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Everything posted by Trinketos

  1. until now notice it. What is the material to make it look like glass?
  2. I use player_trans Let me finish somenting and i geve you the mod of this units
  3. men, i have this error whit the animations interestinglog.html
  4. Well here is. also i have problems with the trasparecy and the animations.
  5. I like the desing, can i used for my tupi civ @Stan`?
  6. That is hardcoded, you need tho modify the c++ code.
  7. you need the model? also i know how make procedual textures to
  8. This is work in progress the blue color has transparecy.
  9. What if the rain\snow are attached to the camera? Instead of spawn a lot of particles
  10. for change the size of a map https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Atlas_Manual_Terrain_Tab#Misctools
  11. How i can make different game types? Like conquest, wonder victory etc
  12. Is this changes are in the github repo?
  13. When you're not Iberoamerican and you try to dance music in Spanish
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