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7 points
6 points
D1762 First of all, I'm not sure this is the correct place to post, nor do I know what is the proper procedure to get gameplay changes implemented. Currently fortresses do not have a territory root, which means you can simply ignore them and aim straight for the centre instead; if the centre is lost, the entire base is basically lost. Historically, a city was only conquered when all of its fortifications were taken. What I propose is giving fortresses a territory root. This will help the fortress do what it is supposed to do: defend. Arguments against: It breaks the status quo Defending a well-developed base is easier Arguments in favour: It breaks the status quo Defending a well-developed base is easier Fortresses are limited to ten per player, become available only in city phase, are expensive: 1000 stone (centres cost 1500 resources, colonies 600), and take long to build: 500 (centres 500, colony 300) Fortresses have a territory radius of 100, city centres 140*1.2*1.5=252 Iberian monument, Mauryan pillar, Persian Ishtar gate, and several scenario structures also have a territory root Realism: the purpose of a fortress is to defend something and keep it under control Abstractly: can be built in neutral territory, have territory root: centre, military colony, crannog, military harbour can be built in neutral territory, no territory root: dock, outpost can't be built in neutral territory, have territory root: fortress, monument, palace, pillar, wonder can't be built in neutral territory, no territory root: most other structures I've been playing with this in single player for months and I think it's really an improvement. I might be biased, of course; I don't play multiplayer games. @Angen, @av93, @borg-, @elexis, @Feldfeld, @Hannibal_Barca, @wowgetoffyourcellphone, and anyone else interested in gameplay or balance, your opinions are more than welcome! Here's a mod for people who'd like to play-test this proposal: FortressRoot.zip4 points
Perhaps that argument could be filled with some examples, since it can only be true for a part of the battles, perhaps the majority. For example Vercingetorix had to surrender to Cesar because they were starving, despite still being fortified as far as I know.4 points
If any mod wants to do that, add: cmpCorpseVisual.SetShadingColor(r, g, b, a); // ignore a, that is useless in the sense that it wont work below Health.js L308.3 points
3 points
Tarantine Cavalry The Seleucids employed a number of Tarantine cavalry, either as mercenaries or – more likely – equipped and trained in the "Tarantine fashion". They were present at the Battle of Panium[49] and the Battle of Magnesia. Epilektoi At the Daphne parade, there was also a regiment of 'picked', known as Epilektoi, horsemen, numbering 1,000. The Epilektoi were most likely recruited from the city of Larissa, which was founded by colonists from Larissa on the Greek mainland. After the loss of Media, the main recruiting ground for the Agema, to the Parthians, the Epilektoi were given the title and role of the Agema by Alexander Balas. They are best used where the decisive action will take place, either to force their way through enemy infantry, or to repulse the heavy cavalry of the other Greek states. Toxotai syriakoi (implanted) Kardouchoi Pantodapoi These Kurdish spearmen were provided by the client-kingdom of Media Atropatene. Antiochus III, after breaking Molon’s revolt, invaded Atropatene, who had declared itself fully autonomous, and established it as a client-kingdom once again. Being a client-kingdom, Atropatene was obliged to supply the Seleucids with manpower. The Kurdish soldiers supplied by Atropatene were levy spearmen with little training and poor arms. Armed with a basic spear, no armour and a large wicker sparabara shield, they can take on other levy and light troop and hold their own against light cavalry. They have poor moral and will be the first to break when the odds are stack against them since they have little commitment to the Seleucid cause. But they are cheap, expendable units, a means for a strategos to preserve and not bleed out his Seleucid troops proper.2 points
Your legal person doesn't concern anyone unless you became criminally active on our online platform. Otherwise we only care about your IP address and whether that uses our service in violation of the terms of service. The service is rejected to users that violate the terms. Notice that you know all of that already because you have commented about all of that stuff with your other online account on phabricator and the lobby, and probably irc too. That about the legal side. About the moral part: If you actually "don't hide" that you are smiley, then why are you arguing for registering as many accounts as you desire? Chanigng nicknames because they are more interesting is not covered by the terms and imply the problem that people lose the ability to ban you from their matches, lose the ability to leave matches when they see you are there too, or correspondingly stop responding to your forum output. An account enables accountability, removing accounts removes