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Posts posted by Silier

  1. 49 minutes ago, borg- said:

    Well, in my opinion should. It may be unrealistic for a historical look, but balancing is necessary.
    If I make lots of champion spear cav army, the enemy will have no chance of beating me, because the units that were supposed to do that can't. That's why we can't have field units that are stronger than ordinary units.

    Of course spearmen champion could do this, but if i'm in phase 2 i would have no chance and would be insta gg. Not all civilizations have spearmen champions.

    That's why in Age of Empires 2, even the strongest cavalry can be overthrown by lancers off up techs.

    I am not telling 3 level spear one should be defeated by champion cav :) sure he will loose and be dead, i am telling  melee champions should win 1v1 easily against melee if not facing champion. There should be question about quality vs quantity. For example, greek phalanx is superrior to roman tactics used in early battles, but greek soldiers were defeated because they were not trained enough. If there will fight greek "champions" they would probably win.

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  2. Devs do optimize the code





    and fix memory leaks (and other things)



    so they obliviously do think optimising is important and they do what they can to improve the experience for the player.


    There have been discussions about moving to higher versions of OpenGL, it would allow them to use new features and possibilities how to improve graphics, but it would also mean to drop support for older computers and based on statistics the team did not want to cut off the game from that number of players. 


    About pathfinder, they are have been improving it in a24 and simultaneously they have been changing code to be easier to apply multi-threading for that computations, which are mostly causes of lags.


    Any questions? 

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