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Everything posted by vladislavbelov

  1. I think it's possible, because it's just a window which could modify simulation states. Look at the diplomacy window, what's the different? They're near enough. The JS simulation part is flexible already. So you could do many things in mods, but yes, you need to write a code.
  2. Then I think we could not the whole path caching, but patch version. Currently terrain is split on patches. So if any path goes through a patch we could cache it in this patch. Why not the whole path, because usually one piece of a path was changed and many paths have a common subpath. Not sure, just ideas.
  3. Cache could be good. What we need to do when paths and/or obstructions are changing often, i.e. on a battlefield we always correct paths. Won't it add a visible overhead?
  4. Much worse? What does it mean? Currently I'm looking at the format and see that it has the fragmented input and many time for parsing. It doesn't tell me something, that Godot supports it. Because it's not used for really big projects (AAA, AA), at least I don't know about it. I agree that installing addons it's useful, but not necessary, because even with the best addons you won't be a pro. Btw I don't tell that it's bad format, no. It could be really good. Just I need tests, benchmarks, results (numbers), but not words. So I wrote why changing the format is really complicated task.
  5. Yes, but did you read the original post? It's JSON based. Did you use blender? It doesn't support it by default, but with external addon-s we could add any other format.
  6. It's like: This format have pluses and minuses, i.e. Blender doesn't support this format. If we should change the format, why we should use the text one or mixed (like this this)? We could use something faster, most binary formats are faster and smaller. But yes, most of them have a license which we can't support. Also converting is the really much cost operation, because we should convert not only files, but wiki, parsers (a lot of C++), tutorials, probably we should add some hacks for this format. Do we really need to change the format? Because we don't feel bounds of the Collada so much, because we use it pretty simple. Another way we could use assimp, and we won't longer be depended on file formats.
  7. Agree, we should have a component for these goals. It'd be really useful. About the day & night cycle at all: I think it's interesting and looks nice, but sometimes someone may want only night maps, sometimes only day maps and sometimes mixed maps. Won't it be unrealistic, that we have different day cycles with the same game speed? I think it's better to have the day & night change in cutscenes, between campaign missions, but in-game it may look weird.
  8. Which version do you use and which operation system? Also you can repeat it every time when you launch the game?
  9. I have some thoughts about mods, especially in these cases. If we want to change small function we need to copy the whole file. Could we make a logic, when mods has a javascript file (i.e. Player.js), which has only one function, overloaded from the original one, and we replace it with new version of the function? Or at least make it for components, to prevent such issues. Just an idea.
  10. You're always welcome. So, I think your problem is solved, I'm glad to hear it.
  11. So you can't continue after that, right? Also do you have interestringlog.html in the same folder?
  12. Hi @chomps and welcome to the forum! Could you attach crashlog and systeminfo?
  13. English version has the same text. Could the sandbox bot expand? I think @mimo could know about. Could you provide the replay file?
  14. Does it happen immediately after the "Start Game" button, or on loading, or after loading? Most possible it's the driver/SDL/GL functions pointers problem, because we don't use Xorg in the direct way, but it could be some dependencies. Do you have any logs in this (freeze) time?
  15. I agree with @Sundiata, zooming is the good tool to overview all battlefields, cities, how they look like. Also I don't like many player's colors on units/building, it looks too cartoonly and oddly. I've never met topic restrictions with visualizations, usually I have selected units in a battle, to see what's happening. Also zoom out isn't bad for mircoactions, because you could control the greater number of units/building (what I do usually) and see the danger faster.
  16. As @Lion.Kanzen said, the main reason is the pathfinder. But it also could be the renderer issue, do you have lags on a game start? You could enable FPS counter to see your FPS.
  17. Shouldn't it be in wiki and generated automatically, like doxygen?
  18. You could find some tutorials here: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/forum/434-tutorials-references-and-art-help/ and https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/forum/443-tutorials-guides/.
  19. What do you mean by textures blend? No, bridges mostly hacky implemented. But @sanderd17 has some patches about terrain modificators, which could allow less hacky bridges.
  20. Mostly on wiki, but it's not very big. Also you could ask here, on the forum. Which features are not included?
  21. It's not implemented yet, but I want to. Currently you need to edit mapname.xml.
  22. Currently all objects have obstructions only on plane, and to make it 3D only need to add a height. But objects have different form, so to make really good obstructions we need to add 3D collider mesh, which is the really complex task.
  23. Hi, @pAris, I think it's not updated yet, but it'll be soon, I hope. It depends on packages publishers.
  24. Related changeset: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/19877
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