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0 A.D. Art Team
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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Only Corrals allow animals to garrison, so the "sheep garrison into a house making it uncapturable" scenario is moot. Thank you for testing! Simply removing the garrison regen for corrals seems like a simple and elegant solution to me, since only animals can garrison inside. Respectfully, I don't think it's ugly at all. It simply and effectively solves the issue without any kind of far reaching component changes. I think extending or changing the Capturable component or adding new components for capturing is beyond this particular diff.
  2. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4380 Those who would like to test gameplay patches for potential inclusion of the game, and whose interests veer toward balance, can test out the above patch for the animal food trickle feature. Please, first read the entire discussion at that link before adding your two cents (your questions may already by answered). SUMMARY This adds a 1 food/4 seconds trickle for Sheep, Goats, and Pigs and a 1 food/2 seconds trickle for Cattle when they are garrisoned into a Corral. This is accomplished with an aura at the Corral. The exact trickle amount can be debated. This patch also cleans up Cattle templates a little by moving some duplicate code to the parent template. TEST PLAN Apply the patch Open Atlas scenario editor Place a Corral and some animals (Cattle, Sheep, Goats, and/or Pigs), all Player 1 Run a simulation Garrison the animals into the Corral Confirm the food count continuously goes up for each animal garrisoned Ungarrison the animals and verify that the food increase stops Agree with the feature Debate endlessly the exact food trickle rate
  3. Honestly, I've seen a lot of (well-meaning, but ignorant) comments like: They shouldn't spend time on new civs, they should spend time fixing lag (or insert the commenter's pet peeve)! Ignorant in a sense that generally the people who work on civs aren't the ones who are going to fix lag or networking issues. I think there are a minority of multiplayer players who would prefer fewer civs for balance-sake. Single player players, in general, and I think a plurality or majority of multiplayer players appreciate greater content, which may often include new civs. I'm using a lot of weasel words because hard data is difficult to come by. And even if a player doesn't want new civs, there's no rule telling them they have to play those civs or even allow them in their multiplayer matches.
  4. Indeed. A24 had more than double the changes than a more "regular" alpha, precisely because it had more than double the development period. Imagine the outcry some of the current players would have over the changes from Alpha to Alpha in the early days. lol. Each Alpha adding a slew of new features, new bugs, random stats changes, and entirely new civs! The horror.
  5. I personally don't think something needs to be 100% accurate before it's added. None of the current civs were 100% perfect when they were added by any means. But I suppose if there are niggling issues that bother some folks about the civ, it's okay to address them first. Just know that more issues will arise once they are added, and they will make the current release blockers look trivial. That's how every civ release has been.
  6. Hence, this thread. I think part of Alistair's point in his rant video is that each Alpha will have a "flavor," based on the changing balance, changing meta, changing features, no matter what, and that's fine as long as new stuff is added and the game's design moves forward. Also, for "Balancers", isn't it fun to balance new things? Sure, you don't want an Alpha to come along and throw everything into complete chaos, but new civs and features to balance should be welcomed by someone who enjoys balancing these things, right?
  7. I want to emphasize that any time and energy anyone puts into trying to make 0 A.D. better is appreciated. My point was just that there are different roles that any individual can fill based on the topic at hand. There are different "hats" you can wear. Some people are good at wearing different hats, some people aren't. Some people want to just wear 1 hat. All of that is fine, as long as folks recognize that the hats exist. Xposted from @leopard's post.
  8. Right. IMHO, making compatibility-breaking changes is definitely Alpha, not Beta.
  9. Question for discussion: Why should the "Balance Team" have any say in what features get added to the game? Isn't it their duty to balance the features the team decide to add? That's not to say Balance team members can't participate in gameplay feature discussions. But those are two different roles. You can't come into a gameplay feature discussion and then derail it with constant balance concerns. You have to go into a feature discussion with a mind toward expanding the game's features in good faith. My latest discussions on Phabricator have had a few mentions of balance, but all-in-all have been a fruitful discussion about making the gameplay feature work. The exact statistics can always be decided later through gameplay experience and with input from Balancers. Again, Features and Balance are linked in the end, but they are 2 different things. You add the former, then try to do the latter. If it can't be balanced, then the feature can be removed, but you can't know a feature's balance until it's tried.
  10. Hmm, I haven't seen many references like that for the Scythians.
  11. I tried this out with Alpha 25 and it's pretty cool! Your mod is like a fantasy Amazonian civ. You should make a new thread for your mod in this forum: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/forum/18-game-modification/ You can post screenshots and ask for help.
  12. Actually, it needs a lot of work. The selection buttons should be cobbled together by the GUI code, the way it does for the structure tree, rather than using static png images I made in Photoshop. Something more along the lines of Hyrule:Conquest's hero selection screen.
  13. What if, randomly, everyone gets the same hero? Or only heroes of the same class.
  14. The background characters are pretty good. Even most of the central character isn't bad (the armor and belt looks great). The shoulder skull = super dumb though.
  15. The forum is great for discussion, but not great for action. Action is creating a mod for others to try and/or a patch to put on Phabricator for others to try and improve and eventually be accepted and committed. Lately, I have been attempting the latter, with good results: [Gameplay] - Garrison Domestic Animals into the Corral to get a <ResourceTrickle> of Food https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4380 [Gameplay, CivBonus] Rework Kushite Pyramids to be Phase Requirements https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4381 The discussions there are far more fruitful, due to there being actual stats and real gameplay to chew over. The forum is really only good for hypothetical discussion.
  16. Very nice addition to the Scythian skeletal texture repertoire! I wish we could find a modeler to make more props (lots of "Phrygian cap" variants, helmets, body armor props, shields, swords, horse props).
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