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  1. vicentesk always trash talks. We played 2 1v1 and he lost both, but he claims they never happened and challenged me to upload the replays. So here they are. commands.txt commands.txt
    2 points
  2. A few broken things, yeah. Variants for some actors. A UI bug. Some other stuff. Session.js was split which screwed up a UI thing. Past 2 months been busy with new girlfriend. Many changes in core game broke DE and I never bothered to keep up with everything until a few days ago.
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. Ensemble Studios already knew they will screw it a lot if they didn't do medieval age. They know what a failure was AoE 3 era, not the gameplay, not the design, The Era. They could start from there a new 3D era for ensemble studios gaming, however making WW1 or WW2 is more difficult since it will be probably a copy from Empire Earth or Command and Conquer. Honestly the most interesting aspect of RTS Genre are: Fantasy, Roleplaying, Ancient History, Medieval History. The Gunpowder Era in RTS Genre doesn't sell too much unless you are ready to handle such amount of entities like Cossacks. Gunpowder era is more for First Person Shooter or Spionage. A WW1/2 game would fit perfectly with the Dawn of War gameplay. But in a game like AoE 2 or a Gameplay like Ensemble Studios does, is just a basic genre RTS. Unless they are going all in with a Settlers Economy management in AoE 4 mixed with the micro managamente of AoE 1/2.
    1 point
  5. Nooooo..... I was so hoping for a WWI/WWII game!
    1 point
  6. hi @matricea place these files in the same folder as pyrogenesis.exe msvcp140.dll mozjs38-ps-release-vc140.dll vcruntime140.dll
    1 point
  7. I was about to dust off my pitchfork, but they seem to have already changed it to something more sensible. The recommended list now continues further down the page with 72 more videos, in addition to the original 8 on top. Yesterday the space beneath the 8 recommended video's was paid garbage, but now it's back to the content I prefer (science and technology, history, architecture, game dev, CGI/Blender, some current affairs, the occasional crazy Russian ingeneer and some music). Maybe my angry feedback actually worked, lol. I actually wrote angry feedback, like a soccer-mom in the supermarket asking if she could speak with the manager A ton of people were upset and sending angry feedback... Entire message boards were being deleted/censored by google... Twas funny, like a little online riot.
    1 point
  8. (Lots of aoe hate here, huh? Single handedly saving the classic rts genre from dying. And their game is alright.)
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/1983 Felt like doing a quick one. Based on this image for shape and texture: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Alectoris-chukar-001.jpg partridge.zip
    1 point
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