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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Since is a special building and you remodel it anyway, can have its own texture (can copypasta textures from the original pers texture if you need to, colored appropriate to your need). I don't see why not.
  2. Looks great. Make sure the different variation of palm tree does not intersect with the building tho, like it do wiht the Seleucid military colony.
  3. Also, some building in Persian set still no AO map (see the Apadana and the Walls).
  4. I think I will do this. I will focus on Scythians for Alpha 22 and get them working good (even if they reuse other civs art). After that, I work with you and other modder for Thracians and Nabataeans. Maybe Thrac and Naba can be "minicivs" at first and then we expand them into full civ later.
  5. LionK, that last one is magnificant. I have added it to DE. I really hate how GUI antialias stuff, so I commit it at 128x128 for now.
  6. You will hate me, but I think this bugged the upgrade feature. If tower have 10 limit, then upgrade the tower to stone (or whatever), it counts it twice toward limit. Probably not intended behavior. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/18791
  7. It would be intriquing if the game had some texture settings in actor that allowed for texture transitions. For instance, imagine the wheat fields texture transition from green to yellow for the course of 5 minutes. And in this instance, the texture of the thatch transition from yellowish (new building, new material, is yellow) to the grey-brown (the thatch has aged). I will say that the less saturate (grey) brown is better than the saturate brown. The original yellow texture meant "new construction" to me. So, it is difficuly to make a hard choice on preference. Maybe use yellow for Britons and the gray-brown for the Gauls or vice versa. Easy way to differ them.
  8. Okay, Lion and company. Here is your base texture for Thrace. Use the bottom right corner for any additions and props texture you want to add. Civ Emblem could maybe use this kind of design?
  9. I mean the one in the game now. There are two Greek structure textures I can see (plus some other smaller textures for props). hele_struct_b.dds.
  10. Maybe the more rural looking greek walls texture? I think the rural and less fancy Greek texture can work. Just use more wooden beams and supporrts and things in the walls to look a little less sophisticated and more rural.
  11. IMHO, I think the Iberian structure texture could work great for the Thracians. Mix some details from other sets as appropriate (columns and rooftiles from Hellenes, etc.).
  12. I am not sure what the program team wants to get done by Sunday, so I only mention it because the current trend seem to be to fix multiple selection bugs and related things.
  13. Imarok's file here does fixes this! selection_panels.js However, it does not include the fix from 18788 http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/18788 probably only fixes the cost of upgrades for multiple selections, which is a good fix for sure. Regarding costs of multiple selections. Take a look if you will to the buildtime cost of units in multiple selected barracks (for instance). It assumes they are a single batch and calculate the buildtime accordingly (when they are actually separate batches with their own buildtimes).
  14. You still have it wrong friend. Marian reform army is the army Caesar used. Marian reforms happened only a few decades before Caesar started his Gallic conquests. And technically, the "Marian Reform" army is what was used up through most of the reign of Augustus. He was the one who created the standing army of the Romans that many know and love, standardiing many of the ad hoc practices of the previous 80 years since the Marian Reform. About that tme is when the segmentata became into use, very early 1st century AD. Continued to being used until the 3rd century AD. I would say the peak of use was in the reign of Trajan and his Dacian Wars, around AD 105. Hamata was used too through the whole time period.
  15. "Old" broch is better, sorry. Just my opinion. I would hate to see it thrown out. The new look like something from Ponies Ascendant. *shrugs* The walls are interesting to see though. Look nice! Because the celt made stone case walls. It was the insides that were make of earth and wood and prevent Caesar's men from using battering ram (the earth and wood absorbed the force). And if you want to do the "earthworks" thing with the slope sides you have to solve a lot of issues, not just the biome thing for the dirt. You have to solve how to make units run up earthen side. You have to solve to let the units know that the wall is a place for defensiveness and not just a obstacle when tasked to attack enemy. Also solve how to choose which side is the ramp side and which side is the defensive (wall) side when you drag place the wall length in real time. All of these are not unsolvable, but I think are low priority and hard, so just having wall that works like other civ is great for now.
  16. Sorry, I do not read every single Trac commit with tooth and comb.
  17. I think the drop shadow of the top layer could be a little bit darker, but now I nitpick. See if other like the glow. It is the basic template I am use for all new unit portraits and other portraits.
  18. I did not think the structree fix would be easy or swift, but thanks for the explanation. I don't think I will include the patch in my mod for this time around, or if I do, I will wait until the release candidate is release and make sure there are no conflict with s0600204's patch.
  19. Yep, last patch I renamed the txt to .diff and apply with svn. It fix everything except structree problem, but I think that is a battle for another day unless you want to tackle that guy. For this alpha, to temporary fix the strcutree errors, I will probably just remove the pair techs from the worker elephant and I will remove the supoersedes from the paired barracks tech. Structree also show 3 different phase tech for each phase (lol), because not parse civ and notciv tags right. *Or I can release disclaimer that structree will be broken and keep the gameplay intact. EDIT: Did your patch just alllow player to upgrade more than 1 unit at a time? Is nice.
  20. If you want to start them as a minifaction first that is fine, but I think the plans are looking to make a full faction. I could see a minifaction working by just having the encampment and then letting it be a combination civic center, market, and barracks in one thing. Just disable garrison and you can have the barter stuff on the left panel. Training queue look like: Bedouin Woman, Skirmisher dude, Camel Raider cav, Merchant. Can even have a basic tech tree (no phases). Just basic upgrades for the woman, skirmisher, camel cav, merchant, in that order. I think this would be more of a Bedouin/Berber minifaction rather than a Nabataean minifaction.
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