I believe we reached the productive part of this thread.
If you need information concerning your ban please contact @user1. If you want to stop being banned maybe stop breaking the rules?
sorry, bad screen recorder. Looking for contributors : animations, map creators .. etc
don't forget to put the sound on
What do you mean when you said it needs a stronger sharpening effect? Do you mean the default value? The original patch has a static sharpness factor of 0,5. The new patch allows you to select a sharpness value between 0,0 and 1,0 by slider. The default is set to 0,3. A value greater than 1,0 would lead to colour noise.
If you know someone to have multiple accounts, report him.
Rule is clear and applies to everyone: Only create one account per person on the service unless authorized by Wildfire Games
From searching history on forum, unauthorized accounts have been deleted and users were asked to use their first account after ban expired.
One is not allowed to create new account just because the current one is banned. If it was allowed ban is useless.
I do not think, that given ban is permanent, but every break of rules prolongs current ban.
Keep in mind there exists bot that will ban anyone using bad language in chat.
I've proposed this already sometime ago:
how about an additional function similar to the buddy or friend-thing that would allow you to mark other players as "notfriends" - the idiot-button, kinda? ...you know, so you can designate players with whom you've had bad experienes like quitting, toxic behavoir etc. I play occasionally and i recognise a lot of aliases, but after a few months it's hard to remember things - like "do i remeber this guy because we had a fun game, or because he was a total @#$% last time?"