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Everything posted by Enrique

  1. @Sundiata You're not "inventing" the color palette, you design it based on the facts that you know from the materials and paint used by the civ. If you know the colors they used, then you know where to aim while creating the color palette. It's to make the civ structures look good. If you want examples of textures, you can check the ones already in the game. For textures, you can look for CC0 textures and/or CC-BY-SA 3.0 or higher. One of the best sources is this guy, he published a lot of high quality textures under CC0 with its respective normal and specmap: http://nobiax.deviantart.com/gallery/56486308/Free Also there's www.texturemate.com and http://3dwolf.weebly.com/textures.html etc... There's plenty of sites offering completely free textures with CC0 license, you just have to look for them. Normally there are two 1024x1024 textures for each civ structure set. You can merge them in one big 2048x1024 texture for easier setup. Use alpha transparency where you want playercolor to show up. There are a few tutorials in the art forum about art stuff. Also you can check http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ the "for artists" section for more information about 0AD artist guidelines, tutorial links etc.
  2. I really like how the icons look much crisper with the softer background glow than they currently do now. Specially the small versions shown on the last pic. This is a very nice change.
  3. Please check how they did aoe2 ones in the following video (incredible play btw). Notice how the horses tumble as if they were hit hard from a side which is simply how a horse would lose balance and fall but could also look as if they were hit hard from one side.
  4. It's not a matter of creating the texture and forget about it to dedicate entirelly to modelling. It's a process of iterating over the texture as you go along all buildings. Defining the color tones of the texture at te beginning would prevent to rework the texture several times. Nobody has to follow the same workflow, just see what you see fit for your way of working.
  5. I don't think having death animations that takes a while until they're clearly dead in the ground is beneficial for a player that should know if his units are dying/losing a battle to be able to decide if he should retreat or not. I'm sure in reality there were a lot of times where the rider died and the horse just flee, or just stood there. Also rearing up on every death animation would look a bit stupid. @Lion.Kanzen Try imitating in front of a person a death by any type of weapon and ask them to tell you which type of weapon death you were imitating...
  6. It's not slow motion, that's normal speed. They look a bit like jelly because there's no way (or I couldn't figure out) how to create joints resistance to simulate muscle strength. I didn't want to spend more time with this either, so I stopped tweaking until I was happy enough with the results.
  7. Sadly no... This would allow for a lot of cool stuff like arrows/javs piercing bodies when dead from range attacks, heavy hits from elephants/cav charging... etc. Sure, will upload it to the repo when I'm done with it (I may have to add some extra bones to the horse still)
  8. What I would recommend if you want a good looking one is chosing a good color palette. (I didn't in the past, but I should have done it to avoid reworking textures much) There are a few websites that help getting a good color scheme. I. E. :https://color.adobe.com/es/create/color-wheel/ or http://paletton.com/ (try to be a bit contrasty on the colors and make it unique from the ones already in the game) Once you have more or less the main tones for the building set, think about which materials you'll need for the buildings and look for textures of those materials and blend them with your chosen colors. After that the best approach is to do a proxy model (a house or a small building) so you can test the combinations and the style. After that is just having good references/concepts and keep improving the texture as you create them.
  9. I'm definitely interested in the Kingdom of Kush and I wouldn't mind if it ended up being in the main game as a full civ for various reasons already mentioned in this topic. However my hands are currently really busy with unit animation stuff and even though I'm sure I'll end up doing art for Kush mini-faction/mod/civ, I think there are currently other areas in the art front that need more attention for now. So yes I'm interested, but I should focus on other stuff for now.
  10. Thanks for the heads up. Will do this week when I find some free time at home.
  11. If you manage to get a white variation texture I think it is possible to convert the white to alpha leaving only some darker fur details so we can randomize the "base" color where the white would be. Similar as how the current horses have variations or head colors.
  12. Cannot reproduce the flickering on either pers nor ptol CCs. Also tried zooming out further out in atlas without getting flickering.
  13. You can use as many separated objects for the same structure as you need. It's just a bit different than using one texture per building, but in the end it let us save texture memory. You can also use PNG textures, don't have to worry converting to DDS. There are some textures that may have enough space to be modified if you think they can benefit from your additions. For example, I think there's some helle_decor texture that may have some room so you don't have to create a new small texture (or create small textures for different stuff if they can be used for smaller props on their own)
  14. @stanislas69 Keep in mind that the chest piece of the helmet would rotate with the head too if the whole thing is exported and propped as a helmet. The chest piece will need to be done as unit texture (or mesh with defined weights for the chest bones)
  15. There's no problem using it. Probably the texture was done that way because it contains mostly walls and rectangle-shaped maps.
  16. Nice! Won't have access to my pc until tuesday. Can't commit yet :/
  17. Looks like a unit got angry and slammed the door on its way out lol. Will take a look at it when I come back from traveling. Unless LordGood beats me to it.
  18. Hello Vasikle! and welcome! Good luck with your mod! sounds really interesting! Feel free to use this blendfile with the latest meshes and armature with the new animations that are currently on SVN so you can use them in your mod. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/19137 Cheers!
  19. Nah, I started typing to suggest a good name for the mod, but couldn't come up with anything good and since I was already typing I decided to troll Btw awesome background @LordGood
  20. Don't wan't to ruin the discussion, but isn't this page going totally off-topic?
  21. Yeah, I hate that gliding too. But as you said that is not under art dept scope
  22. I think Stan is refering to the equipement. Let me clarify: There's no spearmen without shield, hence both hands are occupied. So, no one-handed spearmen are in the game. I'll try to post soon some cavalry animation WIPs so you can take a look at how they would look. We can increase their spears to reach the units. I'd also love to have a system where non-cav units know when they're attacking cavalry so we can do attack animations pointing higher.
  23. No. Those units will be deleted since they don't have their new animations now. Joke. Of course those will be done too eventually. I didn't want to spend more time before commiting with dual sword since there's only one unit that would use that animation. And... one handed spearman? what unit is that?
  24. They definitely are (idles have only one variation except women villagers). Please be aware that I wanted to finish the animations with at least just one variation of each type of animation needed so they could be commited and be playable in the game. After cavalry units are upgraded, expect more idle variations to come for every unit type.
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