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Stan` last won the day on January 16

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Community Answers

  1. The diff https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1905
  2. IIRC Silier had a patch that allowed hiding the vision depending on terrain. Not sure it worked with walls though.
  3. 0.27 does not exist yet. Have you tried the native package ?
  4. It would be nice indeed but there is a Gitea bug https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/issues/33291
  5. To be honest, its really not that many. The situation could be greatly improved without removal with: better organizing map categories like I tried to do ("Default" category problem), and folding 2,4,6, and 8 player versions of skirmish maps into one map. I think the redundant maps could be removed entirely, and maybe some of the niche maps like snowflake sea rocks could be a good fit for community maps. Maybe I misread but are you advocating for removal without advocating for it ? I'm confused. It's not that many yes. But if you consider ten maps per alpha updated with an alpha every year that's still about 25 years of upgrade. My point isn't to burn all maps and start again. It's just let's consider the fun and most played maps and make them the prettiest we can and keep the rest in the community mod for people who need more. Hiding maps behind options is as good as putting them in a mod IMHO. It also makes the download smaller which reduces costs with the bandwith and our finite server space. Also most scenarios are broken and not really playable. A three map campaign by @Vantha would be a much better advertisement than 70 maps Another problem we have is that most people making videos always pick the worst looking ones which is terrible for the game's image >< (Ducks behind the alpha label)
  6. We have: 81 random maps. 74 Scenario Maps 2 Tutorials 77 Skirmish Maps If one uses the Replay Pallas as data for MP games, 80% of the 800 or so replays there use Mainland or Mainland Balanced. This is a great idea. Take out all the maps you believe don't have the necessary standard for 0ad and put them in a mod. If someone desperatly misses them, they can install the mod. If nobody misses them, the mod just won't get downloaded. My plan originally was to ask @andy5995 to put them in the community maps mod. So keep say 40-50 in the game and the rest into that mod. Scenarios that are used to test or debug the game would go into a special mod yet to be named Demo maps would go in a mod for modders. A24 also had a shitton of features. I've seen a few pople working on differientating civs again. Interestingly though the reason all civs have those three new buildings (and yet not the artillery towers was because we didn't waste the art I believe it was one of the biggest reasons civs lost differientation along with the people pushing for historicality. We had a weird combo on that alpha.
  7. Well flatpak doesn't do any releases between major ones so yeah they have to compile.
  8. Welp physical violence threats is probably were this should end. Locking this thread.
  9. Hey I did a reasonable chunk of the A25-A26 porting for the mod I've added you on Discord. Ping me if you need help. There are some migration scripts here https://gitea.wildfiregames.com/Stan/pyrogenesis-migration-scripts
  10. Nah it's only extracted manually. Same for the website. The numbers I gave elsewhere are still accurate. About 1500 players play the game every day. Some still play A23 Maybe @vladislavbelov will have time to update the site after the release.
  11. Yeah formations are only kept on short distances, you can make it do what you want by giving small orders. Attack Move is a command check the hotkeys.
  12. Did you manage to get access to your page ? Maybe you could give me and wow access so we can post in spanish
  13. I think @Lion.Kanzen wasn't there when you devised that plan.
  14. Yep it's called copy and paste :D. Fixed thanks.
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