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Everything posted by nani

  1. Update I don't plan to work on this mode anymore. Looking for a volunteer who wants to take over this mod and fixes. I will give him write access to the github project if he/she wants. Needs to know how to program a little in Javascript, not asking for perfect, I can give some light mentoring on the codebase of the mod and 0ad basics.
  2. New version 27.0.2 Updates - Compatibility with 0ad 0.27.0 - Added to the mute list the lobby moderators Fixes - Stats overlay doesn't trigger errors - New game shortcut form lobby works again *Notice: Post here any errors you encounter, I might have missed some things to fix. Happy 0ad playing!
  3. As Stan said, the new rules for mod.io uploads don't allow mods with the compatibility flag off and that change the simulation folder (even if they preserve gameplay simulation untouched).
  4. @Vantha That is exactly what I wondered years ago. So I created an animation "framework" that works on-top of the UI code. If you know some javascript I'm sure you can extend what I did to support your use case of animated sprites. Here is the link to the code. https://github.com/nanihadesuka/autociv/blob/master/gui/common/animateGUIManager.js You are free to modify however you want. A good thing about the link, the class list the full extend of what you can possible change UI wise from the JS side. In my time, I did some deep research in the c++ UI engine code. (maybe some things have changed in 4 years)
  5. That is expected, multiplayer attracts alot of jerks around ps: maybe PC not very powerful or running antivirus?
  6. Not possible directly. But maybe you can hack it around and implicitly get the values by creating a parent object that you can get it GUISize from Engine.getGUIObject(...) javascript call and have the children object centered & have the image at 1:1 ratio (I think you an customize the ratio by adding some string at the end, check the C++ code). Then by iterative approximation calculate when the parent object matches the child object size. Thus you will have the ratio (but not the real resolution). Another easier solution is to set all your textures to the same aspect ration so you can know it in advance.
  7. I hope is more like AOE titans expansion, it had a nice story continuation. A remake with just new textures feels unnecessary
  8. Guten tag @sim4seasons . Thanks for liking the mod, you are welcome As for the F4 key for shortcuts: it doesn't work because the newest 0ad now has an official hotkey editor, so I removed the one I did to not confused/duplicate functionality.
  9. version 26.4.0 - special update New Custom default initial unit stance (you can change it in settings) @Langbart Better coloring and symbols for overlay stats Removed Set healer aggressive by default setting. Now you can use the custom initial unit stances setting. @Emacz as for skiri: for the aggressive stance setting add "Soldier&Swordsman"
  10. Friday evening and challenge always go together :=D. Will try to add it as is something useful.
  11. @BeTe you mention that the lag specially happens during big fights. This is probably due to the corpses that accumulate and need to be rendered. There is an mod called autociv that allows you to reduce the maximum number of corpses (go to settings page, then autociv tab), you might give it a try and see if it helps.
  12. A long time ago in a code review far, far away ... https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2667
  13. I already knew the "quirk" but working as expected. In fact, if I remember correctly I did it this way on purpose so you can type as separator whatever you want. The teams separator can be anything. Regex: text.match(/(\d+)/g);
  14. Is not autociv. I theory, when the game is paused any action you do will get queued to be executed on unpause. The thing, the UI is also sort of blocked when in pause so this is not "possible". Some commands the user can give, as for example the hotkeys, can bypass this as they don't depend on the UI (autociv hotkey or not). There is also the limitation that you won't be able to do "chained" actions as it would require to already have the previous action finished which at the initial moment you wont.
  15. @ShadowOfHassen @Sundiata wrote some time ago a super in-depth on the Kushites
  16. From the code I see you only record serializable actions, do you plan to add local UI actions too? If so how? A cool feature would be to show an UI with the steps of the macro after you record it.
  17. @Stan` I also had issues testing the dev trunk, I had to remove my default config file and let 0ad 0.27.0 recreate for it to not crash. If I remember correctly it was something about JSON string parsing not being valid.
  18. version 27.0.0 Updates: compatible with 0.A.D. alpha 0.27.0 Deprecation: custom font type setting option no longer available thanks @seeh for trying to make it compatible too
  19. https://wildfiregames.com/forum/profile/35343-rm-rf/ /home/xxx/.local/share/0ad/mods/autociv
  20. New update v26.2.0 Improvement: better text contrast on the in-game stats. Thanks @Langbart for PR
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