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Everything posted by Trinketos

  1. offtopic anti-ban Solo hay 4 paises hispanos que valen la pena(Cuba(Conozco Cuba),Uruguay,España y Bolivia)
  2. Los hispanos somos superiores \0/ :V
  3. En papel si Quiero hacerlo en "papel" primero para no cometer errores a lo güey.
  4. Pero los nativos no usaban caballos hasta la llegada de los barbaros del otro lado del mar :c tomen este comentario en broma
  5. To question yes is fixed In what part of the config file? ok
  6. I've been experimenting with blender paint tools and different materials, but it looks ugly I'll see what I can achieve tomorrow on the other hand The menu that i borrow from the Mythological Mod, works but with a small error also i will make all the templates of the units and buildings again :3 interestinglog.html
  7. well works but i get this ERROR: Invalid command: unknown command type: ({type:"civ-selection", name:{portrait:"flag_white_flag, name:"Civ1", description:"TheCivi", godPowers:[{name:".", description:"Hola", power:"No se que es esto"}], Bonuses:[{name:"Bono", description:"Prueba", tech:"path/to/pairedtech"}], civUnits:["TuVieja"], hero:"TuOtraVieja"}}) i attach the log file interestinglog.html
  8. Does that menu appear from the beginning of the game?
  9. How I could make these kinds of menus in the game I was exploring the menu code but I do not understand anything
  10. Godot eres un basado Si las recuerdo. Pero nunca intente nada
  11. Pero nececito info de como hacerlo Sera por ambientes o por civilizaciones Escribi esto en español porque estoy muy cansado(no e dormido bien)
  12. I invoke the art team in help mode and finished my turn. @LordGood, @stanislas69, @Alexandermb Since you are the most active, I would like to know what you think about these textures of the terrain I made. types.7z
  13. Some time ago I made a turkey for my mod, I do not know if they also use it in terra magna for the zapotecs
  14. The square stones are rare from my point of view .
  15. You paint the leaves of this trees?
  16. B-But I want to make epic maps now
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