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WFG Retired
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Everything posted by Wijitmaker

  1. Tim you mean http://forums.wildfiregames.com/intranet/wfg_main/2/ or http://forums.wildfiregames.com/intranet/wfg_main/1/ ? Thanks for all your help Paul! We can use all the help we can get! Visit us often
  2. Ah yes, good find Desmond Not sure why I wasted my time doing this but I made 2 more in the same theme
  3. Eh, I don't think you should waste your time on it Tim. Perhaps it would make a good community contest though?
  4. Eh... I"m not a big O'Reilly fan. If your going to pick a convervative talk commentater for prez, I'd go with Beck. He has a great sense of houmor!
  5. Never can get enough of those conservatives
  6. If someone makes them, I'm sure Tim would be happy to put them in Would be something that I think the community would enjoy doing.
  7. Ah cool, glad you found the introductions forum. Brian is the man! He's a fountain of knowledge in 3d max
  8. Ok, I'll search for it. I have a stack of unlabled old cd's that I have laying around. I suspect its in there somewhere... just got to find it. If its ok, I'd like to put this off till the end of the week. I have a huge stack of homework I need to take care of. Hope that isn't a problem for you.
  9. Hey Dave, I sent you an email last night, and I hope you got it. Its about meeting times this week for an interview. Look forward to your reply thanks
  10. Yikes thats not good! Very sorry to hear that Aga Ok here is what I got for you: 1. http://0ad.wildfiregames.com/~art/vuetemplate.zip 2. http://www.vrayrender.com/download/ 3. I don't have that handy, in fact I might not have it at all... do you have those old cds I mailed to you years ago? Its on that I think. 4. Unfortunately that site no longer lives. The guy who hosted that for us left and took the site down. I'm not really prepared to put up something to replace it, because of server space. Give me a month or two. In the mean time try these sites: These are some nice textures from a guy who got ripped off by his gamming company, so he decided to post his files to the public for free to tick of his studio: http://www.davegh.com/blade/davegh.htm Here is some nice textures from a french site: http://perso.club-internet.fr/lemog/lemog_...textures01.html Most of these suck, but you might get lucky: http://www.grsites.com/textures/ Might be something here: http://textures.forrest.cz/ Hmm, seems this site started charging money: http://www.pixoi.com/ More textures: http://www.the3dstudio.com/textures.asp I'll PM you stuff about ftp
  11. Thanks registering already Dave. Not sure if Stuart has told you but he had some computer problems and is now reformatting his computer. He hopes to be back online soon. If things don't go as planned with his reformat we'll make some new arrangements for the interview. No worries, we'll get something figured out We always have room for a programmer with a love for RTS games! Hopefully I can make it to the interview too.
  12. No, it wasn't Tim's fault it was mine Tim is the fixer
  13. Ooops sorry guys, I think I fixed it now... try again
  14. I think I recognize that name from DGDN? Welcome. Just a quick note - its cool you noticed the RaW MP version. I never actually publically released that version, but it is the version I favor. Doesn't have all that gobbly-@#$% that is in the Scen verison
  15. Welcome Celts are my favorite too! Send me a sample of your work if you'd like to help out with concepts: jason@wildfiregames.com Period specific if you could please (500 BC to 500 AD).
  16. Yeah I'll PM to you also just a sec... Thanks much Yeah that works out to 15:30 GMT, but your to fast for me Cool, we would really appreciate some more input on this subject. I'll see if I can scrounge up some previous meeting logs for you to read if your interested in some more background on the on-going discussion.
  17. Oluseyi, any chance you could meet us on IRC for the programmers meeting we when we will decide this issue? It would be 10:30 EST... yeah kind of early for us Americans, but we need to catch those Europeans before they go to bed
  18. Tim any chance of this feature sometime in the following months?
  19. Drats you beat me to 25 by a few months! Oh well, happy birthday
  20. Excellent, I should actually get you in touch with our lead programming manager - Stuart (aka Acumen). If you still have a copy of what you sent CheeZy, please forward that to stuart@0ad.wildfiregames.com . True, CheeZy is the guy who coordinates our VIP's but Stuart is the man you want to connect with. A liasion would be great! We could use all the advice and experiance we can get
  21. Thanks for stopping by Oluseyi, and thank you also for taking a look at the ferite language and giving us some impressions you had on that. Oluseyi is a moderater over at gamedev.net ... I'm not sure which forum. But, again welcome - maybe we could pick your brian sometime if your not to busy with your responsabilites at gamedev.net
  22. Happy birthday! Dude you watch Alias tonight! Another mind bender
  23. Adam, you look just like I imagined you would look! Is that your senior photo? Its a good portrait. I hate my senior photo... I look like such a goon. Advice for anyone who takes senior picture - DON'T WEAR CLOTHING OR HAIR STYLES THAT IS A 'FASHION' Stick with something that will always be in style like a plain polo shirt and shorter clean cut hair. Otherwise you'll look back on your picture 7 years later and say... Man, I was such an idiot.
  24. Do we have a bowing smiley? I found this one: Its kind of big though...
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