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Everything posted by Wijitmaker

  1. There is no reason for the historical subject matter of Christianity to be offensive to anyone unless they are outright Christ-a-phobes. As you are well aware, Christianity began in the first century AD and played a huge role in the following few centuries historically. I think a tasteful article on the early church and its effects in the ancient world would be appropriate for the historical articles. I'm sure Paul wouldn't allow something that is full of rhetoric or bias. I'd actually be interested in seeing a few other acticles about ancient religions on the website such as: Judism, Gnosticism, Zorastrianism, Greek/Roman gods, etc... if your interested Cory?
  2. Actually, we have one made from some time ago. Here you go: You need to download it and upload it to your server though because we don't allow leeching of images from the site anymore.
  3. Maybe if rename the topic Red won't move it again
  4. Yeah, I don't have the error anymore. Not sure if it has anything to do with the deletion of all my PMs in my inbox/sent folders, but mine is entirely empty. Try that Tim.
  5. This individual has been awarded the following due to outstanding accomplishments as the 0 A.D. Staff Member for the month of May: Matei Zaharia (aka Matei): Making great strides in the implementation of Random Map Scripting. Matei is building the system from scratch and learning a lot in the process as both xml and javascript are fairly new languages to him. He shows a large amount of creativity and initiative. Thank you, Matei! This month was kind of a slow month due to it being the end of the school year for a large number of our staff members. It was filled with exams and projects. Yet we still managed to get some things done. Great job, team! Here are some other honourable mentions: Jan Wassenberg (low level coding), Mark Thompson (projectiles), and Damian Kastbauer (sound design document). Accomplishments for the month of May: Website upgrade for both php and apache Major update to the sound design document Made some great headway on Random Map Scripting implementation Made some design tweaks related to the Civilisation Profiles Updates to the network code for order code and interaction code between players User Interface research Hired a scripter - Mark Strawson (aka Xentelian) Continued work on low level code - in particular: loader, lock-free, and debugging code Implementation of projectiles Implementation of actor animation events Adjustments were made in how animation speed is implemented for the entities Tinkering with the Javascript Virtual File System interface Implementation of random animations Improved texture compression and mipmapping system Improvement of the actor editor and player colour tester tools Textured the 2nd draft of the Hellenes Buildings Assortment of gaia objects created Several history articles added to the website General bug fixing and optimisation A few more helmets were textured
  6. Wow, I think you broke some kind of a record Dayle! That was fast Thanks for being up front and honest about it though, wish you the best
  7. Thanks for the update Matt We'll have to see what we can do with some IPB support.
  8. Well, I don't know about a 'bunch' but we said we would release a battle screeny
  9. Allow me to refer you to our FAQ. You could think of 0 A.D. having the same foundations of AoK, but we are doing several things drastically different. Some of these might be considered similiar to the old Command and Conquer games, or Rise of Nations, or even Warcraft III. If you could be a bit more specific, I could try to expand on different aspects (as long as I don't give to much information away ). BTW welcome to the forums!
  10. Hey Ben, nice of you to stop by. Things are going pretty good, expecting things to pick up again for a summer push. We still haven't integrated your particle system yet! It is on the todo list though You lost lurking access? I'll have to remidy that...
  11. Hey Tim, I'm getting this forum error.. please have a look. Its not allowing me to use the PM system.
  12. Welcome to the forums! You can check out our FAQ here: http://www.wildfiregames.com/0ad/page.php?p=1696 I wouldn't get your hopes up about any "super fancy" design ideas though. At the core, we are creating a traditional RTS game in the same vein as AoK, C&C, etc... with a few a few elements of strategy that will be unique to our game. Autoque - I've had many a heated discussion about this However without going into the debate we are looking to make it as a game option that you could toggle on or off when you set up your multiplayer game. Balance - Should be the #1 goal of every RTS with its assortments of civs/factions. We are going to do our best in this too. Some civs will benifit certain styles of play (rushing, booming, etc...), but 2 players who knows how to utilize the civ they are playing would be a challenging game for both (of course someone will win eventually). Smurfing - Unfortunately, as we are all students making this game for free as a hobby we currently don't have the funds to set up dedicated match making service for games such as the zone. It is something we would like to do, but its not feasible at the moment. As it stands right now, there really isn't an advantage to smurf as you are just setting up games by IP.
