at hg
  16. Would it be possible to add to the UBB code?
  17. Are you asking as a group of units or a one-on-one fight? group I would say romans, one-on-one I would say a celt.
  18. I whistle all the time... nonstop! Serious, always have a song in my head
  19. Finish 0 A.D. by tomorrow I think I'd also do some traveling... might be kind of hard if I can't use cars or planes though... hmmm *ponders*
  20. lol Elf Sorry, but I'm in the mood to argue and this is one topic where I won't offend anyone politically or religiously I guess I have a different outlook because I'm what you would call an 'old' console player. I remember specifically the day we got our old 8bit nintendo. It was only $100 back then too. The only thing thats changed is the cost of the games. That has more to do with the game developers though than the makers of the consoles. I think the whole dvd deal is way over rated. Last Christmas my brothers and I bought a dvd player for $100 on a great sale that so many more features than xbox's dvd player its laughable. I view it like the 'onboard' equipment on computer motherboards. I'd rather have things seperate and good than together and bad Yeah, again... I'm a old gamer and I'm probably not grasping this for the future of console gamming. Not really a big feature for me because if I wanted to play online I would rather play an online computer game than console. They are designed much better for this IMHO. GBA is more expensive because its portable, and you can stick it in your pocket. And they also have a monopoly on the market. I don't know one person who sat down with an xbox controler for the first time and says, "I love this controler." Xbox controlers are something that you get used to. I really don't care for the GC controlers either. IMHO the N64 controlers were the best. Xbox small controler isn't to bad. Here is what I'm looking for in a console: 1) Good graphics. 2) Reliable - no crashes. 3) Minimal loading time as possible. *loved cartridge games* 4) Easy to just plug in a game and sit down with my buds and play a game. 5) Cheap 6) Don't want to pay for a feature I won't use - or could do better using other electronics 7) Good selection of game titles For me... thats Game Cube
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