I assume this is you as well https://www.reddit.com/r/0ad/comments/1evje50/why_is_the_0_ad_community_so_small/
Well a pain point that has been raised is the fact the game is labelled alpha, so a lot of people feel like it will not be playable or it is not worth their time.
Sure we're not doing paid advertisements, but I'm not sure that would significantly increase the player base. In two years the reddit went from 2K followers to 4K, we gained a few thousand followers on every platform, save for instagram who only reached 623 followers.
If you have enabled the in game feedback you'll appear in our records that show that less than a fifteenth of the players play multiplayer. We only get about 1.5k users per day. So less than 150 play mp.
I don't think other games such as Widelands, SuperTuxKart, Zero K, Warzone 2100, and Bar are fairing much better than we do.
We reached out to some youtubers, but most of them prefer to play age of empires.
Some say the lack of official discord doesn't help.