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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. You broke some stuff :/ https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP23094
  2. Sorry, Shader quality. You might also want to disable GLSl and the water options
  3. You can change the material quality in the game options
  4. They come at my stand and I usually give them flyers. Or they take a picture of it. I could also provide a Qr code for them to download a JPG version.
  5. I guess those https://www.indiedb.com/engines/blender-game-engine/games This engine is now discontinued though, so I guess there won't be much more.
  6. Nope it does not. One thing can be open source and not free, one thing can be free and not open source GNU/Linux ? All this terminology war is between OSI, and the FSF Also one has to mention all those flyers are mainly for free software enthusiasts. 0 A.D. is never invited (yet) at more generic events.
  7. @Alexandermb Is it me or the helmets are too low on that screenshot ? (Naked Fanatics)
  8. Usually though there is a live demo behind the flyers. I bring a few pcs and people can try the game out
  9. Small units icons aren't that hard to do but what unit should we choose ? @Lion.Kanzen I believe the bottom one is a good example of the Z pattern ?
  10. @Lion.Kanzen Maybe you could merge the 100% free part with the top paragraph so there is nothing below the download. Maybe there could be two gold bars around the download button as well to keep the visual effect it does on the rest. Yeah like that As for hoplites I'm afraid we don't havr any good material that would blend nicely on the poster.
  11. That would be Linux Biolinium, which i believe is the one used on the flyer. We have no way to change the 0ad logo's though. Same for the wildfire one
  12. You can change the font Especially since it prevents us from using more than 3 fonts that way.
  13. Actually one could also add 'libre' to the list.
  14. Maybe it could be at equal distance of the corner ? It's closer from the top than from the left
  15. @Lion.Kanzen Thanks a lot it's starting to look good now Any reason the small description is still full caps ? I thought that was bad ?
  16. No it is alright you can discard it.
  17. @Lion.Kanzen I guess this one https://www.dafont.com/optimusprinceps.font
  18. @Alexandermb I think the body is rotated too much on that last test, which makes the unit look like it's contortioning.
  19. One can also update the mods following the dev version, it's open source, so you can tag along
  20. What os are you on ? Usually that means you ar e using an outdated version
  21. Let's go for 5% then it looks brighter enough so that it stands out when in a battle The problem with dull colors is they make it hard to identify stuff on the screen.
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