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Everything posted by elexis

  1. Copy&pasting in text-fields is already implemented. It's just bugged a little, I have to paste twice for the content to be right.
  2. Just post the source https://developers.google.com/open-source/gsoc/faq#do_organizations_receive_any_money_for_participating_in_gsoc https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/terms/org https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/rules/
  3. For example FeldFeld mentioned that the patch contains multiple changes to the same line (consistency changes and selective balancing changes), so some edits are not recoverable anymore (overwritten) and would have to be redone to split it. Other than features overwriting the same line making it hard to split, there's also the problem that there are many different changes that will be some work to split. The mod is created for alpha 23, but the same files have already been modified for alpha 24, so they will also need to be updated with these changes. So if you really want this to be committed to 0 A.D. alpha 24, then you have to stop accumulating features and get them committed one at a time before adding more (which means splitting features into logically distinct changes). I had asked ValihrAnt, nani, ITRELLES, Emperior, Boudicca who testplayed it in the lobby and the feedback seems as conclusively at expected in the best case. The only concerns raised so far were possible imbalances (quantiatively), but the direction wasn't sincerely contested yet (so that's inconclusive for now, but also no feature-blockers were found so far). I would like to see a chart that shows which unit counters which other unit, like the one here https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/22742-my-idea-for-counter-system/&tab=comments#comment-336006. That should also become visible to players ingame ideally, so it's not knowledge that is timeconsuming to gain. Then one can do the '(historic) reality check', try to find units with missing counters (OP units) and determine the effects that this patch must have on games and judge it whether it is really an improvement and the best improvement.
  4. Yes! Just make sure to keep it smart,simple and accurate.
  5. I would assume it's an issue with the Engine.GetTextWidth function not taking into account line-wrapping or whitespace correctly. The network dialog also displays "Bad connection to:" and then the name on the next line but that line being cut off by the height setting.
  6. Networking code has to be threaded, because any slow code that suddenly consumes 10 seconds or more will trigger a timeout disconnect. The NetServer NetClient code are equally affected, but only the NetServer had been threaded to fix that (ages ago). In a23(a) we had such a 10 second lag on gamestart which literally broke every single 4v4 we started and left at least one player unable to start the game, which was one of the reasons we needed a re-release. We had addressed this 10 second lag and added timeout tolerance to 60 seconds, but the problem must be fixed with threading. (Other than the disconnect issue, there is also no reason other than subideal code why slow code should trigger network lag.) The according ticket is at #3700 and the according patch resting somewhere on a dusty git branch. But don't expect that this NetClient threading will make the game more performant (FPS-wise).
  7. It might just have been one of the JSInterface_Simulation / Selection / StatusBars c++ bugfixes / cleanups. The rangemanager having to filter mirages. IIRC was reproducible, just had to change perspective and use observermode and hover over non-displayed mirages. It was probably only irreproducible if the mirage entities hadnt been created yet. (Guess one could do the bughunting thing, test 3min, if that doesnt work try to find the bugreport (then probably notice the replay is for an outdated release), and then read the code and derive the bug from the reading the code).
  8. Reported somewhere a year ago or two or so (it's also what I was refering to in https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1460#69897). I only recall it's the status bars of the entity and it's mirage both shown in observermode.
