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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. See the quote I made. If we include Han that's not fair for Native Americans, that's not fair for Slav Tribes. That's also not fair for any other country in South Africa, Australia. I get your point you want the Han dynasty to be added so that it can attract people from that area. And it's fine really. Putting the Kushites in was a 2 Month work. And I failed to make it perfect. Also there is a lot of open issues on the Terra Magna mod about historical accuracy and other matters.
  2. Okay that's what I thought. Your image has to be a power of two image. 512x512 1024x1024 128x2048 etc. In your case your image is 3642x2048 which is why it fails. And yes you can load pngs directly as long as they comply with the rule above
  3. If that could be done that would be great in any case. I was wondering if such a thing was possible.
  4. I split this topic as best as I could sorry if some posts are missing. To get on this topic. The inclusion of mod civilizations have been discussed over the years to some extent and ended up in heated discussions and sometimes bloodbaths as well as general incomprehension. To be truly honest I didn't think the Kushites would make it into the game. The discussion about it in the staff forums is kinda big considering the number of people actually in the team. Including a civ in a mod is easy. Just dump everything inside a git repository. Fix it along and voilĂ . Including it into the game is a bit trickier because we have to make sure everything is in order that the documentation is correct that there are no copyright violations and that the overall thing is playable, balanced, and does not throw weird errors. Including two or three civs at once would be a daunting task I do not wish to do right now. Could also include one civilization you might say. Fair enough, but what about the people that wanted the other one to be included. Thanks to our programmers combined efforts we have now a good mod support into the game. You want more civs ? Make mods universally recognized such as delenda Est milleniumad terra magna etc. Just want to improve the existing ones, join the modders team. Want your mod to rely on a another one with civs ? We've got the technology it's called mod dependency TLDR: The probability of new civs or the existing ones being included is very low because 1 it's a pain to get it right 2 it leads to endless discussions 3 we have mod support now and finally 4 Stan is lazy.
  5. Well if the answer is no then we'll be settled. And we will be able to provide an answer as to why Can you ask please ?.:)
  6. You'd have to ask @vladislavbelov directly. He didn't want to show the code because he wants to do it the proper way whenever that may be.
  7. If we fix it for one platform it wouldn't work for another I guess. A good rule of thumb for programming is avoiding spaces as much as possible Only dealing with for stuff like user input.
  8. Unless his original image is broken Which is why I asked for it.
  9. Do you have the original PNG ? What is its resolution ?
  10. @Angen Good luck with your thesis. Will you update your Phabricator patches if you get reviews ?
  11. Okay so @Jeru what do you need ?
  12. Cool ! Shall we proceed @Itms ? Do we need to vote on this ?
  13. Hello and welcome back to the forums. Development is slow these days but maybe this will change in the coming months. Who knows.
  14. I see very well eagles as a ranged attack when #252 will be done. The unit would have a sword in melee and the falcon would just fly above her head, and if switched to ranged the falcon would attack. Should be restricted to slaughter attack I don't think they would waste an eagle in a battle.
  15. They apparently put some money to make another one 2.5h per week for one year. Else a bunch of people forked the blender game engine -> https://upbge.org/
  16. If they were in SVN I would not have said lying around I would have said they landed
  17. I do believe patches in that area were made. @Angen (You still around mate ?) @Alexandermb and @temple and I (very quickly) worked on it.
  18. Ah well I missed this thread. @Itms Should I contact them to see if they can make an exception for us ?
  19. That's really strange. Is the screen layered of the sort when you are not using any mods ? Do you have other mods installed beyond fgodMod ? What issues have you encountered when trying to play in LAN ?
  20. I believe I missed you on IRC. The people that you should convince are @user1 and @Hannibal_Barca
  21. True, however this is part of the discussion for the isometric view, on whether it could impact certain players. Different level of zoom might make the game easier for some people. To be fair you can edit the whole game and change the source code ^^ that's one of the cases where one spent too much time wondering if he could, and too few time, whether he should.
  22. What is it supposed to do ? Is it like the socket feature where you can only put buildings on specific areas or are we talking something completely different.
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