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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. We can assume they used spearmen and archer like all other civ? But do we know if they had good cavalry or not. Did they use war elephant?
  2. Actually, the svn version shows more. That one doesn't show anything. ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/structree/helper.js line 77 TypeError: path.lastIndexOf is not a function depath@gui/structree/helper.js:77:2 unravelPhases@gui/structree/load.js:326:1 selectCiv@gui/structree/structree.js:119:2 __eventhandler256 (selectionchange)@civSelection selectionchange:0:1 init@gui/structree/structree.js:34:2 __eventhandler227 (press)@menuStrucTreeButton press:2:8 ERROR: GUI page 'page_structree.xml': Failed to call init() function
  3. Kushites would be good civ. Had 2 wars with Rome. Very unique. Problem is it is difficult to come up with some units. I can imagine a special map for them: The Sudd.
  4. The tech require both techs there, so it is unlocked in Town Phase but also requires the other one.
  5. Nice. Great to see you still working on it. I remove the phase tech pair and things look better, except now that it is angry that some techs supposedly don't have a "specific phase." WARNING: gather_lumbering_bowsaw doesn't have a specific phase set (structures/athen_storehouse) WARNING: gather_capacity_wheelbarrow doesn't have a specific phase set (structures/athen_storehouse) WARNING: special_storehouse doesn't have a specific phase set (structures/athen_storehouse) WARNING: gather_draft_animals doesn't have a specific phase set (structures/athen_corral) WARNING: siege_torsion_springs doesn't have a specific phase set (structures/athen_fortress) WARNING: siege_flaming_munitions doesn't have a specific phase set (structures/athen_fortress) WARNING: JavaScript warning: gui/structree/draw.js line 28 reference to undefined property g_CivData[g_SelectedCiv].buildList[pha] ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/structree/draw.js line 28 TypeError: g_CivData[g_SelectedCiv].buildList[pha] is undefined draw@gui/structree/draw.js:28:12 selectCiv@gui/structree/structree.js:249:2 __eventhandler36 (selectionchange)@civSelection selectionchange:0:1 init@gui/structree/structree.js:34:2 __eventhandler7 (press)@menuStrucTreeButton press:2:8 ERROR: GUI page 'page_structree.xml': Failed to call init() function ERROR: CCacheLoader failed to find archived or source file for: "art/textures/ui/session/portraits/null" Problem is, the techs do have a phase set, as seen in the tech's code: "requirements": {"all": [{"tech": "phase_town"}, {"tech": "training_animals_husbandry"}]},I am guessing the structree does not like "all" and "any" and things like this? Good work so far.
  6. These are minor feature. No big gameplay features for months (a year maybe?). Gameplay is most important. Those other things are nice though.
  7. Unit vision should be: Infantry 50 meters Cavalry 60 meters Large vision range makes maps smaller (too small). Large vision also make unit auto-attack to very great range, messing up army control. You can make Cavalry have greater vision with a tech or an auto-scout feature or something like this.
  8. It is a "performance update" because team has stopped adding features.
  9. nEAT! Works with the base game pretty good. Doesn't work with my mod for a reason I dont know: Is maybe because my mod has a pair for Town phase. Some suggestion to make this great feature even better: 1. Call it the Game Library and make it one part of a bigger in-game manuel. Or Civilization Tree (for now, because it is all the game has) instead of "structure tree." 2. Launch this screen from the little 'i' icon in game setup insytead of using the old layout. I am starting to think the civ json files need to be extrended or streamline.
  10. Good video. Not that long. A lot of 0ad videos go for much longer times.
  11. Using autobuild. No one can confirm this happens to them?
  12. It look like z-fighting as someone said. As if there are two decals fighting to be rendered,
  13. Under all buildings. Fields. Under stone mines. All decals.
  14. Screenshot wont help, since it is static. but what happen is the decals get lighter and darker when camera zoom or move.
  15. Also problem with ghost buildings staying there after being destroyed (problem with fogging.js and mirages?). And ground decals flicker when zzom in and out (looks like specular map is turning off and on?).
  16. (Also there are issues now with atlas and some problem with actor editor,it crashes a lot, but these might be different problem)
  17. Found interesting thing: http://socialblade.com/youtube/user/play0ad Shows potential income for 0 A.D. youtube page.
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