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Everything posted by Wijitmaker

  1. Cool thanks Tim! I think you fixed it. The PM notification I recieved from your PM had the correct html format and I could click the link! I was mistaken, there wasn't any html errors on the PMs I was looking at some other emails. [edit] That second one for example... it didn't have any in it so it was all just one big string in OE. Thanks Tim Edited for security
  2. Hey, I thought I was the only one with this problem! Any forum notifications I recieve from the forums aren't html anymore. They are just plain ol text files with wierd html code in them. PM's the Crier - everything from the WFG or 0ad forums
  3. Need idea, I'll clear up some of the confusion Not sure where you heard of the scripting, tech tree, and victory condition editors Though you will be able to mod all that stuff with a notepad... Weapons are seperate prop objects, and animations are seperated from the mesh in thier own animation file. This is all controled by the entity's xml file. True, but you would be crazy for using anything over 1024x1024 A SDK really won't be needed because we are leaving all our assets in a 'open' format that will be easily modable with commonly used software. True, but if the other player doesn't have the same mod, you will get an OOS error (out of sync). Yep, if you want to have... say... the Simpons vs. the Romans, you will be able to do it.. just make sure if your playing with another player, they also have the same mod.
  4. Cool, I was about to complain that it didn't work till I read the instructions. All you do is select your text and right click it and you got some great BB code options! Very cool!
  5. I have this problem too, and was just about to suggest Tim to install this: http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/index....showtopic=16340 But, I'll try your fix first Dnas!
  6. Here is a FAQ for the beta: http://www.wildfiregames.com/0ad/viewtopic.php?t=177 If you have more questions, let us know!
  7. Thanks, whatever you did, fixed it
  8. I get this error when I try to post on the 0ad and TLA forums: Warning: post(./modules/ipb_member_sync.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/forums/0ad/sources/Post.php on line 73
  9. If we are able (highly doubtfull) to make some gmax maxscript it would probably only be the model format. AFAIK Gmax doesn't support Charecter Studio and we are using that for boned animations. Bottom line - don't count on gmax support for the reasons that Philip sited.
  10. hmm ok, I'll fix you up
  11. Like CheeZy said, we would love to get the community more involved - but just aren't quite at that stage yet. We'll definately be looking towards aiscripters.com's direction when the time comes.
  12. Hmm, about 'stonehenge' - it wasn't intended to be the actual stonehenge. Just a random megalith. Perhaps I shouldn't make it circular shaped? Like Klaas said, the celts (from what we know by ancient historians) worshiped in oak groves. But, that is something you can't easily do for a game, because one can't distinguish one tree to another. So I thought I might go with a more 'stereotyped' approach. Maybe, that wasn't the right thing to do... I'm open to suggestions if anyone has an idea for a different celt temple.
  13. Well, I suppose you could put 0ad, but its like saying.. Age of Mithologee vs. Age of Mythology
  14. Found, this, thought it might be usefull at some point in time.
  15. You can read the old threads that are visible, but not the passworded forums because their bot couldn't crawl that.
  16. Looks, good, the only thing though, its 0 A.D. not 0ad
  17. An "edge" like creating a super contriversial movie that generates over 300 million on a 30 million budget? No, but seriously... I agree, like people were saying in the articles I was reading. Its "Braveheart in a Bra", how can you make the story interesting? It's basically already been done. The pathetic thing is, there are 4 movie scripts floating around Hollywood about this same story!
  18. If it looks like a pig, walks like a pig, rolls in the mud like a pig, and Oinks like a pig... its a pig
  19. Check this out: http://imdb.com/title/tt0409457/ Mel Gibson as a producer? Looks like we got another epic historical film that fits in the time period of our game
  20. Ah, excellent! Thanks again!
  21. A bireme was a warship with 2 rows of oars like this.. the '.' are oars : \__ . . . . . . . . . . __/ \=. . . . . . . . . . .===> Sorry for my poor ANSI art, but hopefully you get the idea. The tireme was the same thing except 3 rows, and the Quinqueremes had 4 rows. Here is an article with more info: http://www.wildfiregames.com/0ad/viewtopic.php?t=87 So instead of calling them by thier latin names. If you could do something like... light warship and medium warship, that should be easier to translate.
  22. Pretty good my man, pretty good Yeah, I've been keep an eye on that T:RW game. Looks pretty cool. Cool, I'll see what I can do to get you in touch with Mythos our current head architect sketcher and see if he could pass along a few things to you that you'd enjoy doing
  23. He's got some of those.. but not in the possesive tense... but it seems that to make it posessive you just add an 'i' on the end? mede = mad median = madi ?? maybe Yeah those bireme, tireme.. etc are hard to translate. How about, a light warship? medium warship? heavy warship? or is it ok to do: Dokashti? Sekashti?
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