athens: iphicrates gives bonus in formation, phase 2 champ black cloak ad p3 heavy skirm, strong champs but expensive, slingers and sword cav always useful
brits: strongest ships (same as gaul and iber), armor hero and health hero, rotary mill (gauls too)
carth: ele hero, cav hero, walls
gauls: vercin hero
iber: fire ship, fire cav
kush: cav hero
mace: all siege, library
maur: worker ele, yodda
pers: cav hp, cav hero
ptol: camel, all heros, mercs, pharos
rome: camp, champ cav, all heros
sele: archer cav, cav hp
sparta: skiri, brasidas
strongest civs: ptol, brit, gaul
next: rome, athen, iber, ...
weak: kush, maur, cart, ...
valihrant and tom0ad have videos ranking civs