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Everything posted by Obelix

  1. For those interested: Ticket #1088 (Multiplayer saved games) is 12 years old.
  2. Hello @DGMurdockIII, ICYMI: There is a powerful search engine integrated in this forums software where you can research easily for terms. Using the normal forums design it can be found on the upright. Using this function—and after finding results answering to existing threads—may be healthy to this ecosystem. My little bit frustrated reaction to your OP: I filed a search request to the engine for you and after few seconds found several threads (13 pages search results!) concerning the need for officially accepted Discourse servers and explanations. Due to time reasons, I only lead you to two of them: Best wishes!
  3. [EDIT: above quote is from this post from the thread Alpha 27 Pre-release/Release Candidate Build Testing of which this thread here has been split off] You brought me to the idea to search for 'AINames' (I use GitHub Search for that) and I found lines 85-100 of ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gamesettings/attributes/PlayerName.js. Quote: // Pick one of the available botnames for the chosen civ // Determine botnames let chosenName = pickRandom(this.settings.civData[civ].AINames); if (!this.settings.isNetworked) chosenName = translate(chosenName); // Count how many players use the chosenName let usedName = this.values.filter(oName => oName && oName.indexOf(chosenName) !== -1).length; this.values[i] = usedName ? sprintf(this.RomanLabel, { "playerName": chosenName, "romanNumber": this.RomanNumbers[usedName + 1] }) : chosenName; I don't understand JavaScript much. Thank you very much to everyone helping comprehend what [usedName + 1] means.
  4. Indeed it's currently up to 5 units-or at least the last 16 months. Theatres are controlled by ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/templates/template_structure_special_amphitheater.xml which has no GarrisonHolder-tag and refers to template_structure_special.xml in the same folder, setting Garrison-holder to 5 (line 7f.). First file was last changed 2 years, second one 14 months ago.
  5. After line 74f. of ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/data/civs/pers.json the next Artaxshacha should have had the roman number 3.
  6. I'm sorry, but I fear I neither remember nor know why I have been mentioned. Maybe I find time to do a trac research.
  7. There's already a topic concerning this issue: I failed to include my search result in the former post (uncool double posting, i know). Please @Barcodes, if it is possible for you, use the forum-integrated search engine before posting. Thank you very much, this makes ressources free for solving other problems.
  8. There's already a ticket for that topic: #6823.
  9. For the first time since at least tuesday I was able to reach trac. Probably related to this attack¹, the website module 'revision log' is out of order (#6904). Thank you very much to everyone trying to hold the service up! ¹ If I read @Stan` correctly ...
  10. The idea was planned for the abandoned idea of a territories game mod. As trac is down (again), I can only refer to archived pages: https://web.archive.org/web/20230325105612/https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Background%3A_Territories I couldn't find tickets via Google Site Search. Therefore I guess, there's none for that idea-or I did a bad research.
  11. I'm thinking about how much bigger the installation file would be if we were to add all these audio files-or a tts model. Does anyone have a clue?
  12. [1714.699] error: PETRA.NavalManager.prototype.update@simulation/ai/petra/navalManager.js:832:42 [1714.699] error: PETRA.HQ.prototype.update@simulation/ai/petra/headquarters.js:2282:20 [1714.699] error: PETRA.PetraBot.prototype.OnUpdate@simulation/ai/petra/_petrabot.js:118:11 [1714.699] error: m.BaseAI.prototype.HandleMessage@simulation/ai/common-api/baseAI.js:64:7 [1714.799] error: JavaScript error: simulation/ai/petra/transportPlan.js line 384 [1714.799] error: oldPos is undefined [1714.799] error: PETRA.TransportPlan.prototype.onBoarding@simulation/ai/petra/transportPlan.js:38... [1714.799] error: PETRA.TransportPlan.prototype.update@simulation/ai/petra/transportPlan.js:290:8 I tried to transcribe the error messages and found similarities in #6757.
  13. Today I reported four threads. Is it helpful for forums moderators if those got reported, or do you get mailbombed after every appearance?
  14. Half an hour ago, @phositcommitted a bug fix (r27909) which closed ticket #6848.
  15. FYI: Dog Kennels for Britons have been reintroduced with changeset 27890.
  16. After some researching I got to know it is a known bug. The working elephant may not enter the Military CC via the edge but from the normal side [tested by me as well on this map]. resulting in ticket #6531, from where you get to the tickets #2190 and its duplicate #2161
  17. I feel not confident enough to help you in this case as I cannot reproduce your situation.
  18. I am able to reproduce this situation in A27 RC 1 on this map. The construction elephant may enter the Wonder, the Stoa, the temple and the Agora (1st CC) but not the Klerouchia (military CC, 2nd CC). In the latter the game still shows the 'entry icon'.
  19. I would not consider above described situation as a bug, but as a feature. I recommend to discuss this in the forum "Gameplay Discussion".
  20. Batch training for ministers works for me in Alpha 27 RC 1. I did this by holding shift and then clicking on the train symbol.
  21. I am able to reproduce this situation in A27 RC 1. This happens only in the case, when you are playing the Han civilization and you have placed a minister in one warehouse. Because then the game shows you the cheaper technologies next to the technologies without discount. In this case I wouldn't consider this as a bug.
  22. Hey Delfador, thanks for reporting this bug. To be able to reproduce the situation it might be helpful to name the map you were playing on.
  23. Would you please name the files (at least a sample)? Thank you very much!
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