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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2016-01-26 in all areas

  1. This library is exactly what 0 A. D. needs! In particular the multiplayer, since that mostly uses random maps which are just flat and very boring because of that! Those scripts should be moved to shared libraries and used in (maybe all) RMS.
    2 points
  2. Apparently https://wildfiregames.com/forum/uploads/emoticons/happy@2x.png and other *@2x images from srcset tag which are used on screens with higher pixel density (or whatever it's called, see a demo and explanation here: https://webkit.org/demos/srcset/) are missing.
    1 point
  3. I also suggest that you download/use SVN version a.k.a, the developer version If you play 0ad on a regular basis. (Or if you really follow the game via, each alpha release) You can keep track of the latest changes here and receive it by updating your SVN copy http://trac.wildfiregames.com/timeline My personal experience, I've been following this game since alpha 11? or 12? I can't really remember, but I only switched to SVN last year, because of that, I was able to test/experience the new capture system and give feedback, before it was released in the latest alpha (Also less hectic, no need to uninstall the old version and install the new one, you just "update" and eureka.)
    1 point
  4. I also have some emoticons missing, tested on all combinations Android 6 / 4.4 + chrome / firefox. Screenshot:
    1 point
  5. Most interesting changes are cinematic camera and performance improvements, there are also a lot of other improvements and bug fixes. You can try yourself the developing version following instructions here, or following changes here.
    1 point
  6. They weren't too common for the Scythians, but still used after apparently partnering with the women called "Amazons". But the Sarmatians used them alot, and it's said the women couldn't marry until they had killed men in battle.
    1 point
  7. Player should use caution when suggesting changes just because current alpha play one way or another. Because everyone in alpha 19 go heavy champion does not mean this will be case in alpha 20, using your suggestions or no. Remember that not all gameplay is complete. It is a hope that formation fighting, charging, tramplling, chasing, etc. will change combat with significance. Until thing like these implemented, it is difficult to say that Persians should get to build more than 1 Apadana so that they can train more Immortals. Why not beef them in another way? Like their archers or other ranged unit. In Delenda Est, Immortals have a train limit of 30, but they are traine supremely fast (4 seconds after all research). Not saying this is solution, but it is alternative you don't mention. Just saying there are many way to balance this stuff but until the gameplay complete it should wait. Obvious to me, the team disagree so "balancing" will continue to take up an unnecessary amount of time better spent on adding feature and squashing of the bugs.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Gallic and Brittonic small and large towns
    1 point
  10. Sidon, Mother City of Phoenicia (anyone know how to modify the map so that there's not a black ring around the edge? I want to make screenshots looking out at sea, but it doesn't look natural with the solid black streak along the horizon.)
    1 point
  11. Hey everyone, I was bored and I wanted to just create a large civilization without the annoyance of an AI bot attacking me every five minutes so I took it upon myself to create a peaceful game mode. So you start on a bridge in the middle of the map, there's enough resources for you to create a CC anywhere you want and you start with a reasonable amount of people too. You can choose which way you want to go, one side is a large desert type area and the other is a woodland type area. On the desert side is a large body of water which seems to curve around a mountain, this is what blocks the AI from getting to you, it is important to make sure they are set on the correct difficulty, but, this also means, you can set the difficult to medium or higher and still have them attack you, it's personal choice. Below I will have some screenshots, bear in mind this was originally just for me to mess around on so I didn't spend too long making it look amazing, although I think the desert side has a lot more detail, I spent a bit longer on that side. Peaceful Solution.zip
    1 point
  12. ey! look what I can do on my new computer! Still runs nice too!
    1 point
  13. The grass colours might look strange, still I like the variation. I remember being in the alps and finding places where it was really nice with many plants, while the overall impression was rocky. Isn't it related to overly many factors like wind, how much humus, if fungi, lichens are around, e.g. moss fern. Your generation reminds me of this: So the textures could take neighbour textures into account. Like: if there are snow-textures, choose from this set of biome textures. Looking at your results, I guess you are already doing this or even something more elaborated. Height and slope sound real. Lichens are the first to settle on rock and difficult slope. usually in mountains it's an alternating process. Between rocks being grown over first by lichens .. later by others, then a rock avalanche might reverse the process. Thanks for sparking yet another idea. We could create avalanche animations. I have to find out how this could be made to affect units. So snow or stones pull them apart, trees and animals too of course. Don't give up, what you have shown so far is already the utmost incredible. Also the map overview. Really encouraging results. Edit: Had to employ a really interesting teqnique to post google static images (forum doesn't allow it usually).
    1 point
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