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Everything posted by av93

  1. Also, would be nice to have non-greek names..
  2. Packaging problems solved? Now we can expect the release this week?
  3. I know that the general dev consensus is to not add more civs, but I would love to have the wider possible range of civilizations, not only for representation diversity, but also for the gameplay difference. Love to see an African kingdom showing that they had more than huts in the ancient time.
  4. There has been some work on formations lately, right? What is the official plan, to add or not to add "battalions"?
  5. I think there's nothing wrong in given some ideas, discussion or feedback if is a positive tone. Overdone discussions? sure. Although I agree that some of us should try to contribute with active modding. Mod.io seems a easier way to share gameplay mods with a broader community, and then, a way to have a better vision. Maybe unifing the damage could lead to an easier design, but probably would lead to hard-counters. BTW, I thought that damage and armours were agnostic, like the resources.
  6. Well, the individual unit roles have to be placed with a general design idea: we want they to be so fast created and killed? We want the buildings and defences that so resistant? We want this current citizen-soldier system that benefit turtle/booming? But I agree, roles should be clearly stated to later tune them. The aim of both a soft or hard counter system it's that there's a diversity of choices, that there's no a leading one that invalidates all the other. Later, it comes that armies shouldn't be of 1-2 units only. Of course some units could be more situational than others.. Maybe now that we have a in-game encyclopedia, the roles could be written?
  7. I didnt seen it, but Aoe 3 have a good solution about it. For people that doesnt know, artillery units works like 0 a.d ones, but when there is a low distance between the place that the artillery needs to move to get in range to attack, the unit, instead of packing again, gets pushed by the crew with a slow moving. I don't know if its hard to do.
  8. - Founded by Focean colonist (Asia minor greeks) in 575 BC. Their aim was commerce, it was not founded by demographic pressure. - At first was an island (now is connected to the land), but later, by the population incrementation, was founded a inland town, mixing with the local natives (Indikans) - By 535 BC, Focea was captured by persians, so a lot of refugees went to Massalia and Emporion, so the population was increased further. - The local natives were primary resources productors, and the greeks were mainly traders. - Was the biggest greek colony in Hispania, and was a strategic point in the trade route between Tartesos and Massalia. - By the time of the Barcida dinasty of Carthago, the city had a economical crisis. Emporion asked for help to Rome, and the Ebro treaty was firmed (limiting the influence between Rome and Carthago in Hispania by the river of the same name). Later when the Second Punic War started, the city sided with Romans, where they disembark. - The city had a inner wall separating the Iberians and the Greeks. Didn't found nothing about their government Reconstruction of the city
  9. La versión 23 aun no ha sido publicada (aunque queda poco): estarás usando una versión en desarrollo. Aquí ponen las instrucciones, y parece ser que fue lo que hiciste: https://play0ad.com/download/linux/#Ubuntu Prueba esto después de desinstalar: sudo apt-get install 0ad Que sistema operativo usas? English: He's saying that is getting A23 instead of 22. Maybe he's playing a dev version? shouldn't the repository direct to a stable version?
  10. That would need first a change in gamesetup that allows player to chamge some settings (like civ, teams, colour), right? Attack while moving seems a better name for the concept, no?
  11. I would love to see Delenda Est in the mod.io, udapted, and with more players that now doesnt play because the steps that need the game to play it. BTW, how it will work? You will be able to install mods within the 0ad client, like the battle of wesnoth addon list?
  12. Well, you have all this info hovering the unit stats icons.
  13. BTW, shouldn't this post be in the main page?
  14. How to defend a cavalry skirmisher rush? Having more cavalry skirmishers!
  15. Others potentials that I see to mod.io: Now, balance changes are made only release to release. WFG could endorse and publicity a pyromod that contains the official balance changes in the mod.io frontpage and main 0 a.d page. Only stats tweaks and numbers, but no changes that needs some new features. - Could the game "force" to install a pyromod when entering the lobby (your balance changes mod) Another nice feature would be that if you enter into a room that needs a mod, you could be redirected to install the specific mod, then restart the game, initialize the mod, and then auto enter the room.
  16. What kind of information? They are in Catalonia, so I can read information sources in english, spanish and catalan also.
  17. @Itms you will sign mods that break IP laws? It can be argued that you're not hosting the service and it's not your responsibility regarding that aspect. Moddb holds a lot of mods that breaks the IPs.
  18. Much better! The main background doesn't have sense (hoplites standing in a middle of siege?). The four icons look nice, but they aren't intuitive to know what they mean. BTW there should be a consistent theme across all game and UI.
  19. Spectacular! Although there's some detail that I would change, here and there, mainly the arrows around the map and the selected unit, and I would extend the HP and CP bars to the extent of the name. The Drakkar theme should be away also. All is humble opinion. What about the cultural name? There was a patch allowing users to disable it, it would be nice to implement. I think it looks cleaner like in this concept showing the generic name only. Speaking of the UI, maybe it could be a construction menu for the builders units, like in AoE1 and AoE2. It's a photoshopped concept, or it is a modification?
  20. Google translator have improved a lot in the last years, you only have to read it and check for fixing a few errors here and there...
  21. The textures, specular maps and such, right?
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