accountability. Pretending to people who you have become very familiar with after countless hours of game sessions and partnership in code projects, for, it must have been years, to be a a total stranger is joining the discussion under false pretenses. I can't keep track of how often you have intentionally posted profanity in order to become muted, changed your nickname after we kicked you many times already and how often we banned your multiple smurf accounts and your original account temporarily. Last time I logged into the lobby I only saw you shouting "why the @#$% am I not muted". Saying that you don't understand the rules and that it was unintentional is something that works the first 5-10 times, but at some point I cannot take this as honest and good faith anymore. We just had the same discussion about your "accidentally lost" lobby account password last week already with at least two other lobby accounts. Given that you have bragged on the lobby that you have intentionally changed your phabricator password so that you lose access makes me doubt whether your lobby password loss was an accident. But in case that you have created the cloud9 forum account because you merely lost your forum password: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/lostpassword/.2 points
1 point
W.W-ptl vs s0loooy0-britons 2019-01-07_0001 WW vs S0loooy0.zip W.W very and good eco and full pop, my pop in the frist attack is low and stop my production for defense,1 point
Guys I am not talking about anyone in particular, but I think this is kind of turning into a personal argument and I feel that isn't appropiate in my opinion.1 point
Yes, Vercingetorix surrendered; Alesia is an example of a city that was not taken by assaulting the centre. Here are two famous examples of sieges that were taken by force: The siege of Argos (Plutarch Pyrrhus 31–34), in which the city gates were opened by traitors, Pyrrhus' army occupied the city centre, but failed to take the fortresses, from where the defenders counter-attacked and managed to defeat the invading army The siege of Syracusae (Livy XXV.23–32), in which Archimedes excelled and died. The Romans repeatedly tried to take the city by direct assault but where repulsed. Subsequently they tried blockading the city both on land and sea, which was not entirely successful either. Later the Syracusans participated in a festival honouring Artemis; the Romans launched a surprise attack before dawn and quickly overran most of the city. The defenders kept control of a major citadel, the Achradina, and the siege dragged on for months. The Romans continued to occupy most of the city and defended it against armies sent by the Sicilians and Carthaginians, which later left because of a plague. Meanwhile the Romans conquered other Sicilian cities, but they failed to seize the Achradina. The citadel was finally taken when one of the mercenary captains in charge defected to the Romans and opened a gate to let the Romans in during the night. Afterwards the Syracusans surrendered and only then was Syracusae fully conquered. Regardless, I think the gameplay experience is more important than historical accuracy when deciding whether or not the fortress should have a territory root.1 point
what I want is to add buildings to be built for a Roman citizen for example. Added a library, other temples etc.... Sorry for my English, I'm French:)1 point
@coworotel Hey, been busy with other things, but work on the mod is still being made! I'll share some screenshot of some of the work that has been made soon. @Angen Been doing some research as I want the mod to be historically accurate as much as I can.1 point
I think the dev should not refuse those who wants to volunteer if they really qualify. It’s free service and hope they don’t abuse it. I think faction02 and Kim_jong_un are good candidates for consideration because imo they are really moderates , and OPdim as well to cater to not so good English speaking Spanish players. So we can have German, maybe Asian and Español extra mods.1 point
Thick fabrics (woven or not woven) is the only one attested for sure. Pliny specify that both the Parthians and the Gauls use felted fabrics tremped in vinegar, which is able to resist a blade or fire (a bit exagerated but it is plausible). Moreover Polybius says during the battle of Telamon that the non-naked Gauls are protected against javelins by their tunic. There is a Parthian find: https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/325987 Scythians use felted fabrics for various things: https://flextiles.wordpress.com/2017/10/16/scythians-warriors-of-ancient-siberia-at-the-british-museum/ https://www.apollo-magazine.com/art-diary/scythians-warriors-of-ancient-siberia-british-museum/?map=active Padded armor seems to be a thing for the Roman Imperial Era: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/70fz17/did_roman_legionnaires_wear_gambeson_under_their/ No worries, I am busy as well. Good luck with your courses.1 point
welcome to WFG community we have this kind of funny and borg- isn't kind of sensitive. he even crush other players (in multiplayer) he is very unmerciful.1 point
1 point
1 point