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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I'm making this thread for every one that needs a building for the main game that isn't particular mod. That will also prevent people from spamming other forums when the want something. - #1Fishing Hut : ← Stan Reference : 1 - #2Crucifix : ← Stan + Lion.Kanzen Reference : Thread If you have suggestions, comment below and I'll add them to the list.
  2. What do you mean ? I don't understand.
  3. It's two beige lights, one casting ray traced shadows. Both are omni. Maybe, but that may also look weird. I think you meant "Towers" : 170 each. Dogs : 580 each You want carpets ?
  4. Feel free to use it African Minifaction.7z
  5. It's 12 000 Triangles. To be precise most civic center are around 4 000. The trees add 8 000 polys.
  6. @MuteLoveStone, I won't be able to make the buildings part of the tree because that would result in two many polygons...
  7. I was hoping the stone pillar could be magic or something
  8. Another small update, tell me if you like the side bridge.
  9. Here is the one propped. Only issue 12K tris ( 8 * 934 for trees )
  10. Small Update Promotional stuff included (WARNING HUGE) Alpha2-graphite.7z
  11. Lion, open the atlas... click on the wolf, and select actor editor....
  12. I guess they are elven since they live in trees 8D
  13. I think those are done o Wolf - Texture + Animations, Thread Done o Boar - Model, Texture, Animations Done Isn't this one finished too ? o Crocodile - Animations. Thread About the pig, should it just be a retexture of the boar ? And what are your plans for cleopatra ?
  14. Hello Popeychops, Welcome to the forums. You can help in anyway you want. Does anything prevents you from learning a new coding language ? Regards Stan
  15. Nice are you sure the stairs are that way though ?
  16. Okay so the same building, but the collums in the back like maya temples. Raised from the ground
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