  13. Due to the fact that there was not one clear standout for a member of the month award, there isn't one for this month. However, several staff members did some key things this month: Mark (resource gathering and unit training); Philip (colors and player color tester); Jan (lockless data structures); Bobby (second draft of the Greek Building models). They do deserve some recognition. Accomplishments for the month of April: Hired a new historian - Cory McConnaughy aka Titus_Ultor Several new history articles Civilization profile changes made for simplicity, historical accuracy, and unit recognition First draft of Celtic citizen soldier units completed Implemented resource gathering (wood from trees, fruit from berry bushes, etc) Placeholder switching cursors Created variant actors for rocks and trees Implemented training and spawning of units (spending resources, production queues, progress) Rewrote GUI tab lists and command button code to support unit training Completed list control (listbox), the first draft of the dropdown (combobox) control, and made it possible to interact with the above controls via JavaScript. More progress on multiplayer connection UI Ported TDD docs to a Wiki format ... extrapolated GUI requirements from design Advertised/investigated scripters and a graphics programmer GUI update loop switched to entity selection events (watchAll) over continual ticks, for improved performance Initial implimentation of defining events during animations Created a more flexible type classes structure Function-spawning timers Iteration over properties of XML objects (eg for .. in loops) Moved entity scripts out of inline XML Designed ranged attack approach Implemented colour randomising (different horse skin tints, human hair color, etc) Wrote a player colour testing preview tool entity hierarchal flow visualisation tool created Expanded the Actor Editor tool Utilized random variants of actor properties Resurrected automated builds Completed lockless data structures and memory allocation code Started on JS file access interface Implemented improved JS ordering interface (giving network synchronised orders to entities) Designed user profile/config Discussed source licensing issues and how it relates to the staff Designed Fog of War / Shroud of Darkness implementation I would also like to announce that one of the goals for the month of May is provide a screenshot of a larger scale battle screenshot than you have seen before. Your job is to hold us accountable to that goal.
  14. Hey guys, those are some of the better ideas I've seen in a while Few comments: 1) Learn Javascripting and xmls and you will be amazed at what you can do with modding 2) Republican Rome (the Rome featured in Part I of our game) is a bit different than the impressions you get from movies lately that tend to feature Imperial Rome. (Historians, correct me if I'm wrong but...)Soldiers in the Republican Army were actually Roman Citizens with homes, families, farms, and buisnesses. After the war was over, they would return to their homes. Unlike later on in Rome where there was a career as a soldier, the employing of mercinaries, or forcing of defeated enemies to participate in their army.
  15. Just had to mention that Zero Hour is one of my favorite RTS games of all time. Welcome to the forums! As a modder of Westwood's game engine have you looked into modding Battle for Middle Earth?
  16. Maybe firefox javascript errors? I've noticed sometimes the JS plugin for FF doesn't always work as it should.
  17. Yep, just javascript not 'java'. Those of you who are interested - be prepared to have some sample scripts you have made to show. Like Stuart says if you can fit the a-f scale he gave there, you'd be a good fit in the team. We don't know, unless you fill out an application. Thats kinda what they are for.
  18. I like your second idea, very nice. Breaks up the visual of the website, and it also shares with people a taste of the games we make We could regularily randomize the concept images above like what we do on the 0 A.D. site.
  19. Ok, here are some I found: Far and Away - John Williams Rob Roy - Chieftons Have done several sound tracks Loreena Mckennit - done celtic tracks used on some TV music scores Patriot Games - James Horner Devils Own - James Horner Gangs of New York - ???
  20. I assume your talking about modern 'celtic' music right? Which really should be called Gaelic music... (thats another story, for another time...). I'll see what I can find for you.
  21. Like I say, if we could find someone to develop the plugins for us, we'd definately provide them to modders.
  22. If you don't like it, feel free to make a new one. We'll replace it and stick your name in the news
  23. *moved back because it has more to do with 0 A.D. than an introduction*
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