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Hello Everyone, this is a old thread but, I'm starting to be more active, and I'm working in atlasUI once again. For now I'm going to fix some behaviors from atlasUI (like variations, osx, xcode, etc) and adding some QoL for map makers. We hope to bring yours a better tool for map makers.7 points
Hey ethanray94, welcome to the forums. Work has been started on supporting campaigns (https://code.wildfiregames.com/D11), but so far nothing is actually done. I would not expect it for the next alpha, perhaps the one after that. Rest assured however that it is one of the features the team has in mind for the game, well all love a good campaign5 points
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3 points
Persians in isometric. (Persian Wonder: Hanging Gardens of Babylon; eventually this should be replaced with a more fitting wonder, such as the Gate of All Nations, or the Audience Hall of Darius or something. Keep the Hanging Gardens in the game though for scenarios and/or capture the wonder game mode) Capturable animals, with effects. Notice the different Yakhchall, or "Ice House" models, courtesy of @Stan`.2 points
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2 points
I was wanting to know when there will be a campaign? Love the game- doesn't seem like a ton of updates have happened this year. Any ideas when the next version will be released as well as well as campaign?1 point
I read fieldfield talking today about having decreasing gathering rates for each additionnal units put in a single feld, was that related ? (it might be someone else but I read somewhere else that historical accuracy is important only as long as it doesn't have a negative impact on the wordplay). Introducing negative externalities/decreasing returns could help to reduce the exponential growth effect. For example, we could also have a lower gathering rate for each additional units using the same storehouse. Then how many dropsites you build wouldn't be just a question of distance to ressources but depends on the number of workers using it (dropsite should then also be balanced between civ). => More thinking = more fun The following isn't related directly to the mod, but it might be considered while implementing changes. I am wondering about how market barter rate are currently determined. They usually seems quite ok in 1vs1 but in tg, they often get crazy/unfair and can easily lead to game imbalances. In some recent games, I have managed to get to barter efficiency close to 300% thanks to Brennus or some additional mines. In the summary attached, I came to choose a strategy in which I would keep the ptolemies enemy player alive as long as possible just to artificially raise metal prices. The strategy is quite simple: 1 - Send army for direct confrontation with the mineral dependant player, it doesn't really matter if it is a good fight or not as long as the enemy loose a lot of units with a high cost in mineral; 2 - keep sending units until the enemy can't sustain the fight because he runs out of minerals (because he can't gather it fast enough or he is running out of it, in both cases, he would turn to the market anyway) 3 - once he doesn't react too much anymore, just turn to attack some other enemy, wishing his allies will send him food/wood in the meantime that he will trade for minerals in order to rise his pop again. As soon as it has some new mineral costly units, come back to put more pressure on him and on market prices. With prices on minerals increasing a lot, you can basically keep just a few women on food (to use for protection against sneaky rams too), delete the rest and leave some men on minerals to gather what you will barter later. The larger your army is, the easier it is to put pressure on mineral prices, and the less units you need then on eco since you get better barter rates, the less units you loose also while fighting because you have a larger army, the less ressources you need to make new units... Civilizations like ptolemies or athens should be very strong in team game, but sadly, they often just end up looking like junkies. Even kushites could potentially become close to fun with enough metal... Changes in the way map are generated could help, this was already said elsewhere. Another fix (simple but maybe only partial too) would be to changes market barter rates determination. Barter rates of different teams should be independent, it doesn't make too much sense that how much ressources a player is bartering affects the barter rate of his enemy. I don't think they are supposed to barter together. I also think that market prices volatility is partly responsible for the sustainability of a relatively small number of mineral dependent civs in the same team game. Markets should offer a way for those civ to hedge themself against map-gen risks. Any insurance should have a cost, but if there is a large need for barter and barter efficiency falls too low, then this cost becomes too expensive in the current version of the game (another S