  9. Thanks for having adopted the multiplayer fixes that allowed this game to be played during the last two seasons!
  10. Network latency should not be an issue, the turn lengths are 500ms in multiplayer and you can test by simulating lag that if the meanRTT <= turnLength, there is no network lag perceivable. On "Simulation interpolation lag": However there is a different aspect that can make the simulation consume 550-600ms, even when there is no performance bottleneck: it's the approximation / interpolation of the turn events to the intended turn length. The computation may be done in 50ms, but the events should unfold in 500ms on screen. I think the approximation depends on the performance of the recent frames, is inaccurate and can thus overshoot often. At least that's the only theory that I can come up with that explains when one measures and displays the time between the "TurnStart" and "TurnEnd" network packets (#5323). If I recall correctly, even on a new_rms_test map with about 20 entities on the entire map and only the localclient, < 10ms ping and no units moving there are often 550ms between the two packets. Other things to thread: There are some edge cases that need async calls or threading: The NetClient threading doesn't really remove performance bottlenecks, but it is absolutely necessary to split it so as not to get disconnected when some C++ or JS code blocks the main thread for some seconds, like we saw in every single a23 4v4 if one didn't simulate lag to increase the timeout tolerance artifically. (ticket and patch somewhere) Map generation is threaded already (one couldn't see the loading screen progress). But not all parts of the loading screen are threaded. Running the renderer and simulation in different threads might or might not have potential (for both loading screen and ingame). Rejoining clients that finished the loading screen simulate the missed turns - that can freeze the application for many seconds. This is the most important issue to be fixed. It would be probably better if the rejoining client simulates 3 turns, the other players one turn, rather than the others simulating 0 turns while the rejoining client simulates all missing turns. XMPP connection startup freezes the GUI until the server responds or timeout (ticket somewhere) STUN connection buildup freezes the GUI for some hardcoded seconds replay menu loading thousands of new replays will freeze for that period userreporter libCURL interaction was threaded, but if the server times out, then the main thread exists while the userreporter thread still waits (ticket somewhere)
  11. On object-orientated programming vs procedural programming: Conclusion: Procedural style isn't a big issue with most of our current interfaces, but in some distinct cases it's a strong case to use object-orientation. The object-oriented approach is sometimes inevitable and hence already in use in some cases. For example: let label = Engine.GetGUIObjectByName("label"); label.caption = "foo"; label.tooltip = "bar"; To write this as procedural style, it would have to be: Engine.SetGuiObjectProperty("label", "caption", "foo"); Engine.SetGuiObjectProperty("label", "tooltip", "bar"); But the main problem with procedural style is that it becomes messy when handling object instances and separation of private and public data. Also notice the requirement to use strings, numbers (or hardcoded C++ globals like g_NetServer) to identify C++ objects, if one doesn't want to allocate JS objects that refer to C++ instances. The Networking code for example would be much cleaner if it would use object-orentation style (#5321): Procedural: Engine.CreateNetServer(...); Engine.SetNetworkGameAttributes(); Engine.SendChat(...); Engine.KickPlayer(...); Engine.DisconnectFromNetServer(); Engine.StopNetServer(); Object-oriented: var g_NetServer1 = Engine.CreateNetServer(...); var g_NetServer2 = Engine.CreateNetServer(...); g_NetServer1.KickPlayer(...) var g_NetClient = Engine.ConnectToServer(...); g_NetClient.SendChat(...); g_NetClient = undefined; g_NetServer = undefined; Equally it was arguable to instantiate other components such as XmppClient or even the simulation (there is no additional cost to gain these freedoms if one would use OOP since the beginning). A third example would be one parent GUI Pages wanting to close or update one of it's child GUI pages (#5369): Object-oriented: g_ChildPage = Engine.PushGuiPage(...); g_ChildPage.updatePage(newData); Procedural: g_ChildPageName = Engine.PushGuiPage(...); Engine.CallFunction(g_ChildPageName, "updatePage", newData); For the other JSInterfaces (see also #4772), there is no strong case for OOP with the current code (as the JS GUI is still overall messy due to excessive procedural spaghetti): ##./source/gui/scripting/JSInterface_GUITypes.cpp ##./source/gui/scripting/JSInterface_IGUIObject.cpp ##./source/lobby/scripting/JSInterface_Lobby.cpp ##./source/network/scripting/JSInterface_Network.cpp ./source/graphics/scripting/JSInterface_GameView.cpp ./source/gui/scripting/JSInterface_GUIManager.cpp ./source/i18n/scripting/JSInterface_L10n.cpp ./source/ps/scripting/JSInterface_ConfigDB.cpp ./source/ps/scripting/JSInterface_Console.cpp ./source/ps/scripting/JSInterface_Debug.cpp ./source/ps/scripting/JSInterface_Game.cpp ./source/ps/scripting/JSInterface_Main.cpp ./source/ps/scripting/JSInterface_Mod.cpp ./source/ps/scripting/JSInterface_ModIo.cpp ./source/ps/scripting/JSInterface_SavedGame.cpp ./source/ps/scripting/JSInterface_UserReport.cpp ./source/ps/scripting/JSInterface_VFS.cpp ./source/ps/scripting/JSInterface_VisualReplay.cpp ./source/renderer/scripting/JSInterface_Renderer.cpp ./source/simulation2/scripting/JSInterface_Simulation.cpp ./source/soundmanager/scripting/JSInterface_Sound.cpp One difficulty with C++ JS objects is that they can't be copied to other contexts currently (but that should be practically solveable, because these JS objects may only store one void* and that can be cloned). Perhaps you refer to the GUI<->simulation interface in JSInterface_Simulation.cpp, that uses global procedures. But the JS simulation <-> C++ simulation script interaction is an example of object-oriented implementation, not procedural! This argument seems to the contrary - if X and Y are object-oriented, it's typically easier to have them interact directly rather than adding an object-procedural and a procedural-object translation layer (indirection). (At last depends on implementation details which is easier to implement.) While it is true that it is clear that `Engine.Foo` is an engine function and that it allows finding many but not all JS GUI <->C++ GUI interaction. But it should not be unexpected to any programmer that the properties of `Engine.GetGuiObjectByName` objects or likewise interact with C++. On the flipside, with a global object-oriented style it were easier to find all objects that are created in C++ and it becomes easier to see which Engine functions relate to which C++ object instance. For example it's not clear which Engine.NetworkFoo functions relate to the NetClient and which to the NetServer. In procedural style it would have to be solved adding the type to the name: Engine.NetServerDoFoo and Engine.NetClientDoFoo, but that's then already mimicing OOP.
