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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2019-03-09 in all areas

  1. Updated 16/03/2019 Hello Community, About This Flora Rework This rework originally started for a mod that I'm currently working on, which has now become a 0 A.D. flora rework. I hope this flora rework brings an enhanced and new enriching gameplay experience. This rework is still in development and things are subject to change. Flora Screenshots Deciduous Forest Pine/Coniferous Forest European Birch (Sliver Birch) Forest Planned Flora New version available. Textures have been improved and the birch trees have been added. Also more tree variations added. Download : Flora_Mod_Beta v0.0.02.ZIP (zip contains two maps for testing purpose.)
    6 points
  2. The textures are all taken from photos that I took, and other textures are from the 0AD files. I've sign the waiver, but if further proof is required that these are pictures I took please let me know.
    4 points
  3. I'm hoping to give the atlas ranges some love, but I'm finding our rock collection to be lacking quite severely
    4 points
  4. There's a couple of pretty memorable quotes in there, like: "Tadaaa, there it is, now you can go home" "I don't know what the hell I'm doing, but if you wing it hard enough, you can do anything" "This is truly an awful program" "Yo, this is where we get whack!" "Is that detailed enough for ya Stan?" "I've got to piss like a Russian race horse" "If you wanted a tutorial, you should have asked for a tutorial. Please don't ask for a tutorial..." That last one killed me, because I did actually ask for a tutorial, and you definitely delivered a tutorial... Of sorts... Thanks man! Anyway, I'm trying... Not quite succeeding, but trying nonetheless... Acacia attempt 3... In Dutch, we would say: "Schoon van ver, maar verre van schoon", which roughly translates into "pretty from afar, but far from pretty"... I have two main problems I see, which is that the geometry of the branches sucks from up close. They're just bent plains (2 bends). And the tris count is getting too high 700 tris, and none of the faces have been doubled with flipped normals to counteract the backface culling, which would increase the tris count to 1200... By the way, why can't backface culling be disabled for trees? Because doubling the branches/leaves to counteract it, essentially doubles the geometry for trees, doesn't it? Is rendering two faces of a single polygon really more "expensive" than rendering 2 separate one sided polygons? Anyway, close up of the ugly: One thing I did like about my attempt, is the detail in the acacia specific texture (512x512). Which is why I decided to post anyway: I'll probably get back to my flora modeling attempts at some time in the future, but for now, if anyone more skilled than me feels compelled to give the acacia a go, here's the CC0 texture I made using wikimedia CC0 images. It was pretty tedious to manually separate the leaves, but with a few adjustments, it would look pretty good, I think... And here's a previous version: Used for this attampt:
    3 points
  5. If nobody has objections of @Genava55 @LordGood @Alexandermb I'll commit it as an Atlas template.
    2 points
  6. I wasnt quite sure anyone would actually sit through all that haha I'm sure you saw me run that texture through several contrast filters and back, and there was always a slight gradient from the base of the branch to the leaves. Is there reasoning here? maybe. Sometimes it looks good, but I think really what it does is pull away from the blatant polygon conservation. Another good trick is to make a branch texture that starts at the trunk texture's color and value (for dead branches especially) so you can cheat polys into the model by being able to add several small branches at the cost of about 2 tris I gotta say though, that's some good wingin'
    2 points
  7. I got a head start on the black pines, could benefit from a few more variations. General purpose tree dump thread
    1 point
  8. I've merged D14 and D53 patches and it has improved pathfinder performance a lot (see this topic). I've already made a few tests myself, however a real multiplayer game is needed. The purpose of this test is to check: - if there aren't any errors - how does the patch improve performance Common issue of multiplayer games with large number of players are lags, appearing when there are lots of units. In some cases it makes game unplayable. Goal of this patch is to fix these lags or at least decrease them. We need to play such multiplayer game with lots of units and unlimited population. We need at least 6 players. We already have two: me and @Feldfeld Download latest version of code, apply attached patch and compile. (See build instructions for more info) EDIT: attached patch contains memory leak, newer version is available to download on D14. pathfinderupdate.patch
    1 point
  9. Hey folks! I haven't been active here lately, well, since about 3 years now. So some of you will remember me, but there are a lot of new faces I'm sure. It's time for a re-introduction! My name is Ben (aka historic_bruno) and I started with 0 A.D. in fall 2010, because I was bored and wanted to join a fun project. Something bigger than myself. 0 A.D. was first alphabetically on Wikipedia's list of open source games, so I clicked it and fell in love. I mean, I always loved history and Age of Empires. And I always loved programming, so it was a match made in heaven. I started looking at the code, adding a few small features or bug fixes here and there. Started hanging out in IRC and on the forums. It was my first time contributing to an open source project, and really the largest software project I had worked on at the time (right out of college - I had a degree in computer engineering). It kinda came along at the perfect time for me, where I was in my life, not happy with what I had been doing. 0 A.D. gave me a new direction and fresh perspective. Before long, I was working on bigger changes to things like the random map generator, game setup UI, and Atlas, and they invited me to join the dev team! I was incredibly excited to be a part of such a great team. From there, I learned so much about software development from folks like Philip and all the other devs. Eventually I had so many things going on in my life, that I couldn't spend so much time in IRC, and even following the daily logs became too much (for a while 0 A.D. was like a full time job for me). And then I found it hard to keep up with Trac, so I stepped away. But I never intended it to be for years! IMO, 0 A.D. is one of the finest, if not *the* finest open source 3D game out there. Art, music, graphics, and everything is top notch. I've always been proud of our releases, each one an improvement on the last, and even though we may be slower paced than some big studios, there is a lot of passion that goes into 0 A.D. It's kind of a gift to the world and to the FOSS movement in general, and that's a cool legacy for everyone who has contributed and followed along over the years. Anyway I'm glad to be back and can't wait to see what has been happening in my absence, and meet the new folks in this community! And most of all thanks to everyone who has been playing, testing, packaging, designing, creating, developing, and involved in whatever way to making 0 A.D. what it is :-)
    1 point
  10. version 0.3.3 Improved: Ignores the cases were a nickname is similar to a civ name (if that player is in the game). Thx. @HMS-Surprise