curve needed there??) . Currently, traders seem like an unreliable suppliers to compensate for prices volatility (slow to put in place, hard to protect constantly...). Maybe a few other simple adjustments could be made to improve the game from this perspective, I just gave some ideas above... I was also wondering about a last thing. Would it be complicated/feasible to introduce different land type on the same map ? I do like that currently wood is slowing down units and is preventing sieges from passing. Having some kind of muddy land type which simply slow down all units could introduce a fun strategical dimension to the game. Scooting would give a higher reward, range units would have a bigger advantage in fighting over this type of land etc... eae !!! ...1 point
Several 0abc updates: city walls have 49 pierce armour, all other structures 36 standardized structure foundation armour for all structures to 1 crush, 2 hack, 16 pierce, 4 thrust altered random map starter units: infantry: Carthage: 5 spearmen Gauls, Rome: 5 swordsmen Kush, Mauryas: 5 archers Macedon, Ptolemies, Seleucids: 5 pikemen one cavalry: Carthage, Macedon, Seleucids: lancer champion Gauls, Kushites, Ptolemies: spearman champion Mauryas: javelineer Rome: spearman one healer animals worth 300 food Mauryas: one worker elephant changed centre costs to 200 food, 200 metal, 400 stone, 200 wood; 400 building time; 10 population bonus new civ bonuses: [EDIT]: In the city phase, Carthage can upgrade their houses to apartment blocks (+50% health and capacity) and their centres to fortified centres (+100% health and capacity):1 point
Played a 25 min match with this patch. No crash. Will test again.1 point
I'll upload another file later, and this problem does exist.1 point
1 point
When they figure they have stomped on enough bugs and introduced at least one new feature that is on the road map or as all most all open source projects say when it's ready Enjoy the Choice1 point
Just did a quick check on atlas, bug with the unsync animation was this: Animation sync works like this; Being horse "A" Tail/Hair/Rider "B" Trader Cart "C", horse props takes the animation timing and variant of the Horse "A" But being The trader cart the primary actor and having animations directly in the main actor and not in a secondary actor (variant) it forces the order/timing of the animation. So it works like this: Animation playtime C Force > A To play Animation X > A Tell Wich animation play following C. Also both horse idle and trader cart idle, need to be the exactly same amount of frames, trader cart has an idle of 20 frames, and horse 60 frames. Being Trader idle the primary animation forces the horse animation to play only 20 frames of its 60 frames.1 point
I'll check it, the laptop im using is "operative". However im not sure how long it could stay like that because as my Dad wich fixed the charger for me said: "This one works for that laptop but they broke faster than the original one". I just played yesterday the alpha 24 svn version after a long time whitout having pc but i mostly get harassed by 2 players 2vs1 when i play vs IA and they never let me get a market trade route . If you have an screenshot of the issue better, But if its in atlas its a bug in character animation sync and not directly related to horses mane/tail/armors.1 point
1 point
Hi and welcome to the forums in progress release notes for next alpha 24 is here https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha24 or you can read in detail here https://trac.wildfiregames.com/timeline plus here https://code.wildfiregames.com/feed/query/all/ the next version will likely ba released when it will be stable enough without problems as seen here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqHzawvxhO8&t=0s and campaign that nobody actualy knows when and what will be there e.g. you can see something here https://github.com/0ADMods/campaign_first_punic_war .1 point
Here is a tiny A23 mod with six Thracian units (actors, icons, templates; three ranks each), made with existing art assets: thracians.zip [EDIT]: As you can see the swordsmen use the Iberian falcata; they actually should have a sica, but I need a new weapon prop for that; see https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/26405-request-sica-and-falx/1 point
Experimenting with glowing materials, to know how they work. Model will likely be used in a mod of mine if I make more than this. @vladislavbelov I guess there is no way I can make the glow stronger ? It doesn't work with the sun. Also would be nice to have an oscilating shader. Still far from EDIT : It seems I can't make it react to player color... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <material> <define name="USE_SELF_LIGHT" value="1"/> <required_texture name="baseTex"/> <required_texture name="normTex" define="USE_NORMAL_MAP"/> <required_texture name="specTex" define="USE_SPECULAR_MAP"/> <shader effect="model"/> <define name="USE_PLAYERCOLOR" value="1"/> <uniform name="effectSettings" value="1.0 50.0 0.0075 0.85"/> </material>1 point