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Everything posted by Loki1950

  1. Post the rules in a read me file in the lobby where we can point to them saves some hassles in most disputes if someone does not read them it's their fault not ours,keep it simple much easier for all involved. Enjoy the Choice
  2. Alt+F4 works on Linux as well and OSX so it is universal on our supported platforms. Enjoy the Choice
  3. It may not be our function to change social skills but civilized behaviour should be rewarded and it's opposite discouraged in all social occasions and venues. It's the small things that grate on the nerves and increase social tensions verbal/text snipping is one of those thing sand in the gears. Enjoy the Choice
  4. That is just being mean spirited choasislife and encourages retaliatory behaviour even if we are a war gaming community :doh: Enjoy the Choice
  5. It acts as a template for the data structures not the content of those structures basic concept of Object Oriented Programming you don't get stay away from programming you will just make errors and messes. Enjoy the Choice
  6. First thing I see is that the elbow is too high the action should parallel to the ground and is therefore much easier on the skelet/muscle system and a smoother motion. Have look at some over the Mongolian videos again watch the start of the draw notice that the bow is high and lowered as the arms separate with the bow arm straight forward the string arm naturally bends at the elbow parallel the ground with the wrist in a lock just below the jaw which places the string over the right eye so you can aim the darn thing Hope that doesn't come across as sarcastic but it is as an instructor once hectored me with a long time ago.Try to set some key poses the work on the tweeners by adding some constraints been doing a bit of experimenting myself with makehuman/blender-cycles rendering just a lighting test so far will share when it's ready Enjoy the Choice
  7. Not just bring up a complication but are there cultural biases in Yes No order is so then it should be part of the localization. Enjoy the Choice
  8. Second that LG fast way to repetitive strain injury only drawing half way ok with toy but with a real weapon no way,have good look at the real shooters always to full draw even exaggerating the style check out some formal Nihon archery or what some players of that art call Zen Archery for reference thinking the arrow into the target or as I factiously call Archery for Geeks, Enjoy the Choice
  9. They get used to trash talking in first person shooters on there x-box's and just maintain the bad habits till some more mature person slaps them down for being children and good on you for reporting Peregriino. Enjoy the Choice
  10. Way too many polys in the mesh though it does indeed look good in the Unity game engine but no arrow shown and the draw looks rather shallow and kinda abstract but it does say a WIP. Enjoy the Choice
  11. The Han used the Mongol draw as do most cultures east of India as well as the Turks, an other difference is the side of the bow the arrow is set your ani shows Mongol style ie. arrow on the finger side this is important as do so with the three finger draw causes the arrow to swing into your face off the bow shelf. Enjoy the Choice
  12. Thx for the clarification fabio could there have been API changes that may account for those bugs maybe. Enjoy the Choice
  13. Yeah been shooting myself for about 50 years LG properly you draw with the back muscles not the arms there is some difference in follow though between Mongolian and Mediterranean draws as well. Enjoy the Choice
  14. The Mac build already uses it it was needed to handle Retina displays properly so the upgrade to SDL 2 will follow when someone has time to go though all the necessary #defines in the source for windows and *nix a pretty tedious task so I imagine it get put off for awhile till it has to be done after all nobody is being paid to to it. Enjoy the Choice
  15. New one for me must read the commit comments more closely mimo especially lately as your name is quite common Enjoy the Choice
  16. Just do a large Square select get them all then hold down the "ctrl" key and unselect the ones you don't want on the little panel that shows all that you selected.That way you do not have to try to do exact selects every time Enjoy the Choice
  17. Running the svn version r16053 getting some errors spamming when the mod first starts up about 94 of them all the same do not affect game play though. ERROR: Parameter without value at pos 75 'Relive history through historical military campaigns. [NOT YET IMPLEMENTED]'ERROR: Invalid tag 'NOT' at 76 in 'Relive history through historical military campaigns. [NOT YET IMPLEMENTED]'Getting a we bit ahead with full campaigns are we Enjoy the Choice
  18. My Spanish is not so good but have a look at this ppa page https://launchpad.net/~wfg/+archive/ubuntu/0ad this should let you install the latest alpha version though the software centre. Enjoy the Choice
  19. As per my sig I have abandoned fedora and gone to Mint and finally a playable build popped a link from my local git copy of Rise of the East into /0ad/binaries/system in userland and it works did a build with codeblocks first and noticed that the Collada libs where not linked kept getting could not load Collada DLL in the log the only mesh that loaded was a horse so now for some serious play time Enjoy the Choice
  20. Must give these characteristics to the Steppe nomads of what ever Mod includes them. Enjoy the Choice :_)
  21. One post for all of the Library updates would have been enough why separate threads or are you just trying to increase your post count Enjoy the Choice
  22. Good catch alffis Nice little editor too I have always used Notepad ++ on the Dark side what ever floats your boat. Enjoy the Choice
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