  12. I'm not sure if the performance requirements for such an endeavor are met. Machine learning simulates the game with semi-random inputs, so I assume you will have to run at the very least a couple of hundreds of matches, right? Try running one match - depending on the number of units on the map and the number of Petra AI instances, you will get a lot of "lag", i.e. the engine simulating slower than it should. Say a 30 minute 1v1 game on a small map taking 5-10 minutes to simulate, a 60min 4v4 on a normal map with 150 pop 60+ min. Which means you can simulate somewhere between 20 and 50 games per day with a casual desktop computer and your CPU/cooler won't be happy. One can start new matches and replay previous matches without graphics from commandline, check the readme. If performance isn't a dealbreaker, and one would require http communication, one would have to use libCURL to do http posts to the webserver. If doing so, sending JSON would be the data format that is easiest do digest by spidermonkey. Assuming a python agent can be used with pyrogenesis/0ad, how should the simulation data be parsed? If it's a very simple learning algorithm, it might alternatively be considerable to implement that in JS than to implement the interface to a different program and teach that program how to parse/send simulation data.
  13. Is loading more data when the scrollbar reached the bottom the nicest solution? Paging would be an alternative. Or displaying everything is made fast enough, which ought to be the case if the cache is always prefilled. Having complete search results also means that one can sort the results.
  14. FeldFeld and ValihrAnt reported that "Windows Defender SmartScreen" complained about the "Editor" not being known. I'm not sure how their "reputation system" works.
  15. That's the revision number of the last .exe file, as it should.
  16. Just for the record, it a23b multiplayer, savegames and replays are fully compatible with a23. The new lobby room was created to push players into installing the update, not because we feared bugs. There are 5 to 10 Windows and linux multiplayers that use svn since months, because the release was too broken to be usable. So at least multiplayers have a first hand account of the compatibility of a23 to a23b.)
  17. The entity ID is either already seen in the erorr message, or one can add a warn(entityID) to the bugging piece of code, then start the replay, press Alt+D to enable the developer overlay, make sure no unit is selected, press F9, type g_Selection.addList([entityID]) and it should show the template name of the entity, for example.
  18. Was the relevant relevant entity actually an actor?
  19. Correct. Thanks to a cleanup by leper, actor.xml defines which simulation components are set: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Entity> <Position> <Altitude>0</Altitude> <Anchor>upright</Anchor> <Floating>false</Floating> <FloatDepth>0.0</FloatDepth> <TurnRate>6.0</TurnRate> </Position> <Visibility> <RetainInFog>true</RetainInFog> <AlwaysVisible>false</AlwaysVisible> <Corpse>false</Corpse> <Preview>false</Preview> </Visibility> <Vision> <Range>0</Range> </Vision> <VisualActor> <SilhouetteDisplay>false</SilhouetteDisplay> <SilhouetteOccluder>false</SilhouetteOccluder> <VisibleInAtlasOnly>false</VisibleInAtlasOnly> </VisualActor> </Entity> Edit: (Actors have a vision component only to have them visible to the player? Sounds like a possible performance issue?)
  20. Not sure if the code complained if one passed actors, but you could just place some rock actors for metal/stone, flowers instead of trees, or if you want to troll it a bit further, even place the actors used by the simulation templates, so it looks like one can gather, but actually cannot. So instead of "gaia/flora_tree_pine" could use "actor|flora/trees/pine.xml" (just don't recall whether the code complained using actors in these places)
  21. Mostly wondering what reward mechanisms are actually allowed by 501c3. For example supertuxkart providing bonus levels for donators that are later added for everyone to the game. But they're not 501c3. The first question is whether the site that contains the PayPal button can receive the information, or whether one could provide a different button on the forums for logged in people, so that the forum name is transmitted with the donation. Then it could become zero effort. It's in particular relevant if we would add a short message that people can send with the donation that could be displayed here or in the lobby. Secondly, if the technicalities imply considerable effort, why would that not be compensated proportionately like every other effort to run this place.
  22. Seems unfortunate if we can't reward donors even with a simple "thank you" message or donors badge (hint) if we never know who donated. That information ought to become available to us immediately. Perhaps one can use a crowdfunding service that uses SPIs paypal for the transaction but informs us independently of paypal and SPI. At least for the Indiegogo campaign it looks like it worked that way?
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