    1 point
  11. I opted for option b) and it worked. Thank you a lot!
    1 point
  12. I tried the mod and it's great... add more depth to the game and some balancing which is much appreciated. Thanks for the great work Borg ! I really hope this mod makes its way into the actual game !!
    1 point
  13. @LordGood Indeed I forgot to fix the AO ^^ better now .
    1 point
  14. Thanks for all suggestion i took note of everything said. I Check in Settlers 6 and i got some reference. I think we can start developing the all products that will be consumed together with the basic resources by our citizens. Here the table i created: 4 Basic resources: food wood stone metal with the food divided in 7 subcategories : milk herbs oil meat grain fruit wool ( is not food but we insert here for simplicity) Form these resources each Producer would be able to process them and create one of the following 20 products depending of its speciality: Food bread cheese sausage soup beer cake Cleaning soap broom parfume Clothes woolen clothes leather clothes shoes Decorations banners indoor Decorations outdoor Decorations jewellery Military swords shield bows machine engine Here you can see what each product require to be processed: In addition to the products there are also three services: Entertainment (artist, circus) Transportation(city delivery, intercity trade, interciv trade) Building (builders, the onlyone allowed to build) Unless products, services cannot be stoked by the consumer, but has to be pay in the moment
    1 point
  15. Like Tropico. Ive been playing DoM since the release and it’s really awesome. Though there’s not much military involved yet but I think once you level up playing and have achievements it wil be very tough. What was in YouTube earlier were just the lowest level and if you are ready to play the harder ones ahead with probably tribal wars it’s going to be really tough. The economic aspect is really great. Plenty of resources, trees are regrown, fish too. Resources like wild plants, fruits, nuts etc are seasonal harvested as well as farm products. Taming young animals, hunting too are really natural. Minerals might not replenish but aplenty. There’s so many realistic mechanics though structures are really not good looking, anyhow you can’t expect much from very early peoples of this world. I hope 0ad or mod can be like this one day.
    1 point
  16. atlas cedars and cedars of lebanon can be the same thing because they look like the same thing
    1 point
  17. Another feature of the settlers, is to have weapons made from processed minerals, so that military units would then require resources and a certain amount of weapons. Also there was taxes that tax collectors collected from workers and freemen earnings, the taxes were generally a certain percentage of the individuals earnings and was adjustable, like low taxes or no taxes have increased happiness but less money and population growth and higher taxes decreased happiness but more money! Workers could also strike if there happiness was too low. There was also titles that the player got when they aged up, to get the titles one would have to have certain buildings and population to gain the title and access to the next tier of buildings. Finally there was entertainment buildings that allowed freemen and workers to spend their money there to gain more happiness. Another thing they had was clothes made from wool and animal skins, freemen and workers would then buy these clothes too. There was multiple types of food building too with a variety of food makers for processing different types of food into meals that freemen and workers could buy. The clothing, food and entertainment would affect a units happiness and productiveness. Another feature that might be nice is the chance of uprisings, like slave or population uprising when needs are very bad, perhaps those units could start attacking soldiers and damaging buildings until their needs are met
    1 point
  18. Meroë, Temple M 250, the so-called Sun Temple Art by Sundiata (Malcolm Quartey) The 1st century BC Meroitic period temple on the outskirts of the capital. It is still uncertain which god(s) it was dedicated to. Making use of the Kushite textures (by LordGood and Wowgetoffyourcellphone, if I'm not mistaken). I've suggested this structure as the Kushite wonder before, and thought I'd just give it a go myself. The model isn't finished yet (texturing). It's less than 10.000 tris (and I don't expect to add any more geometry), so I sincerely hope it can replace the current wonder (which looks great and can still be used in Atlas). (Those acacia trees were just a free asset I found somewhere. Using an HDRI to light the scene for the first time.) References:
    1 point
  19. It's a very stupid process where i look at the thing and draw the plant, put in in the engine to see how awful it looks, and then try to make it less awful. every plant has a different, special, stupid process. The trick to grasses and ground plants seems to be a lightening gradient from base to top to make them stand out and be noticeable on top, but not betray the messy union where the polygons meet the terrain. I'm still figuring things out though of course you can say to hell with it all with water plants, which is why I'm having fun with water plants. I'll see if i can make a video or stream or something sometime in the near future
    1 point
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